How to Dance at Prom 3 Ways to Dance at Prom

Catalog Method 1: Dance to a Fast Song1.Bob your head to the music.2.Move your feet to the beat.3.Stretch your arms.4.Add in some hip action.5.Keep an eye out for other people's moves and see what your friends are doing on the dance floor.6.Sing a few lines of the lyrics.7.Move around.8.Dance to your heart's content with your dance partner. Method 2: Dance to a slow song.1. Position your arms correctly.2. Position your feet correctly.3. Start dancing.4. Don't feel uneasy about matching your current role to that of a traditional ballroom dance.5. Chat a little. Method 3: Set the house on fire and dance to your heart's content.1. "Milk the Milk. "2. Try "Runner Runner. "3. "Punch the Rhythm. "4, "Wax your car. 5. Comb your hair. 6. Fish. 7. Try the Harlem Shake. 8, Be prepared to dance in sync with others to bring down the house. You may have thought that all you had to do was find the perfect date for prom, but now you're worried that you have no idea how to dance at prom. Don't worry: dancing at prom is all about moving your feet to the beat, learning some slow dance steps, and relaxing to keep up with your partner's rhythm. To find out how to dance at prom and make the most of this magical night, all you need to do is follow these steps.

Method 1: Dance to a fast song

1. Shake your head to the music. It's inevitable that you'll be a little nervous when you first hit the dance floor, whether you're accompanied by your partner or a group of friends. The first thing you need to do is find a little rhythm. Once you get the feel for it, you can bob your head to the music and gently swing your body back and forth to really get into it. Get your shoulders moving, too, by gently shrugging your shoulders up and down as you bob your head.

Don't just nod your head up and down like a robot. You can follow the feel of the music and gently sway from side to side.

2. Move your feet to the beat. If it's fast, you'll have to find the pace; if it's not a slow song but is relatively slow, you can slow down accordingly. If you're a complete beginner, there's no need to put too much effort into your footwork technique; just bend your knees and rise and fall to the music. The important thing is that you move your feet, not that you look professional. Once you are used to moving your feet, you can start to try the "two-step". This is a step that requires you to step one foot to the right with your right foot, bring your left foot to the right, and tread gently on the floor; then repeat the same movement with your left foot.

3. Stretch your arms. With your head, shoulders, and feet already immersed, you can start stretching and moving your arms. Remember, ideally you should be moving all parts of your body at the same time; starting with your head and your feet will help you feel the melody, but it doesn't mean that you have to keep your arms stiffly folded at your sides, like a dead fish. You can wave your arms up and down, down to your knees and up to the top of your head, as if you're dancing while cleaning a window. Mixed Moves. Dance your arms on either side of your body, then raise them high above your head.

Don't underestimate the impact of a "lift" at the right time.

4. Add hip movement. The hips are a separate and integral part of your dance moves. You can follow the music by bobbing up and down or side to side to fit in the movements on your feet. Ladies, if you're not shy, you can even do a hip swivel to the beat.

5. Keep an eye out for others and see what your friends are doing on the dance floor. You can pick a friend who is confident and has a great sense of rhythm as someone to watch and see what she is doing. Now is the time for you to steal the show. If a single move has bored you, you can pick some relatively simple hand and foot combinations and see how they work. If your friend is doing it and it looks good, you can try the same moves. You should also dance with a song in mind. If it's a fun tune with a regular rhythm and people are clapping their hands to the beat, join in.

6. Sing some of the lyrics. You can't go wrong doing this when you're feeling puzzled. Look at your friends, opening their mouths and singing the lyrics, bobbing their heads and acting like they're having so much fun that they don't care what others think.

7. Move around. Don't just stand still in one place from start to finish, or just dance in that narrow two-square-foot space. Slide your feet around to find your friends. Stay interested and even have a short chat with your friends or dance partner - if you don't have to shout over the din. You can form a circle with your friends and take turns going to the center of the circle to show off your dancing skills. Don't be nervous: dancing in the center of the circle is a bit of a goofy thing in itself, no matter who does it.

8. Dance to your heart's content with your partner. If your partner is a wallflower (originally a girl who was uninvited to a dance, but later used generically by both men and women to refer to someone who doesn't participate in a particular activity due to shyness or being left out in a social situation) and doesn't want to join you and your friends right away, you can wait for a couple of songs before pulling him/her off the dance floor. But if you and your partner are dancing to a fast song, you'll have to make sure you're actually enjoying yourselves while being careful to keep the tempo consistent and your bodies at the right distance. Some schools have rules about the distance that should be kept between men and women while dancing, so make sure you know you're not overstepping the rules. After this, have fun. When a fast song is playing, you can still do the same thing you do when a slow song is playing: the guy can put his hands on the girl's hips, and the girl can put her hands around the guy's neck.

If you want to dance close to your partner, make sure it's allowed by school rules. After all, such moves are more provocative than other dance moves.

Method 2: Dance to a slow song

1. Position your arms correctly. Before taking a step, you and your partner first need to position your arms correctly. For slow dances at prom, arm movements are much simpler than in traditional slow dances. The guy simply rests his arm on either side of the girl's waist, while the girl wraps her arm around the guy's waist. Depending on the level of intimacy you desire, you can keep a foot or foot-and-a-half (15-30 centimeters) away from your partner while dancing.

Girls should plan the height of their heels in advance. The height of the heel should not be higher than your partner's or be able to be at his level, otherwise it may create a bit of embarrassment during the slow dance.

2. Correct foot position. Keep your head at a distance of 2.5-5 centimeters to stand facing your partner, and don't touch your toes to each other or you may bump into each other; you can stand with your toes staggered or let the girl's feet rest on the inside of the boy's feet. Keep at least 1.5 feet (20-45 centimeters) between your feet so that you can move from one side to the other without any obstacles during the dance.

3. Start dancing. The essence of slow dancing is to relax and stretch as much as possible. All you need to do is position your arms in the right place, keep a decent distance from your partner, pace back and forth, and shift your center of gravity between your right and left feet without lifting them. If you want to do some twirling, just stride to the beat with your partner. If you are comfortable with this simple dance movement, you can start to try the "parallel movement": that is, the first step to the right of the right foot, followed by the left foot and step pointing to the ground, and then do the same movement in reverse, left foot to the left, and the right foot, and repeat the cycle? You just have to be careful to stay in sync with your dance partner.

4. Don't feel bad about pitting your current role against that of a traditional ballroom dancer. While in the true sense of a slow dance, the man leads and the woman follows in the man's footsteps-specifically, the man should take one of the woman's hands and guide her in the direction she's taking her own steps, and the girl has to follow to make sure she doesn't stray off the track-but If you have to harken back to those traditional proms of the golden age, there's really no need. Nowadays, all you need to do is move your feet back and forth from one side to the other. If your partner wants to dominate the dance, you just have to follow his cues and move in the direction he's moving; but for the most part, you don't need to go back and forth much.

Just remember to dance to the rhythm of the music. Not all slow dance music has the same melody, so you may need to adjust your footwork a little depending on the situation.

5. Chat a little. If you and your dance partner are in the heat of the moment, then sure, you'll be rocking out and gazing eagerly at each other in that setting. But for most people, a silent slow dance can be a bit boring or even awkward, so don't be shy about hitting on your partner, cracking jokes, or just making brief small talk. You can talk about how you like or hate the song that's playing, compliment your partner's looks or dancing skills, or talk about the other people around you. Just try to do things that make you both relax and feel happy.

Method 3: Bring the house down and dance to your heart's content

1. "Milk the Milk". This dance looks silly, but it's undoubtedly a current classic. All you have to do is bend your knees and bounce up and down while rotating your hands and fists above your head as if you're actually milking a cow. Do this for 30 seconds or so with a serious expression on your face, and everyone around you is bound to burst out laughing and join in.

2. Try "The Running Man". This is an awesome move that will have you laughing for a while, and it's very easy to do. All you need to do is hang one foot in the air so that your thigh is parallel to the ground, then put it back down and lift the other foot at the same time. While lifting and lowering your leg you can either wave your arms exaggeratedly and pretend you're leaping forward, or you can slide your arms back and forth as if you're skiing or elbowing someone. This move works best when paired with a Carlton Banks-esque smile.

3. "Shock the Rhythm". Take a cue from "Jersey Shore" and jump up and down while rotating your hands and swinging your fists at the ceiling. Just pick a song and follow the beat. Don't be embarrassed if you accidentally blurt out something like "Come on, baby!" Don't be embarrassed if you accidentally blurt out something like "Come on, baby!

4. "Wax the car". Bend your knees and rotate your left and right hands to wax your car: one hand makes a circle for about three seconds, then moves to the other side and repeats with the other hand. It's even better if you do this at the same time as your friends.

5. "Comb your hair". First, look confident; next, turn to your left, put your right hand in your hair, and pretend you're combing it to make yourself more radiant and attractive. Bounce up and down and repeat this while turning to the other side. Keep doing this until your hands get sore, or until you feel like you've broken the charm barrier.

6. "Fishing". At prom, you can do this at least 2-3 times before the crowds of people come and go and make your eyes water. All you have to do is throw the line away like a fisherman, and the target is your friend - the big fish. Keep the jumping motion and avoid standing still in one place. Next, lean back and start reeling in your line as if your friend is a big, massive fish. Your friend, in turn, needs to puff out his cheeks and push his hands against his cheeks, pretending to be a fish hooked on your line.

7. Try the Harlem Shake. When the music starts, wait for the lead dancer to start moving and take over the dance. Once you get the feel of it, start swinging as hard as you can, as long as you're passionate: lean back, bend your knees while wildly flailing your arms, swinging your fists in the air, bobbing your head, or anything else that looks like an epileptic seizure. Don't worry, this dance lasts a minute or two at the most, so it's all over before you start getting misty-eyed.

8. Be prepared to dance in sync with others to set the house on fire. Every prom plays songs that are specifically paired with specific dance patterns. It's actually kind of fun to research what you're actually supposed to be doing, and generally all you need to do is master some basic dance moves and follow the movements and rhythms of the majority of the crowd. If you don't want to sit in silence and look like a wallflower no matter what song's playing, get a head start by familiarizing yourself with the following dances: "Cupid Dance and Trace"

"Teach Me How to Dance the Dougie"

Sauced. Boys' "Crank That"

