Hyperuricosuria The main reason for hyperuricosuria is the imbalance between the production and excretion of uric acid in our body. (1) Normal production and excretion are equal, and the blood uric acid value can be maintained in the normal range. (2) When uric acid production is excessive and excretion is unloadable, the value of uric acid in the blood rises. (3) When the production of uric acid is normal and excretion is reduced, the value of uric acid in the blood is also high. Precautions for high uric acid? In Chinese medicine, it is said that fish produces dampness and meat produces poison. High uric acid should pay attention to the following points can be: 1, do not eat seafood, especially squid, cuttlefish, shrimp, crab. 2, do not eat mushrooms, especially mushrooms, cilantro, nori. 3, eat less meat, especially animal offal. 4, no more side drinking, especially beer point drop not to dip. 5, the diet should be light, less greasy and less salt, eat more coarse grains. 6, happy spirit, continue to dance, often check. 7, with a little lipid-lowering tea is good. I hope it will be helpful to you. How to regulate high blood fat and high uric acid? The treatment of hyperuricemia is medication-based, supplemented by diet. The so-called gout is also known as hyperuricemia. Reduce foods high in purines in your daily diet. Reduce the intake of dry legumes, offal, yeast and germ. Avoid fried and greasy foods and drinking alcohol on an empty stomach. Gout is a metabolic disorder that affects the majority of obese people, so reducing excess weight and maintaining an average standard body weight will help improve symptoms, but you should not lose weight quickly in a short period of time. In addition, drinking enough water will help uric acid excretion. In order to control the intake of purines in the diet, purine-rich foods are categorized into two main groups. During the acute stage of the disease, avoid as much as possible foods that contain moderate or high levels of purines. Eggs, milk or milk products are used as sources of protein in the diet. In the non-acute phase, foods containing moderate amounts of purines can be consumed in moderation, but foods high in purines should be avoided. Soybeans and processed soybeans contain moderate amounts of purines, but their effect on the body's high uric acid is less than that of meat and fish, so they can still be consumed as a source of dietary protein, unless in the acute phase of the disease. When caloric intake is insufficient and too low, sugary fluids must be supplemented to avoid rapid decomposition of body fat tissue, inhibiting uric acid excretion, resulting in an increase in uric acid concentration in the blood, which in turn triggers the recurrence of ventilation. I. Eat meat, fish should be boiled after the soup. Because 50% of the purine are dissolved in water. Higher purine-containing foods are animal brain offal, chicken, duck, pigeon, fish and so on. Followed by beef, pork, lamb, rabbit, ham, sausage, bone marrow and so on. In milk, eggs, beans, mushrooms, mushrooms, rice, noodles, lotus root powder, walnuts, peanuts, chestnuts, vegetable oil, vegetables and fruits, seaweeds and other foods containing less purine. II. Diet should be vegetarian, rough some good. Should try to eat less meat oil, eat more vegetarian oil such as sesame oil, peanut oil, corn oil, rice bran oil, wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, canola oil and so on. Vegetarian oil than calendar to 1:2 is appropriate. Three. Drink more water, eat more vegetables and fruits and other foods rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Make the amount of urine per day to maintain more than 2000 milliliters, can make the body to generate excess uric acid sludge salts can be discharged with the urine.
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