Can be good to the extent of giving everything for her.
But I am a person and more twisted, I never take the initiative to show extraordinary good to her, but to her what he said is absolutely obedient to the words, if you understand the words I just said?
It's that I'm good to her in a much better way than I would be good to an ordinary person. For example, if I found that she was in a bad mood, then I will certainly try to find ways to please her, in order to make her mood a little better, I can go to run all over the city to buy her favorite food, you can go online Baidu consulting everything I emotional god, get all I can find, can make her happy method, not hesitate to self-destructive image, in front of her performance clowns and so on.
But if it is to others, her mood is good and I have a gross relationship, will not be able to urinate, at most, to give two sentences of polite concern? If she encounters any difficulties, I will definitely try to help him by all means, using all the methods available to me, paying for everything I can, and if I can help her a little bit, I will find it worthwhile.
While I said earlier that I would never show extraordinary kindness to her, these examples I just gave are really just ordinary degrees for me, degrees that I take for granted, degrees that I restrain and then restrain again.
In regards to the second sentence, my understanding of the point that I will do absolutely everything she says is that I will say yes to everything she says except for her asking me to give up my life, because I have my life to save to be good to her.
But all these things that I have done may seem to be near the limit, but all this goodness is not even a millionth part of the goodness that she has done to me, and that person is my mother!
A mother is really very great, the world's best people for you, probably your parents, when we are looking for the time, do not forget the people in front of you.