What is Cantonese Rhythmic Exercise for Primary Schools?

Cantonese Rhythmic Exercise for Primary Schools is created by Ni Huiying, a famous Cantonese Opera artist, and the KWEA team by combining students' gymnastic exercises with Cantonese Opera stances.

Rhythmic Gymnastics is a gymnastics program that uses balls, sticks, hoops, ropes, bars, and bands to compete in a field with a flexible number of participants, which can be singles, pairs, or more than three people. Rhythmic gymnastics combines the characteristics of ballet, gymnastics, dance and other programs. Square Dance is also known as Dam Dance. Square dance is the most huge system in the art of dance, because more in the square gathered and named, integration of self-entertainment and performance as one, to the collective dance as the main form of performance, to entertain the body and mind as the main purpose.

Square dance is the residents of the spontaneous fitness for the purpose of square, dam and other open space on the rhythmic dance, usually accompanied by high decibel, rhythmic music accompaniment. Square dance in the public **** place by the masses of spontaneous organization, the participants are mostly middle-aged and old people, of which the majority of older women. Square dance is a dance created by the people, is exclusively for the people's dance, because of the different nationalities, different regions, different groups so the dance form of square dance is different. Step dance is actually square dance.

The sense of rhythm plays an extremely important role in musical instruments. The same piece of music, rhythm mastered well, you can make the performance of live and God, very colorful; rhythm mastered poorly, it will make the performance of flat dull, tasteless.

Therefore, an aspiring instrumentalist should, on the one hand, go deep into life, be knowledgeable and familiar with the characteristics of various rhythms; on the other hand, when dealing with music, we should comprehensively analyze the rhythmic characteristics of the music, and experience its inherent rhythmic characteristics.