KAT-TUN Details

Johnny's office's popular group, the group name by the members of Kamenashi Kazuya, Akanishi Ren, Junsuke Taguchi, Tanaka Sei, Ueda Ryuuya and Nakamaru Yuichi six members of the name of the first letter of the combination. 2001 formed in 2001, after five years of formation of the group's debut in March 22nd, the same day will be released at the same time DVD, albums and singles.

[edit]Kamehashi Kazuya


Birthday: February 23, 1986

Blood type: B

Birthplace: Tokyo

Height: 171

Weight: 55KG

Shoe Size: 26.5 CM

Brothers: 2 elder brothers, 1 younger brother

Strengths: Practical, responsive, and always the one to talk to. He is always the one to talk to, but always goes to Takizawa for advice.

Weaknesses: emotional ups and downs, self-centered, easily irritated.

Special Talent: Baseball

Favorite Color: Black

Favorite Number: 223

Favorite Season: Autumn

Favorite Sport: Baseball

Average Sleep: 5~6 hours

Average Bath Time: 5 minutes (==b)

Respected Seniors: Hideaki Takizawa, Kazuya Ninomiya

Necessity: Hair dressing

Self in 10 years: Father of 2 children

Experience of falling out of love: 1 time (kindergarten)

Record of making phone congee: 4 hours

Thing that calls him number 1: Dancing

Goal: Debut. Of course, it's not just about debut, but also about trying out new challenges and expanding your performance stage. The six of them are friends and foes, so that they can learn from each other, and KAT-TUN can grow stronger.

Previously attended school: Private Oshiai Shinmei Kindergarten (Lily Class)

Edogawa City Oshiai Second Elementary School

Edogawa Matsue Third Junior High School

Metropolitan Mizumoto High School (sophomore year off)

Previously participated in the baseball team: Elementary school one year softball team "Oshiai Victory. "

Sixth year of elementary school, participated in the "Junior Softball World Championship" as an infielder

Junior high school, hardball team "Edogawa Higashi Little League"

October 1999, joined j2000 east. Joined j2000 east as a captain and pitcher.

Groups he has been in: "j2000", "kat-tun"

TV appearances:

June 1996 "Terrorist Sunday"

"ジャパン☆ウォーカー"("Japan Walker")

March 2001 "The Worst Drama of All Time. ト第16话:吸血鬼なんか怖くない」 ("The Worst Date Ever: Vampires Aren't Scary at All")

"the night もヒッパレ" ("Tonight is Crazy Too")

January 2005 "ごくせん2" ("Yakuza Freshman Master 2")

tbs- - "3 Years Group B Mr. Jinpachi" ("3 Years Group B Mr. Jinpachi")

"3 Years Group B Mr. Jinpachi スペシャル" ("3 Years Group B Mr. Jinpachi Special")

nhk-"ポップジャム" ("Pop Jam")

September 2005 "金田一少年の事件簿 vampire伝說杀人事件" ("Kindaichi Junior's Incident Book Vampire Legend Murder Incident")

October 2005 "Nobuta. をプロデュース」(《野猪大改造》)




2009年1月「神の雫」(《神 Drops of God"

May 2009 "MR.BRAIN" ("mr.brain")

Advertisements: Lotte "クランキー"、"Plusx"(crunky,plusx)//p>

Stage Plays: "shock"、"dream boy"、"summary"、"Hey! say Centering on the third part. Set for a grand release in Japan on July 11th, Kazuya Kamehashi's character Ryu Odagiri also returns to assist Yamakumi, with kame playing the role of a trainee teacher in it. Shun Oguri from the first movie will also star, and the movie features a large number of popular artists from Japanese dramas.



Birthday: July 4, 1984

Blood type: O

Birthplace: Tokyo

Height: 178CM

Weight: 61KG

Shoe size: 26.5CM

Sight: 1.5 left and right

Brothers: 1 brother

Strengths: Some degree of perfection. Strong appetite.

Shortcomings: a bit strangely impatient. Hates waiting for people, but has been known to make people wait.

Special talents: finding stunts is his specialty. Haven't found one so far though.

Favorite things to do: sleep, shop.

Favorite food: roast pork, pasta

Favorite drink: carbonated drinks

Favorite color: red, white, black

Favorite animal: dog

Favorite number: 4, 7, 12

Favorite season: spring

Favorite subject: sports

Hateful time: Morning

Hated Subject: English

Hated Color: Earthy Yellow

Average Sleep Time: 7 hours

Average Bathing Time: 30 minutes or more

Hobbies: Music Appreciation

Treasures: Family, Friends

Respected Senpai: Hideaki Takizawa, Kazuya Ninomiya, Masaaki Aoba

Respectful Senpai: Masaaki Takizawa, Kazuya Ninomiya, Masaaki Aiba

Respectful Senpai: Kazuya Ninomiya, Kazuya Aiba

Necessity: MD

Experience of falling in love: 6th grade of elementary school

The thing that calls him number one: Basically, he can't find the word "lose" in his dictionary because he doesn't want to lose. If it's about not wanting to lose, he's number one. And fast food is also very good.

Goal: To show a style that no one else can imitate.

Akanishi Ren's Yearbook


June Participated in the dubbing of the Japanese version of the American movie "Speed Racer"


October Mainly served in the NTV TV drama "Idle Club" as Matsuzukume Mimiroku

March 19th Returned to the United States to finish his studies in the U.S., and on the next day, officially held a press conference, resumed acting activities

The press conference was held at the end of the day, and the press conference was held on the next day, and the press conference was held on the next day. resumed acting activities


October 12 JOHNNY'S official website released a message announcing that In-kun stopped all activities and KAT-TUN continued as a five-member group


December Appeared in the drama 'Anego special' as Akihiko Kurosawa

April Appeared in the NTV Drama "ANEGO" as Akihiko Kurosawa


December 31-January 1 count concert [johnny's "big surprise" countdown]

December December 28-29 kat-tun winter concert [kat-tun live pirate sail]

December 13 ~ 16 Nippon Television single-issue TV series [Hate Christmas]

August 8 ~ 29 [johnny 's theater "summary" of johnny's world]

July 24 Takeru & Tsubasa concert Bangkok, Thailand

July 4 Takeru & Tsubasa concert at the Tokyo International Forum with Kame. Taki & Tsubasa's concert at Tokyo International Forum on July 4. Guest appearance with Turtle

May 28 oa TV Asahi [music station]

May 8-23 Umeda Stone Lion Theater [dream boy] "takki edited"

April 30-May 7 Umeda Stone Lion Theater [dream boy KAT-TUN & Seki Jini 8 eds

January 8 ~ January 31 Imperial Theater Stage play [dream boy]


December 31 ~ January 1 Count Concert

December 8 kat-tun 1st photo album [kat kat-tun 1st. in new york] on sale

November 18 ~ oa Rakuten [xylitol with plusx green apple] cm

August 12 ~ 20 [kat-tunの大冒険 de show]

August 8 ~ 10th kat-tun summer concert [ ko nianmo ah tai ヘン thanku natsu ]

August 1 ~ 3 beach volleyball 2003! sang "distant promise" and so on, and also did the commentary of the game

July 25 Asahi TV [music station]

July 23 『laughing っていいとも』kat-tun

May 13 kat-tun summer concert schedule was released! & published Thailand Garth jr. was established

April 16 nhkbs-2 [ザ 少年倶楽部]//p>

March 31

March 29 ~ May 5 peers [Takeru & Tsubasa concert "tobe, tobe tenmade tobe "]

March 19 ~ 24 [パタヤミュージックフェスティバル 2003]

March 4 ~ Rakuten クランキー "fresh white" is on sale! new cm 『クセ编』

January 8 [shock is real shock]

p> 2002

October 19-20 [Taki & Tsubasa hatachi de debut giant hits concert with all Johnny's jr.]

September 8 oanhkbs-2 [ザ? Juvenile倶楽部]//p>

September 3 ロッテクランキー's cm appearance! [Capsule's Rustic Sound Edit]

August 26-28 Matsuzukiza, Osaka kat-tun concert

August 10-11 Kokusai Plaza, Tokyo kat-tun single concert

August 9 oa TV Asahi [music station August 9, Asahi TV's [music station] solo appearance as [kat-tun]

August 7, Kansai Junior's concert [another] cameo appearance

June 4 - end of June [shock]

May 17 - 19, Taki & Tsubasa's Taiwan performance

April 27 - 29, [Kick]

April 27 - 29 [Kick]

June 4 - end of June [shock]

May 17 - 19, Taki & Tsubasa's Taiwan performance

April 27 - 29 [kick odaiba2002]

March 29 to May 6 [Zunisen Junior concert Taki & Tsubasa Zunisen Junior General Appearance]

March 19 to 25 [パタヤミュージックフェスティバル2002]//p>

March 16 oa Nippon Television 『the night mo hikpare! Debut as kat-tun

March 9 oa Nippon Television [the night's もヒッパレ!]


December 1 ~ appeared in the show drama [shock]

October ~ oa Nippon Television [japan☆walker]! Turtle, Dojin together in "on a roof" to implement the greening project on the house

October 7 Zunis Great Games

May 11 ~ 13 with kinki kids Hong Kong, Taiwan

May 3 ~ June 3 [Zunis Junior concert Taki & Tsubasa 21st Century of the duel]

April 7 nhk [ pop jam] with kinki kids in a show "Kikkoman"

April 7 [ pop jam] with Kikkoman. pop jam] officially appeared as kat-tun

April ~ September oa appeared ft Shiseido [shibu leeds] cm

March winkup March issue with Yamap, Dojin. Jimmy on the cover

February 25 oa abc broadcast [teenagers in the real night] debut

February 18 oa Nippon Television [the biggest date ever ~ the biggest netizen ever! ~] Manjiro

January ~ March oa Asahi TV's drama [Your oracle Yoshi is crying] Naoto Inoue


December 9 wild ball Bo injapan ~ Hanshin tai gaas olices ブル-wave Osaka Kintetsu buffer rosej2000 mixed team game. Venue Osaka Giant Bomb.

November 26 oa Nippon Television [Horrible Sunday 21st ~ final ~]

September 2 oa Nippon Television "the night もヒッパレ!". debut

September ~ oa rote ice "cool" cm with Takizawa-kun & Makino-kun ****

September 3 ~ October 15 [Zunisen Junior <Tokyo ※ Osaka ※ Nagoya > 3 big huge bomb concert]

September in nhkbs-2 [Junior Club] 1st Junior Figh won!

July - December Nippon Television "Sunday Horror"

May 18, oa Fuji Television's drama [The Sun That Never Sets], 6th episode

April 3 - May 7, he appeared in "Zuni Junior Spring Concert 2000"!

April ~ June oa appeared in the nhk drama [dress up, here first]! Yamato Blue Plateau

nhkbs-2 "Za? Junior Club" started broadcasting

March 20, participated in the j2000×Osaka Kintetsu Buffer Rose Special Team Competition. Location Osaka Giant Bomb

February 13 oa nhkbs-2 "mj" first performance


December 19 oa Nippon Television [Horror Sundays - New Chapter - Chapter 12 ~ Hakkodasan ~]

December 18 j2000 Taiwan Earthquake Charity Baseball Tournament

October 17 j2000 "The Great Earthquake in Taiwan" was held in the city of Osaka. >

October 17 oa Japan tv [Scary Sunday - new chapter - 3rd time - Starfish]

October 9 Zunis Junior Special <10/9> Pitching <10/9> concert Tokyo dome

September 22 oa Japan tv Asahi [8 o'clock dj] final

September 1 oa tv Asahi 『8 o'clock dj』

September oa nippon tv [Terrible Sunday ~ Cell Phone]

August oa nippon tv [Terrible Sunday ~ Drowned Teenager]

May 16 oa nippon tv 『っポイ! 2nd episode Murata

April 18 oa Nippon TV [Hot Blooded Love Road ~ Pisces Type A Boy] マサル

February 8 oa tv Tokyo Department [Love love love big]

January 17 oa tv Nippon Department 『Hot Blooded Love Road ~ Leo Type A Boy』 Suzuki Nobuhiko


December 27th to January 6th [Zunis Junior winter concert]

December kinki kids concert first appearance

December 11th oa mステ first appearance!kinkikids 『happyhappygreeting』

The seniors that I respect the most are Takizawa and Aiba

November 8 joined the office

April First appearance in April myojo

Second appearance on stage [この芝居には燃えたね~]playing a passerby


Jin's first performance! Bunkaikai [ブレーメンの音楽隊]



Birthday: November 29, 1985

Blood type: AB

Place of birth: Kanagawa Prefecture

Height: 184CM

> Weight: 62KG

Shoe Size: 27CM

Strengths: Smile

Weaknesses: Not steady enough, and lately he keeps forgetting what he just said. Special Talent: The ability to keep a smile on his face at all times. And telling old man jokes.

Favorite food: raw fruit

Favorite number: 1129

Favorite season: summer

Favorite flower: lilies

Dislikes: raw wild greens

Calls him #1: stuntman

Goal: Can continue to try different things. Grow with other members.



Birthday: November 5, 1985

Blood type: B

Place of birth: Chiba Prefecture

Height: 170.6CM

Weight: 56~57KG

Shoe size: 25.5 CM

Strengths: Sincere to friends. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.

Weaknesses: A little impatient lately.

Special talents: finding everyone to toast. Just kidding, it's actually swimming. Piano and Karate, these 3 took him 5 years, especially Karate, which has a near black belt in it lately.

Favorite food: Beef

Dislikes: Bell peppers, persimmon peppers, carrots

The thing that calls him #1: Abs. Although he was very thin in elementary school, he started to be able to work on his abs when he entered middle school, resulting in the results he has now.

Goal: 10 years later, and the current members to organize a "celebration of the 10th anniversary of the formation of the army". The team is not only different from each other, but also complement each other.



Birthday: October 4, 1983

Blood type: B

Place of birth: Kanagawa Prefecture

Height: 171cm

Weight: 52kg

Shoe size: 26.5cm

The first step is to make the first step to the second step. CM

Strengths: Works hard at everything

Weaknesses: Too much ego. Special talents: playing basketball and boxing games, his strength even surrendered to the boxing machine in the playground

Favorite things: Beef, beef steak

Favorite words: Hard work

Treasures: Books, play scripts in which he acted in the play

Respected senpai: Tsubasa Imai, Tsuyoshi Donmoto

Things that he is called the first place: Attentive, gentle first, flexible first. First, first in gentleness, first in flexibility, and when it comes to flexibility, he thinks he's as good as anyone else

Goal: To make KAT-TUN the best group in the world, and whether it's funny or cool, he wants to be able to handle it with ease, and to act naturally

[Edit]Yuichi Nakamaru

YUichi Nakamaru Nakamaru Yuichi

Birthday: 1919, Yuko Imai, Donmoto Kong

Respected seniors: Tsubasa Imai, Kong Donmoto

Things he calls number one: Carefulness, gentleness, flexibility. p>

Birthday: September 4, 1983

Blood type: O

Birthplace: Tokyo

Height: 176CM

Weight: 55KG

Shoe size: 26.5CM

Eyesight: 1.0

Brothers: Sisters 2 (Komaru and Tiny Komaru ~~ HOHO)

Strengths: diligent in learning dance, cheerful. Ride a bicycle to and from school every day. One way about 15 minutes. Not afraid of students.

Shortcomings: Often buy things on impulse, and every time I buy something, I go over budget.

Special talents: soccer dancing and free throw shooting (for basketball?). I'm not very good at free throws, but I'm working hard on them, and one of my favorite things is to laugh along with them (swooning)

Favorite color: black

Favorite food: raisins

Favorite subject: Math

Disliked subject: English

Respected senpai: Yonahana Goshi, Machida Shingo

Call him. Number one thing: Dancing

Goal: I want to put on a concert that everyone will want to see

Appear in a Japanese drama

『Rescue』Rescue Hero - Kitajima Earth

[Edit] Interesting Facts about the Members

Kamehameha: One of the hottest rising stars in Japan! One of Japan's hottest rising stars

Kamehashi is the youngest of the group, but the one with the most buzz. Kamehameha originally wanted to be a professional baseball player, but at the age of 12, his older sister took the liberty of signing up for Janis, and his father lied to him, saying that he would "take you to visit the graves," so he auditioned for Janis, and eventually stayed in the showbiz industry.

Last year, with the Japanese drama "极道鲜师Ⅱ"(港译 "我Miss系大佬Ⅱ"), and "wild boar big transformation" of the popularity of the hit, and successively won the Oscar known as the Japanese drama academy awards, "Best Supporting Actor" and "Best Actor" award. He won the "Best Supporting Actor" and "Best Actor" awards at the Japanese Drama Academy Awards. He sang his own lyrics to the theme song "Trip" in "Yakuza Freshman II", and during the run of "Wild Boar Makeover", he formed a temporary limited group "Shuji and Akira" with Janis's Tomohisa Yamashita, releasing their debut single "Youth AMIGO". The album sold a staggering 2 million copies, and was the only single to break the one million mark in 2005, when it won the No. 1 spot in the ORICON singles category of the 2005 Japan Public Service Chart. He then starred in the unit drama "Kindaichi Junior Incident Book - The Legend of the Vampire Murders", becoming the third male star to star as the teenage detective Kindaichi after Tsuyoshi Donmoto and Jun Matsumoto. The series enjoyed high ratings thanks to the charismatic appeal of its first two protagonists, and Kamenashi was able to make a breakthrough despite the pressure of his predecessors. It's an eye-opener. Kamehashi has become one of the hottest new stars in the Japanese entertainment industry, with both his looks and acting skills recognized.

Akane: captured the hearts of countless women

When Akane participated in the Janis audition was not selected, but found that the number plate on the body has not been returned, so asked a "strange grandfather" to return the number plate to whom, I did not expect to ask is the president of the office of Kitagawa, and was told that He was told, "You can stay too!" Today, he has as many fans as Kamenashi.

Starting with his collaboration with Kyoko Fukada in "Christmas, It's Most Annoying", then "Yakuza Freshman II", and then "Anego", which boldly challenged the sibling relationship, Akanishi Ren has not only made the student population scream, but also succeeded in capturing the hearts of countless white-collar women, and has been viewed by the TV drama industry as the successor to Takuya Kimura and Hideaki Takizawa. In the "12th Janis Jr. Awards" announced by the Japanese idol magazine Myojo, he edged out Kazuya Kamehashi to take first place in the "Most Desirable Lover Jr." category for the third consecutive year, and in 16 other categories, including "Sexiest" and "Most Sexy". He has also won 16 other rankings, including "Sexiest", which shows his popularity. He is also one of the most skilled singers in the group, and is able to produce a dolphin sound that many girls can't even imagine.

Taguchi: The baby-faced power dancer

The tallest member of the group has a baby face. Junnosuke Taguchi is good at jokes, backflips, and tap dancing, which can be seen in "KAT-TUN" concerts and variety shows. When he was in the sixth grade, Taguchi asked his parents to send his resume to the Janis office because he admired the idol group SMAP, but it took two years before he heard back from the office, and at that time, he had almost given up on his hopes of entering the entertainment industry. Recently, Junnosuke Taguchi has taken on a new drama, HAPPY, in which he plays a tennis boy, which will be officially staged in April.

Tanaka: The RAP King Who Writes His Own Lyrics

The RAP king of the group, who performs the RAP parts in all of KAT-TUN's songs and writes a large portion of his own lyrics, was 12 years old when Tanaka Sei came across the program "Janis Grand Collection" by accident, and was inspired to want to appear on TV, and asked his mother to send in his resume. He asked his mother to send him a resume. His mother took a picture of Tanaka just waking up from a nap, and the staff at the office laughed so hard that they decided to let him audition for the show. 2001 saw Tanaka appear in the TV series "NeverLand" with his office mate Imai Tsubasa, and last year he made a cameo appearance in "Kintaiyoshi Junior Incident Book" starring Kazuya Kamehamehashi. This April, in the new drama "Thank You for Your Love," Tanaka Sei will play a troubled student in his third year of high school.

Ueda: The Boxer with the Sexy Lips

Ryuya Ueda has plump lips that the other five members of the team don't have, and his appearance has a strong visual effect. He claims that he joined the Janus Agency because he was taught by his family as a child to find a well-paying job, "I wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer, but I thought I was too stupid and had to join show business." Ryuya Ueda has always been a strong composer, and although he appears to be the quietest on stage, in private he is a basketball and boxing expert.

Nakamaru: A ventriloquist who is often "bullied"

The kindest of the group. Often "bullied" by the others in entertainment programs, Ryuya Ueda once joked: "Except Nakamaru, don't participate in sports activities with other members of KAT-TUN. They'll do anything to win, and when they lose, they'll say whatever they want." In addition to soccer and dancing, Nakamaru also specializes in ventriloquism and is the group's ventriloquist (human beat box) expert, a specialty that is often used in KAT-TUN songs.

[edit]History of KAT-TUN

KAT-TUN is a group of six sunny and handsome boys, who first met each other when they danced for the kinki kids' predecessor, Koichi Donmoto. The group name "KAT-TUN" was given by the president of Janis. At the beginning, they thought it was very old-fashioned when they heard the name which was made up of the initial letters of each of them, but it was because of this name that they started the first step of KT.

Support from seniors

Because each of the six members had their own style and behavior, they had to go through the time when the seniors did not think highly of them because of the discordant movements of the members. Often, when they danced for the seniors, their movements were uneven in order to emphasize themselves, and the seniors said that their movements were scattered and the whole group was untidy. All of them were not looked upon favorably by others, and they were even told not to appear on the stage. It was Hideaki Takizawa's support that allowed them to take the microphone and sing for the first time as backup dancers at a concert. Thinking back to that time, the players would sincerely thank Hideaki Takizawa for his tolerance and encouragement that gave them confidence.

The time of Junior Club

Junior Club, which is the whole process of witnessing Kt's transformation from boys to men, has gained full popularity as their long-time performances in the Junior Club have made everyone recognize these six big sunny boys. And, it is also a wonderful memory time for Kt, with the cooperation of Sekiba and news on stage, the cm combination of Nakamaru and Koyama, the funny artist of Saint and Nakamaru, and the sex and charm shown by Kamenashi Kazuya and Akanishi Ren, so that people fully affirmed their hard work and sweat, and saw in addition to the singing and dancing, the lively and active different kt. Therefore, the Junior Club is not only an ordinary The program is not only a common program, but also a step forward in kt's life. Therefore, Kt also declared that they will not graduate from the Junior Club after their debut because they have left deep feelings here, and they don't want to leave the jr. who used to laugh and smile together on the stage.

CD debut

In the five years of kt group, they witnessed the debut of three teams Taki & wing, Guanba and news, and as the same period of time, they were not able to CD debut as they wished. Although the staff was important to them every year, they almost gave up on disbanding because of the wait. Finally, after the member Kazuya Kamehashi came of age, President Kitagawa absolutely kt debuted, making kt unbelievably turn into real singers. And the first single "REAL FACE" was released to the public after two days and two nights of intensive closed shooting. The single even achieved a staggering 1 million plus after sales, becoming one of the few teams in Japan's history to reach number one on the oricon charts upon debut, and was the number one song for 3 weeks, and was the only million-breaking single of the year. Completed the first step of kt debut, and a successful one.


Before the debut, kt has already started the concert, and at the same time there are 550,000 people seeking tickets, so it is hard to believe the high popularity of kt in order to return the love of 550,000 people and held a concert in one day for 11 shows, breaking the historical record in Japan. And after the concert, kt six people also try to write lyrics and compositions, respectively released in the concert, Kamenashi's "trip", Akanishi's "care", "purple" --- Tanaka Sheng's original rap untamed lyrics and another professional also look at the city, Nakamaru's ventriloquism, is kt's strength by leaps and bounds. The soprano voice of Akanishi Ren, the bass voice of Kamenashi, the raps, the ventriloquism, and the harmonies of the other members of the group all testify to the fact that kt is not only an idol group, but also has the qualities of a well-rounded singer. The props used in the concerts also took a lot of effort on the part of the team, each dress is handpicked, and some of the dresses are also carefully processed by the team members, and in the creative process, there are also full of team members to spend effort. The concert in recent months, but also let the Japanese media publicized is the first ever Tokyo Dome 8 days in a row, plus other venues 13 days of the feat! It is said that the concert staff lunch box alone a day to 100,000, a total of **** mobilization of 688,000 people! The fans are more than enough to buy tickets, it is reported that Kita Chuan has considered whether to apply for the Guinness Book of World Records.