What is the meaning of the word jian for identification?

Question 1: What is the meaning of the word jian of identification and comparison jian jiàn

① (name) mirror (made of copper in ancient times).

② (verb) shine: the water can be clear ~.

③ (verb) to look carefully; scrutinize: ~ don't | ~ determine.

④ (name) something that can be used as a warning or cited as a lesson: cited as ~ | the front cart overturned; the rear cart of ~.

⑤ (verb) old-fashioned epistolary phrases; used after the opening address; indicating an invitation to read the letter: Hui ~ | Tai ~ | Jun ~.

『Reverse order』 龜~|借~|钧~|年~|赏~|图~|殷~|印~|惠~|台~|殷~不远|前車之~

Question 2: What is the meaning of appraisal? A. Identification refers to my work, study, labor for a period of time or job transfer and participation in temporary work at the end of the advantages and disadvantages of my own written summary and the organization to do the comments. Such as: cadres appraisal, student appraisal, student graduation appraisal, work appraisal, labor appraisal, social education appraisal, the organization formally issued by the appraisal of cadres performance materials as cadres to transfer the basis of the official investigation of the comprehensive materials Second, the identification refers to the identification of the case to identify the facts of the case to solve certain specialized problems in the case, by the investigating authorities to appoint or hire people with expertise on the case of the specialized issues of the science Appraisal is a kind of investigative behavior in order to find out the facts of the case and solve certain specialized problems in the case. The appraisals often used in investigations include criminal technology appraisal, medical appraisal of personal injuries, medical appraisal of mental illness, price appraisal of seized items, appraisal of cultural relics, and appraisal of judicial accounting. According to the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law, the identification shall comply with the following procedures: 1. The investigating authority shall assign or hire an appraiser, who must have specialized knowledge and skills appropriate to the specialized problems required to be solved in the case, and the appraiser shall have no interest in the case or the parties involved in the case or in any other circumstances that may affect the making of objective and impartial appraisal conclusions. 2. The investigating authorities shall provide the necessary raw materials and identification of the appraisal needs to know about the case, and clearly put forward the requirements of the appraisal to solve the problem, but shall not imply or force the appraiser to make some kind of identification conclusion. 3. Appraisers should be in accordance with the rules of identification, the use of scientific methods for identification. Appraisal should be issued after the identification of identification, and signed by the appraiser. If more than one appraiser *** with the identification, can be discussed with each other, reach agreement with the identification of *** with the conclusion, each appraiser should be signed; if the views can not be consistent, they can be put forward their own views, and their respective signatures. Appraisal can only be involved in the case of specialized factual issues, do not have the right to make a judgment on the case of legal issues. 4. For personal injury medical appraisal of the disputed need for reappraisal or medical appraisal of mental illness, by the provincial people *** designated by the hospital. Appraisers appraisal, shall write a conclusion, and the appraiser's signature, stamped with the official seal of the hospital. 5. The investigating authorities shall be used as evidence of the identification of the conclusion to inform the suspect, the victim, if the suspect, the victim to apply for additional identification or re-identification, can be supplemented. 6. Appraisers intentionally make false identification, the circumstances are serious constitute a crime, shall be investigated for perjury shall be held criminally responsible; not yet enough to criminal punishment, shall be subject to administrative sanctions according to law. Third, appraisal refers to, with the appropriate ability and qualification of professionals or institutions by the corresponding power or management functions or institutions entrusted, according to the conclusive data or evidence, the corresponding experience and analysis of argumentation on a thing to put forward objective, impartial and authoritative technical arbitration opinion, this opinion as the commissioner to deal with the relevant contradictions or disputes in the evidence or basis.

Question 3: What is the meaning of identification test? Appraisal refers to my work, study, labor for a period of time or job transfer and participation in temporary work at the end of the merits and demerits of the summary written by myself and the organization to do the comments; appraisal refers to the case in order to find out the facts of the case, to solve the case of certain specialized issues, the investigating authorities assigned or hired by the people with expertise on the case of the specialized issues of a kind of scientific identification and judgment of the investigative behavior; appraisal means, with the appropriate ability and qualification of professionals or professionals. Appraisal refers to, has the corresponding ability and qualification of professionals or institutions by the corresponding power or management functions or institutions entrusted, according to the conclusive data or evidence, corresponding experience and analysis and argumentation of a thing to put forward objective, fair and authoritative technical arbitration opinion, this opinion as the commissioner to deal with the relevant contradictions or disputes of the evidence or the basis.

Inspection: (1) inspection and verification. (2) test to determine the nature, characteristics, composition, etc. of a substance, or according to certain requirements and standards to check the quality of the test object of the degree of excellence.

Question 4: What is the meaning of forensic forensics Forensic forensics refers to the process of litigation, the case of specialized issues, by the judiciary or the parties entrusted to the statutory appraisal unit, the use of professional knowledge and technology, in accordance with the statutory procedures for identification and judgment of an activity.

In February 2005, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress adopted the "Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the Management of Judicial Appraisal", which stipulates that the state shall implement a registration management system for appraisers and appraisal organizations engaged in the following judicial appraisal business:

(a) forensic appraisal;

(b) identification of physical evidence;

The law on the matters specified in the preceding paragraph of the management of appraisers and appraisal organizations otherwise provided, from its provisions."

Question 5: What does the word "appraisal" mean 1.

Also known as "appraisal". 1. Identify and determine the authenticity of the thing. 2. Song Lu You "trek in the courtyard of Dongpo post": "Identification of fine review, no post suspicious." Ming Ye Xianzu 《鸾q记? Pinnacle Poetry": "Drip dew research Zhu is not grassy, from the identification of the people without special." Ming Dong Qichang, "Preface to Yuan Bo Ying's Poetry": "If Bo Ying's (Yuan Keli's son) poems, lush Tang people, the world's Zhong Rong can identify themselves, nothing to be evaluated!" Mao Dun "aggrieved": "The cut style of this dress, if to the drama troupe to manage the props of the expert saw, will identify it is the fashion of the year."


Refers to the identification and evaluation of a person's merits and demerits, origin, strengths and weaknesses. Wu Han's "Under the Lights? Talking about Cao Cao: "The appraisal of 'treacherous hero' is the creation of Xu Shao." Ding Ling, "The Sun Shines on the Sanggan River," 10: "He is especially careful about the identification of ingredients." Du Pengcheng, In the Days of Peace, Chapter 2: "Yo!

Question 6: What does it mean to identify the authenticity of cultural relics Jian Answer Nouns Explanation


Jian jiàn (2) perfect insight, review [scrutinize] g pole is not identification. --The "Lüshi Chunqiu" (吕氏春秋) is a book about a man who is not able to see and hear. The sound is suitable for the voice, and it is not possible to see and hear. --Tang? Li Chaowei "Liu Yi biography" (3) also such as Jiancher (Mincha); Jianda people (Mincha people. (3) also as Jiancher (明察);鉴达人(鑑事人. Matters of fact);鉴貌辨色(察颜观色;看脸行事);鉴事(明察事事) (4) look after [reflect]. 如鉴人(照人);水清可鉴;鉴微(照见细微的东西) (5) 旧时书信套语,表示请对方看信 [may i draw your attention to the following]. 如某先生台鉴;惠鉴;钧鉴 (6) 借鉴,鉴戒 [warn] 哀之而不鉴之。 --The following is an example. 杜牧《阿房宫赋》 鉴别 jiànbié [distinguish;differentiate;discriminate;evaluate] 审察辨别 有比较才能鉴别 鉴定 jiàndìng (1) [appreciate;identify;authenticate. determine]: to identify and judge the truth or falsity of something, its merits or demerits He could not identify artistic characteristics (2) [hallmark]: to assess the merits and demerits of a person The two major demerits and the two major merits are to identify the late judge's work performance 鉴戒 jiànjiè [warning; object lesson] can be contrasted and cited as a lesson 引为鉴鉴鉴谅 jiànli àng [pardon] 體體察 àng [pardon] 体察实情,给以谅解 接待不周,务乞鉴谅 鉴貌辨色 jiànmào-biànsè [look at the face and distinguish its colors--to examine countenana] 同見貌辨色 " I came to look at the face and distinguish its colors to examine countenana. The gentleman's embrace can be known, and there is no need to separate the snow. --The Dunhuang Transformations. 伍子胥变文 鉴赏 jiànshǎng [appreciate] appraisal and appreciation of cultural relics, works of art, etc. Opening up old houses for appreciation by tourists鉴往知來 jiànwǎng-zhīlái [foresee the future by reivewing the past; in examining the past, we shall be able to know the future] 鑒往知來 jiànwǎng-zhīlái [foresee the future by reivewing the past; in examining the past, we shall be able to know the future] 看往昔,可预知将来 鉴于 jiànyú (1) [in view of; in consideration of; in connection with; seeing that; in reguard to]: about; taking into account Given that he served there (2) [in the light of]: due to, in accordance with, according to In view of the development of current events, his arguments seem to be quite acceptable Given the original jiànyuán [pardon] to realize the real situation and to forgive The etiquette is not good enough, and it is necessary to beg for a complaint in order to give it to the original Given (鉴)jiàn ㄐㄧㄢa (1) Mirror. (2) To shine a light on a person. (3) Observe, scrutinize and distinguish. ~To determine. ~To appreciate. ~To (see, perceive). 台~(书信用语,表示请人看信。 (Also used as "hui jian" and "jun jian"). ~To know from the past. (4) Something that can be used as a warning or a lesson is borrowed from ~. ~The warning is that the cart in front of you is not ready. The cart in front ~. 郑码kdmp,u9274,gbkbcf8 笔画数13,部首金,笔顺编号2231434112431 --------------------------------------------------------------...... >>

Question 7: What does the jian of identify and compare mean It means to distinguish and separate.

Question 8: What is the meaning of the word jian of identification and comparison jian jiàn

① (name) mirror (made of copper in ancient times).

② (verb) shine: the water can be clear ~.

③ (verb) to look carefully; scrutinize: ~ don't | ~ determine.

④ (name) something that can be used as a warning or cited as a lesson: cited as ~ | the front cart overturned; the rear cart of ~.

⑤ (verb) old-fashioned epistolary phrases; used after the opening address; indicating an invitation to read the letter: Hui ~ | Tai ~ | Jun ~.

『Reverse order』 龜~|借~|钧~|年~|赏~|图~|殷~|印~|惠~|台~|殷~不远|前車之~

Question 9: What does appraisal mean? The meaning of appraisal Meaning is to draw specific conclusions about a thing through observation and identification Nowadays, it is commonly used to examine the jewelry and jade of Tongbao Fortune to check its age and material, as well as its belonging to the hand of a famous artist This is jewelry appraisal It refers to the evaluation of my work, study and labor, and I write my feelings through the experience of this period of time, and then it is usually evaluated by the teacher or a higher department Concerned about the National Tongbao Cup Tianjin Tongbao Fortune Square Dance Competition

Question 10: What is the meaning of appraisal? First, identification refers to my work, study, labor for a period of time or job transfer and participate in the end of the temporary work I wrote a summary of the advantages and disadvantages and the organization to do the comments. Such as: cadres identification, student identification, student graduation identification, work identification, labor identification, social education identification, the organization formally issued by the identification of cadres performance materials as the basis for the transfer of cadres to the official investigation of the comprehensive materials Second, identification refers to the identification in order to ascertain the facts of the case, to solve the case of certain specialized issues, the investigating authorities assigned or hired by the people with expertise on the case of the specialized issues of the science Appraisal is a kind of investigative behavior in order to find out the facts of the case and solve certain specialized problems in the case. The appraisals often used in investigations include criminal technology appraisal, medical appraisal of personal injuries, medical appraisal of mental illness, price appraisal of seized items, appraisal of cultural relics, and appraisal of judicial accounting. According to the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law, the identification shall comply with the following procedures: 1. The investigating authority shall assign or hire an appraiser, who must have specialized knowledge and skills appropriate to the specialized problems required to be solved in the case, and the appraiser shall have no interest in the case or the parties involved in the case or in any other circumstances that may affect the making of objective and impartial appraisal conclusions. 2. The investigating authorities shall provide the necessary raw materials and identification of the appraisal needs to know about the case, and clearly put forward the requirements of the appraisal to solve the problem, but shall not imply or force the appraiser to make some kind of identification conclusion. 3. Appraisers should be in accordance with the rules of identification, the use of scientific methods for identification. Appraisal should be issued after the identification of identification, and signed by the appraiser. If more than one appraiser *** with the identification, can be discussed with each other, reach agreement with the identification of *** with the conclusion, each appraiser should be signed; if the views can not be consistent, they can be put forward their own views, and their respective signatures. Appraisal can only be involved in the case of specialized factual issues, do not have the right to make a judgment on the case of legal issues. 4. For personal injury medical appraisal of the disputed need for re-appraisal or medical appraisal of mental illness, by the provincial people *** designated hospitals. Appraisers appraisal, shall write a conclusion, and the appraiser's signature, stamped with the official seal of the hospital. 5. The investigating authorities shall be used as evidence of the identification of the conclusion to inform the suspect, the victim, if the suspect, the victim to apply for additional identification or re-identification, can be supplemented. 6. Appraisers intentionally make false identification, the circumstances are serious constitute a crime, shall be investigated for perjury of criminal responsibility; not yet enough criminal punishment, it shall be administrative sanctions. Third, appraisal refers to, with the appropriate ability and qualification of professionals or institutions by the corresponding power or management functions or institutions entrusted, according to the conclusive data or evidence, the corresponding experience and analysis of argumentation on a thing to put forward objective, impartial and authoritative technical arbitration opinion, this opinion as the commissioner to deal with the relevant contradictions or disputes in the evidence or basis.