After the rise in blood pressure, the head of what performance "can not hide"?

High blood pressure also has a memorable title of "invisible killer", because there are many people whose blood pressure just exceeded the standard, and did not pay attention, but do not know that high blood pressure is a lot of more serious diseases "stepping stone".

Statistics show that China now has more than 300 million patients with high blood pressure, which means that in 5 people, there may be a high blood pressure patients.

High blood pressure, the head, remind: head if three kinds of performance, to pay attention to

Performance 1: headache

Headache is considered to be one of the more obvious symptoms of high blood pressure.

When the body's blood vessels continue to rise, abnormal dilation of blood vessels occurs, resulting in irritation of the artery walls and pain.

A lot of people with high blood pressure have significant pain when they wake up in the morning, but most of them get relief after activity and after breakfast.

Performance 2: Dizziness

Dizziness is not too obvious, so many patients will ignore their high blood pressure.

Because our blood pressure is not always stable and unchanged, and in the morning when you get up is the peak of blood pressure, high blood pressure, people, when you get up in the morning because of the abnormal rise in blood pressure, resulting in insufficient supply of blood and oxygen to the brain, the dizziness of the performance.

Performance 3: Tinnitus

Patients with high blood pressure will also experience tinnitus when they get up in the morning.

When our blood pressure is continuously rising, some organs in the ear will be affected by the lack of blood supply, so that the hearing is reduced.

If you experience a constant buzzing sound in your ears, it is best to get it checked.

If you don't want your blood pressure to go over the limit, do 3 less and 4 more

"3 less"

1: Eat less salt

Salt is a known risk factor that can raise blood pressure, so why?

Sodium, a component of salt, causes sodium ions to build up in the blood vessels, increasing blood flow, and also causes cellular edema, leading to narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels, which can lead to higher pressure in the blood vessels, which also raises blood pressure, similar to the plumbing in the home, the plumbing flow of water in the plumbing, the plumbing pressure will be elevated similar reasoning.

2: less smoking

Smoking is very harmful to human blood vessels, because it produces nicotine will stimulate vasoconstriction and damage the endothelium of the blood vessels, so that atherosclerosis is accelerated;

Smoking also affects the metabolism of lipids, and also impedes the discharge of lipids in the blood, which will also make the arteries faster. The atherosclerosis rate is accelerated.

So, if you want to protect the health of blood vessels, you should quit smoking as soon as possible.

3: eat less chili pepper

There are a lot of people who belong to the spicy crowd.

But people with high blood pressure should pay attention to eat less chili peppers, because chili peppers are very typical hot food, after eating chili peppers, not only will affect the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs, but also lead to a more serious condition.

In addition, after eating too much chili pepper, it is easy to lead to dry stools, at this time, everyone will be unconsciously hard to defecate, resulting in a short period of time the abdominal pressure rises, the blood pressure will also rise very quickly.

So, if you want to stabilize your blood pressure level, you should eat less chili peppers and drink as much hot water as possible.

"3 more"

1: pay attention to sleep enough

Want to stabilize the level of blood pressure, pay attention to their own sleep time, the quality of sleep is also very necessary.

Because nowadays everyone is used to staying up late, which leads to the imbalance of the process of cortical excitation and inhibition, and if the sympathetic nerves are over-excited for a long period of time, the level of blood pressure will rise.

So make sure you don't stay up too late, and make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep at night.

2: Control your emotions

Why do we always have to be reminded to keep our emotions stable?

When we are very angry and furious, our body secretes a large number of hormones, resulting in blood pressure also fluctuates up and down, while in the relaxed and happy time, the secretion of all these hormones will be reduced.

So, it is important to control your emotional stability and avoid sudden and excessive mood swings.

3: Do more aerobic exercise

Doing more aerobic exercise that suits you can help relieve your nervous sympathetic nerves, and also release a lot of substances that can make blood vessels dilate, which can make blood vessels stretch better and help stabilize blood pressure.

The Guide has also pointed out that blood pressure at rest can be effectively lowered after persistent exercise, and that the stabilizing effect on blood pressure brought about by exercise can be maintained for 10-22 hours, even if you exercise for only 10 minutes or more at a time.

If you keep doing aerobic exercise for a long time, you can imagine the positive effect on your blood pressure.

It is recommended that you do exercises that are easier to stick to, such as tai chi, bicycling, jogging, walking and square dancing. But exercise must pay attention to the amount of energy.