Currently walking, square dancing and other emerging social sports began to develop, but there is no special set of sports venues for it, the existing venues are based on special activities, a large area of "square dance type" less open space. As a result, most square dances are held in large open spaces near shopping malls and parks, and some people even choose to walk on the main road. There are even masses of people in the social basketball court for personal exercise, this phenomenon seriously affects the original site of the activities of the athletes, resulting in contradictions.
In many economically developed areas, the social professional sports venues and for-profit venues, but the daily fitness of the masses less, often in the working day will appear professional sports venues are vacant, the number of people involved in sports activities is relatively small, the majority of the population only on weekends or holidays to have time to carry out sports activities. In some regions with more backward economic development, there are more people who want to participate in sports and have more spare time for daily work, but there are fewer professional sports venues, which can't satisfy the public's demand for sports. The two regions have differentiated differences in the habits and ways of mass physical exercise, while there is also a large disparity in the setup of sports venues, showing an imbalance between supply and demand.
From the point of view of the new type of mass physical exercise program represented by square dance and "storm troop", most of the participants are middle-aged and old, and they do not have high requirements for the program venues, but they need a lot of open space, and they do not have a high enough degree of knowledge about the professional program venues, and they think that their behaviors are reasonable to be active in the professional venues. Basketball, badminton, volleyball and other activities represented by the project, the participants are relatively young in age, and have a certain degree of specialization, its sports cognitive degree of special venues is higher, there is a clear project division, for the occupation of special venues for emerging projects feel unreasonable.
Emerging physical activity is emerging more rapidly, and there is no fixed standardized activity place. Square dancing, walking and other physical exercise modalities are developing rapidly, there is no fixed site restrictions, the masses gather collectively in the open space, or temporarily unused professional venues. It is easy to create conflicts over the use of venues with local managers or the people exercising in professional venues.
While there is a division of sports venues, a part of the more developed areas of economic development, weekend hours of professional sports venues are often in short supply, in the more backward areas of professional sports venues tend to be vacant for a longer period of time. Better economic development of the city compared to the economic backward areas of the fast pace of life, the number of people participating in sports activities in their free time is less, but the number of people participating in the weekend time, the overall utilization rate of the venues is not balanced. The pace of life in economically backward areas is not fast, free time is more, the masses can be sports venues are not enough, thus creating a contradiction between supply and demand.
New sports activities in the absence of a fixed activity site, some of the people involved in exercise will occupy a large area of sports activities, and the standardization of the use of the activity site exercisers prone to conflict. Part of the specialized venues lack of professional stadium managers, there is no clear signage, some of the participants in the emerging sports activities in the absence of a specific site, choose to play sports activities in no one's professional venues.