I'm going to go back to work tomorrow, and I have a thousand worries and ten thousand little expectations intertwined. From the first aunts, we should try to learn from the aunts to bring children's techniques and operational skills, of course, a more important subject, is to observe aunts' practices which are not suitable for the baby, be sure to record, do not think that you remind a sentence will be able to change the people so many years of child care habits, and do not think that you can recall all the instructions before you go to work, be sure to record, parenting a lot of things are the details of the matter, you have a lot of things that are not suitable for the baby. The details of things, you hired aunts better, but also not as careful as the mother. I a **** experienced four aunts, each with their own strengths, and now Zorro four months, some of the general problems noted down, issued to the mothers still in the holiday a reference it.
The child is not panicked when he cries, not upside down, not trembling, not shaking, and blindly patting the press to be
Adults think that a very light action in the small child's body is actually amplitude has been very large, so do not shake upside down, trembling, or vigorously patting the back, shaking syndrome is so to, easy to cause intracranial hemorrhage;
The child is crying. Some aunts have found some acupuncture points, they will always press press press, do not the same location has been pressed all the time to rub the child, meridian acupuncture points are not so rub, and acupuncture points can not be so frequent stimulation.
Neck and spine to protect, practice standing a little early
The spine of the doll is not well developed, can not often vertical to support the back of the shrinking into a ball sitting, to see the certain reminders, can not be this way to sit, the power of the full pressure in the tailbone, the spine is still curved, the spine is crooked, remember to remember to back support, the same way the milk can not be used as a substitute for the milk, the same way the milk can not be used as a substitute for the milk, the milk can not be used as a substitute for the milk.
These are the first time I've ever seen a woman with a baby in her arms, and I've never seen a woman with a baby in her legs, so I've never seen a woman with a baby in her arms.
Bathing ear and nose to protect, baby safety is the most important
Hair washing, pay attention to the ears do not get into the water, do not get into the soap foam, to use a towel to flow to the ear around the foam, water to wipe off, in order to prevent access to the ear canal; pay attention to scratching the hair rubbing the hair to avoid not closed fontanel;
Into the basin of the bath, when lying on his back to wash the front, do not want to be in the bath, but to be in the bath.
No hunger, no feed, no hurt
Sometimes crying does not mean hunger, please pay attention to observe, generally no special reason (play, bath) two milk interval of not less than three hours, do not eat too much, so as not to cause the burden of the stomach, indigestion.
Freezing milk must be heated through
Freezing milk can be accelerated with ice water to melt, but not with hot water or microwave thawing, the melted milk shaking evenly poured into the bottle heated to 40 degrees, please pay attention to heating while shaking the bottle, so that the inside of the milk can be uniformly heated, to prevent the child from eating the uneven milk diarrhea.
After feeding, burp not nestled, do not shake not shaken to prevent spitting
After feeding, do not nestled in the child's stomach, it will be vomited; do not upside down or yo child, it will be vomited; do not immediately take a bath, it will be vomited; do not blowing the wind, it will be vomited; do not do sports, it will be vomited; do not tease the child, it will be vomited.
Drinking water at the right time, in small quantities, without choking
You can feed water, but it should be separated from the milk for at least 20 minutes, and the amount of water should not be too much, 3 tablespoons of water at the most (less than 10 milliliters) can be a small amount of time, so as not to cause a burden on the stomach, or even interfere with the eating of the milk. You can feed your child after a nap, before taking a bath, or after walking downstairs. The water temperature should not be too hot, as the child's mucous membranes are fragile, so you'd rather keep it low than hot. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the best products and services in the world, and you'll be able to do that with the help of your own personal computer.
Don't skimp on the diapers, change them often, change them often, change them often, change them often, change them often, and change them often. Diapers do not wear too tight, can not be less than 3, and to lean up against the stick, the stomach is easy to strangle flatulence, thighs can not be strangled.
Not stuffy, not hot in the summer, 26 degrees of good mood
The weather is hot, please do not skimp on the child to open the air conditioning, do not want to cool, but to 26 degrees, so that the child is comfortable, or else he will be hot and he will not eat well, do not sleep well, prickly heat, difficult to extreme, do not skimp on the air-conditioning, but also do not freeze to, 26 degrees.
The weather is hot, do not give the child cover too much, cover the stomach, wear socks can be, please legs and arms exposed to dissipate heat, otherwise the summer heat rash difficult on the child. Adult metabolism is far less than the child, do not use the adult warm and cold to judge the child. Just avoid direct wind.
Quiet hypnosis is the most useful, shaking to sleep can not have
Some children like to sleep quietly, you can try to hum a soothing song or loop play a gentle piano music to promote his sleep, do not talk to him all the time, talk, he will be irritable can not sleep;
Do not through the fast stroller, shaking the car to achieve the purpose of coaxing, which is the same as the rocking of the car. This is no different from rocking. Do not hold the left and right up and down shaking shake!
With a waist stool, listen to the song to sleep, to walk slowly, imitating the feeling of the child floating in the amniotic fluid;
Do not allow strangers to touch any part of the baby, especially the hands and face;
Sleeping wriggling has been a timely change of position, such as from the left side of the bed to the right side of the bed, and pat may be able to fall back to sleep.
The benefits of sunbathing are many, not red buttocks and long
Be sure to sunbathe, especially in the buttocks, and is lying down on the buttocks, where it is most likely to be red and broken. The first thing you need to do is to take vitamin D and put it in your mouth.
It's important to push the car smoothly, and drive safely
Maintain the distance to be safe, the bacteria love the mouth and hand
After washing the face to wipe the saliva rash prevention of moisturizer;
Maintain the distance to be safe, the bacteria love the mouth and hand
The bacteria love the mouth and hand
The bacteria love the mouth and hand.
Do not kiss the baby's face, mouth, hands, to avoid the spread of bacteria inside and outside the mouth to the baby;
Avoid the adult face contact with the child's face, because the adult grease secretion with bacteria similar to mites;
Avoid the face of the baby to wash the baby at a close distance to speak, because the droplets of the mouth with a large number of bacteria, the baby is still small, intolerant, too close to the baby, the baby is still small, too close to the baby.
Do not allow strangers to touch any part of the baby, especially the hands and face;
Wipe the hands of the child frequently, especially after going out, touching something else, lying on the bed for a while;
Pay attention to wash your hands before you hold the child, the high incidence of viruses that lead to diarrhea in the summer, make sure to go out and come back to wash your hands after going to the toilet, rotavirus fecal matter. The rotavirus is a fecal infection that spreads.
Disinfecting and drying is very important, cleaning and drying can not be less
Toys, soothers fell to the ground need to wash before giving the baby, so as to avoid the entrance of the bacteria;
Dabbing saliva cotton towel used can not be used again, and timely replacement of handkerchiefs and other items in contact with the baby's oral cavity;
Baby lying on the floor of the place to be padded separately, and separated from the adult. The baby should be placed on a separate sheet from adults, especially when lying on his back, to ensure that the sheet is clean.
Tips for bringing up your child
Rub your tummy regularly.
Wash your face with a slobber rash preventative moisturizer;
Help your child get to sleep if he's sleepy;
Don't force a pacifier on your child, but try switching to one when he's eating his hands and is quiet;
Rub your tummy and ventilate it often.
Finally, you should tell your aunt:
Please call your child by his nickname or first name, and don't replace it with "Bao'er" or "Baby" to avoid confusion in the future.
Attached is a copy of Luo's work schedule, I do not know if it is scientific, anyway, at present, so day by day to stay alive.
7:00 - 8:30 Wake up naturally - rubbing the stomach to defecate - washing face and hands - lying on the ground to dry the buttocks to read - breastfeeding
9:00 - 10:30 Push the car to walk - 30 minutes back to sleep - watching the big mother dancing
11:00 - 12:00 Breastfeeding - listening to piano music - cat nap 30 minutes
12:30 - 14:00 Playing - listening to piano music - cat sleep 30 minutes
12:30 - 14:00 Play - lying down - drying buttocks - reading
14:30 - 15:30 Breastfeeding - catnap for 30 minutes
16:00 - 17:30 Lying down to play - reading - bathing - drying buttocks
18:00 - 19:00 Breastfeeding
19:30 - 20:30 Bedtime preparations - coaxing
20:30 - Next day
20:30 - the next day 2-3 times to eat milk
And then a good day once again open
A few more words:
These days, our whole family is still fighting to make Zorro start to eat the bottle in the battle, these two days are like a war, the poor Zorro just do not eat, kicking and screaming, socks are kicked, and tired and angry sleep over, the corner of the eye still hanging tears, and then again because of not eating the bottle, the poor Zorro is not eaten, fist, kicking and crying, kicking and crying. Then he woke up hungry and cried again because he hadn't eaten. ...... I really didn't think that he was still eating bottles in the month, but now he actually resisted, and overestimated the time left for him to adapt, and here to remind the future surely return to the workplace of the baby mother, be sure to let the baby eat bottles on a regular basis, and then in advance so that he can adapt to continuous bottle days, or you have to be as passive as me, and I don't know that I'm really not at home tomorrow, what will happen, how to end up ......