Wedding day, the bride proposed three chapters of the covenant. First: In the future, the husband's money, are given to his wife for safekeeping, they are not allowed to spend at will. Second: the family can not just come to the guests, both parents shall not be borrowed for any reason. Third: the wife has the final say on the birth of the child, and can also follow the mother's surname, the man's family shall not interfere.
Because of these three requirements put forward by the bride, the two men quarreled, and finally the groom directly picked up his own microphone to announce: "Today's wedding, not closed, such a woman I can not afford to marry, withdrawal. "
I personally feel that the bride put forward three requirements in addition to the first can be accepted, the other two are really very excessive, in my case, I can not accept. To tell the truth, the bride this is to get an inch to the limit.
Whether it is a man or a woman, treating the feelings must not be oversteppedWhether in life, or in the relationship and marriage, the most comfortable state between people, often to maintain the necessary distance and sense of proportion, each other, should be more respect and understanding and tolerance. However, in this world, people get along with each other is actually very difficult, whether it is friends or relatives, or lovers and couples, always full of stumbling, contradictory friction.
In fact, this is also very normal, is inevitable. Life is always trivial, everyone has a temper and weaknesses, as long as you grasp a good bottom line and sense of proportion on the good, there is no need to be too serious about some things, everything can turn a blind eye, try not to take it seriously, let it pass.
Some things, and must allow themselves to retain a bottom line, especially do not have a bottom line to condone an inch of people! Some people are like this, when he does not know how to respect you, never go to think differently, never go to accommodate you, you do not need to go to condescend to yourself, it is not worth it. It's not worth it. It's the same between friends, and it's the same between husband and wife.
Getting an inch is a terrible weakness in human nature, and for such a weakness, once found, to be determined to fight back and say no, never self-indulgence, and do not condone others. Faced with the life of those who have the inch, if he does not know, you do not need to pretend to be confused, and should not go easily spoiled him. Only to its do not accept, not avoid, not indulge, in order to maximize the "save" him, but also to avoid their own hurt.
When one side of the relationship and the other side of the low head, but the inch, the time to continue to stay
In the feelings of one side of the choice to the other side of the low head, first of all, the angle of thinking is a problem is wrong. Your lover is not your superior, your leader. From your use of the word "bow". You can see that you do not think you are wrong inside and are not willing to apologize to each other just to be able to be together and then helplessly chose to do so. Each of us is used to make concessions in order to solve a problem at the moment, but he really cares about the mistakes you made this time?
1, he prefers is to see you really change, so that the two of you will have a future, if only to solve the problem this time and give in, then in the other side of the view that you are only for the sake of solving the solution to solve, is not to see the future.
2, if you get along, you have been in a high position, then in fact he is used to be in a low position of this state, but because you can not find a solution, and choose to bow down and admit fault, he will have a great rebound. Taking advantage of this time you are willing to bow down while recalling once you to her all kinds of requirements, accusations. He will maximize this time to return to you, but in fact this state is not what she really wants.
If you have been together for some time, then you still want to cherish this relationship. In the future you still want to be in the high position of feelings, but occasionally give each other some care some little woman state will be better. Feelings are needed to regulate. If you choose to break up this time, the next one is not necessarily as good as him, and there will certainly be new problems that you can not solve.