Shirley Temple (child star)
Rodin (sculptor)
Napa Valley (wine region)
Peugeot (automobile)
Cole Porter (musician) Let's Fall in Love, the 1928 musical score for Paris
Scott Fitzgerald (author) Zelda Fitzgerald (author) Jean Goucaudot (author)
Josephine Baker (dance singer) Ernest Miller Hemingway (author) Juan Belmonte (bullfighter) Mark Twain (author) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Gertrude. Stan (author)
Pablo Picasso (painter) Pigalle Place Coco Chanel (fashion designer) Amédéo Modigliani (painter) Georges Braque (sculptor) Juan Miro (painter)
Joseph Turner (painter) Gustave Caillebotte (painter)
Archibald MacLeish (author) Duna Barnes (author)
Archibald MacLeish (author) Barnes (writer)
Salvador Dali (painter) Louis Bu?uel (director) Man Ray (photographer)
T.S. Eliot (writer) The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock The Waste Land
Henri Matisse (painter)
Henri de Toulouse-Rautrec (painter) Edgar Degas (painter) Paul Gauleau (painter) Edgar Degas (painter) Paul Gauguin (painter)