How to lose weight while breastfeeding?

Having a baby is a happy thing.

But there are often two things that baby moms can't accept:

1. How come the swaddled child is so ugly?

2. Why am I so fat in the mirror?

Of course the child will get cuter and more folded.

But the mommy won't necessarily lose weight.

In fact, losing weight while breastfeeding is not a difficult task;

And the war on weight loss starts as early as the menstrual period.

About 6 weeks after giving birth is the time for the mother's body to fully recover. During this time, the weight will naturally come back off as the hormones change rapidly.

Why don't some people go back down, but up instead?

Because of eating wrong.

Some people have looked at the diets of Chinese mothers and found that they don't consume enough grains, cereals and dairy products.


Because Chinese women in labor are drinking pig's foot soup.

Pig's feet are rich in collagen and are a nutritional supplement for women in labor; this is ancient wisdom.

But it's nowhere near as good as the whey protein in milk; that's modern research.

So the lactation effect of drinking milk is actually superior to pig's foot soup.

Also, grains and potatoes mixed grains are rich in fiber, which is good for the maternal gastrointestinal tract.

So a relatively low-fat, high-fiber, high-quality protein diet is a double guarantee of health and weight loss during the month.

1. low-fat: less of all kinds of broth, less greasy fried food;

2. high-fiber food: bamboo shoots/kelp/mixed grains/fungus/radish/eggplant, etc.;

3. high-quality protein: milk/eggs/beans, etc.

As for exercise, I think, from the third week onwards, mom is already capable of doing some simple exercise to soothe the tiredness caused by labor.

In fact, foreign mothers, although they don't sit on the moon, they go to postnatal rehabilitation centers and do some proper exercises, which are more conducive to postnatal recovery.

For example,

1. head and neck exercises, letting the chin try to be close to the chest when lying down flat;

2. leg lifting exercises: alternately straightening and lifting the legs when lying down flat;

3. abdominal breathing exercises;

4. slow leg aerial cycling and so on.

The right side of the picture is an example of head and neck exercise; please lie flat when operating

After the monthly period, except for breastfeeding, in fact, there is not much difference between the baby mother and a normal woman anymore.

In terms of diet, the main things that affect breast milk are proteins and vitamins; that is to say, as long as you make sure to get enough proteins and vitamins, and control the total number of calories appropriately, you won't noticeably affect the amount of breast milk.

Instead, a well-balanced diet is more conducive to improving the quality of breast milk than a "tonic" diet.

So, I personally recommend that on the basis of protein (high quality protein) and vitamin (fruits and vegetables) intake, the negative balance of calories for breastfeeding mothers can be around 300 kilocalories.

(That is to say, the calories eaten are 300 kilocalories less than the calories consumed. This can be estimated using various calorie counting software.)

As for some of the poor physique of the baby moms, find a reliable Chinese medicine, appropriate use of dietary therapy or even Chinese herbal medicines, tonify the qi and blood, improve the physique, do not worry too much about affecting the mengbao. For example, if you have a weak spleen, you can drink yam and millet porridge; if you have a weak qi, you can drink astragalus and ginseng water and so on.

After all, anemia also affects breast milk quality.

Mother and child are one and the same; the healthier the mother is, the stronger the child will be.

Mother and child as one

When it comes to exercise, a mother who has had her first month can gradually increase the intensity of her exercise.

Yoga/flat support/backbends/upper body training (stop training technique)/air cycling/shift walking/jogging, etc., are all possible.

The first few exercises can be done indoors and won't interfere with the mom taking care of her little one.

Of course, it is still recommended to take it step by step.

Oh, the most important thing I forgot to mention is that breastfeeding is also very helpful for weight loss.

Because breastmilk contains a lot of fat, which is essential nutrition for babies.

For the mom, that fat, on the other hand, is the baby helping you "liposuction" the process.

If you are still worried about losing milk due to dietary control, I would recommend that you consider other factors that affect your breast milk.

1. Psychological factors

2. Lack of sleep

3. Illnesses such as colds and fevers

4. Lesions in the breast itself such as cracked nipples/mastitis

Mother and child bonding, all in one

At the time of breastfeeding, in the 4th or 6th month, when the baby is starting to eat complementary foods, use formula, etc., or when the baby has already started to use the breastfeeding program, the mother may have to take some time off from breastfeeding. If the baby has gradually added complementary foods, used formula, etc., or if the mother has stopped breastfeeding but her weight is still high, it is time to increase the intensity of the dietary control.

For example, there was a previous case of a breastfeeding mother who went on a light fast one day a week under my guidance. If you are interested, you can reply to "light fasting" in the public number "Dr. Qiu said" on WeChat for reference.