2020 Hubei University for Nationalities Admission Minimum Score Line for Each Specialty (Outside Province)
Province Name Specialty Name Admission Minimum Score Subjects
Hebei Chinese Language and Literature 543.1 Arts and History
Hebei Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 530.1 Science and Engineering
Hebei Electronics and Information 529.1 Science and Engineering
Hebei Computer Science 533.1 Polytechnic
Hebei Urban and Rural Planning 547.1 Liberal Arts
Hebei International Economics and Trade 528.1 Polytechnic
Hebei Tourism Management 542.1 Liberal Arts
Hebei Musicology 507.1 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Hebei Dance 507.7 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Hebei Fine Arts 532.2 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Hebei Visual Communication Design 538.4 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Hebei Environmental Design 533.4 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Shanxi Chinese Language and Literature 515.1 Arts and History
Shanxi Journalism and Communication 516.1 Arts and History
Shanxi Sociology 512.1 History
Shanxi Ideological and Political Education 510.1 History
Shanxi Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 492.1 Science
Shanxi Mechanical and Electronic Engineering 498.1 Science
Shanxi Information and Computing Science 493.1 Science
Shanxi Statistical Sciences 492.1 Science
Shanxi Electric Engineering and Automation 498.1 Science
Shanxi Electrical Engineering and Automation 498.1 Polytechnic
Shanxi Electronic Information 499.1 Polytechnic
Shanxi Computer Science 503.1 Polytechnic
Liaoning Information and Computing Science 480.1 Polytechnic
Liaoning Clinical Medicine 470 Polytechnic
Liaoning Japanese 448 Polytechnic
Liaoning Physical Education 124.9 Physical Education (
Liaoning Physical Education 119.2 Physical Education (Science)
Liaoning Social Sports Instruction and Management 124.4 Physical Education (Science)
Liaoning Social Sports Instruction and Management 118.4 Physical Education (Science)
Jilin Information and Computing Science 439 Polytechnic
Jilin Electrical Engineering and its Automation 443 Polytechnic
Jilin Computer Science 444 PolytechnicJilin Traditional Chinese Medicine 497.1 History
Jilin Japanese 0 Polytechnic
Heilongjiang Electronic Information 418 Polytechnic
Heilongjiang Environmental Science 416 Polytechnic ?
Zhejiang Ideological and Political Education 577 Comprehensive Reform
Zhejiang Computer Science 552 Comprehensive Reform
Zhejiang Clinical Medicine 582 Comprehensive Reform
Zhejiang Biological Engineering 566 Comprehensive Reform
Zhejiang English 576 Comprehensive Reform
Zhejiang Business English 567 Comprehensive Reform
Zhejiang International Economics and Trade 568 Comprehensive Reform
Anhui Musicology 685 Art (not divided into arts and sciences)Jiangxi Chinese Language and Literature 543.9 Arts and History
Jiangxi Statistics 520.9 Science and Engineering
Jiangxi Chemical Engineering and Technology 511.9 Science and Engineering
Jiangxi Clinical Medicine 512.9 Science and Engineering
Jiangxi Horticulture 511.9 Science
Jiangxi Horticulture 512.9 Science
Jiangxi Business English 539.9 History
Jiangxi Law 541.9 History
Jiangxi Aviation Service Art and Management 143 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Shandong Chinese Language and Literature 532 Comprehensive Reform
Shandong Bioengineering 509 Comprehensive Reform
Shandong Biopharmaceuticals 509 Comprehensive Reform
Shandong Business English 555 Comprehensive Reform
Shandong Traditional Chinese Medicine 532 Comprehensive Reform
Shandong Law 533 Comprehensive Reform
Shandong Fine Arts 542 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Shandong Physical Education 586.64 Physical Education (regardless of arts and sciences)
Shandong Social Sports Instruction and Management 583.2 Physical Education (regardless of arts and sciences)
Henan Electronic Information 541.1 Science and Engineering
Henan Computer Science 542 Science and Engineering
Henan Chemical Engineering and Process 538.1 Science and Engineering
Henan Pharmaceutical Engineering 540.1 Science and Engineering
Henan Chemical Engineering 540.1 Science and Engineering
Henan Pharmaceutical Engineering 540.1 Science and Engineering
Henan Chemical Engineering 540.1 Science and Engineering
Henan Chemistry 540.1 Polytechnic
Henan Environmental Science 538.1 Polytechnic
Henan Horticulture 538.1 Polytechnic
Henan Forestry 499.1 Polytechnic
Henan Horticulture 539.1 Polytechnic
Henan Human Geography and Town and Country Planning 502.1 Polytechnic
Henan English 549.1 History
Henan Business English 540.1 Science
Henan Chinese Medicine 537.1 Science
Henan Accounting 547.1 History
Henan Elementary Education 547.1 History
Henan Broadcasting and Television Choreographing 623 Arts
Henan Broadcasting and Television Choreographing 573 Arts
Henan Broadcasting and Television Choreographing 573 Arts
Henan Music 471.2 Art (literature)
Henan Music 519.6 Art (science)
Henan Fine Arts 633.6 Art (literature)
Henan Fine Arts 573 Art (science)
Henan Physical Education 431 Physical Education (literature)
Henan Physical Education 423.1 Physical Education (science)
Henan Social Sports Instruction and Management 377 Sports (Science)
Henan Social Sports Instruction and Management 427 Sports (Science)
Henan Urban and Rural Planning 516.1 Science
Hunan Chinese Language and Literature 550 Literature
Hunan Journalism and Communication 549 Literature
Hunan Sociology 548 Literature <
Hunan Physics 507 Science
Hunan Statistics 501 Science
Hunan Electrical Engineering and Automation 501 Science
Hunan Electronics and Information Technology 503 Science
Hunan Computer Science 503 Science
Hunan Chemical Engineering and Processing 501 Science
Hunan Applied Chemistry 501 Science and Technology
Hunan Clinical Medicine 509 Science
Hunan Medical Imaging Technology 502 Science
Hunan Nursing 507 Science
Hunan Urban and Rural Planning 502 Science
Hunan Human Geography and Urban and Rural Planning 548 Literature and History
Hunan Business English 549 Literature and History
Hunan Law 549
Hunan Elementary Education 548 History
Hunan Broadcasting and Television Choreography 705 Art(Art)
Hunan Broadcasting and Television Choreography 628 Art(Science)
Hunan Music 312 Art(Art)
Hunan Music 291.8 Art(Science)
Hunan Dance 264.3 Art(Science)
Hunan Choreography 301.4 Art(Art)
Hunan Aviation Service Art and Management 428 Art(Art)
Hunan Aviation Service Art and Management 310 Art(Art)
Hunan Aviation Service Art and Management 432 Art(Art)
Hunan Aviation Service Art and Management 359.7 Art(Art)
Hunan Aviation Service Art and Management 359.7 Art(Art)
Hunan Aviation Service Art and Management 359.7 Art(Art)
Hunan Aviation Service Art and Management 359.7 Art(Art)
Hunan Fine Arts 294.1 Art (Arts)
Hunan Visual Communication Design 266.6 Art (Science)
Hunan Environmental Design 295.8 Art (Arts)
Hunan Physical Education 698 Physical Education (Arts)
Hunan Physical Education 674 Physical Education (Science)
Hunan Social Sports Instruction and Management 667 Physical Education (Science)
Hunan Social Sports Instruction and Management 696 Physical Education (Arts)
Hunan Matriculation 465 Science
Hunan Matriculation 529 Arts
Guangxi Chinese Language and Literature 496.9 History
Guangxi Journalism and Communication 483.9 History
Guangxi Sociology 479.9 History
Guangxi Political Thought, Politics, and Social Sciences
Guangxi Social Studies 479.9 Science
Guangxi Social Sciences 479.9 Science
Guangxi Ideological and Political Education 488.9 History
Guangxi Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 472.9 Science
Guangxi Physics 470.9 Science
Guangxi Mechatronics Engineering 471.9 Science
Guangxi Information and Computing Science 491.9 Science
Guangxi Statistics 468.9 Science
Guangxi Electrical Engineering and Automation 481.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Electronic Information 469.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Computer 477.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Pharmaceutical Engineering 468.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Applied Chemistry 469.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Chemistry 469.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Environmental Science 478.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Environmental Science 478.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Clinical Medicine 494.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Medical Imaging Technology 481.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine 468.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Rehabilitation Therapeutics 468.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Nursing 474.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Food Science & Eng. 471.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Bioengineering 468.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Bioscience 470.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Biopharming 476.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Horticulture 470.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Forestry 473.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Horticulture 472.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Urban and Rural Planning 468.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Town and Country Planning 468.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Human Geography and Town and Country Planning 470.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi English 479.9 Liberal Arts
Guangxi Business English 479.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Translation 488.9 Liberal Arts
Guangxi Chinese Medicine 468.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Japanese 480.9 Liberal Arts <
Guangxi Accounting 482.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi International Economics and Trade 468.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Tourism Management 470.9 Liberal Arts
Guangxi Law 475.9 Polytechnic
Guangxi Elementary Education 481.9 Liberal Arts
Guangxi Physical Education 417.8 Physical Education (Science)
Guangxi Social Sports Instruction and Management 413.8 Physical Education (Science)
Guangxi Minority Matriculation 402.9 Science and Engineering
Guangxi Minority Matriculation 443.9 Literature and History
Hainan Law 576 Comprehensive Reform
Hainan Physical Education 449 Comprehensive Reform
Hainan Social Sports Instruction and Management 447 Comprehensive Reform
Hainan Ideological and Political Education 566 Comprehensive Reform
Hainan Computer Science 554 Comprehensive Reform
Chongqing Sociology 495.1 Arts and History
Chongqing Electronic Information 497.1 Science
Chongqing Clinical Medicine 522.1 Science
Chongqing English 506.2 Science
Chongqing Chinese Medicine 505.2 Polytechnic
Chongqing Economics and Finance 499.1 Polytechnic
Chongqing Radio and Television Choreography 719.2 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Chongqing Music 231.6 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Chongqing Dance 230.7 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Chongqing Fine Arts 211 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Chongqing Fine Art 212 Art (regardless of arts and sciences) <
Chongqing Visual Communication Design 210.9 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Sichuan Chinese Language and Literature 521.1 History
Sichuan Sociology 517.1 History
Sichuan Ideological and Political Education 517.1 History
Sichuan Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 513.1 Science and Engineering
Sichuan Physics 513.1 Polytechnic
Sichuan Electronic Information 513.1 Polytechnic
Sichuan Computer Science 517.1 Polytechnic
Sichuan Pharmaceutical Engineering 514.1 Polytechnic
Sichuan Chemistry 512.1 Polytechnic
Sichuan Clinical Medicine 515.1 Polytechnic
Sichuan Medical Imaging Technology 513.1 Polytechnic
Sichuan Horticulture 511.1 Polytechnic
Sichuan Forestry 514.1 Polytechnic
Sichuan English 517.1 History
Sichuan Business English 514.1 Polytechnic
Sichuan Chinese Medicine 515 Polytechnic
Sichuan Law 522.1 History
Sichuan Primary School Education 517.1 History
Sichuan Radio and Television Choreography 458.2 Art(Wen)
Sichuan Musicology 239.3 Art(regardless of arts and sciences)
Sichuan Dance 326 Art(regardless of arts and sciences)
Sichuan Fine Arts 243 Art(regardless of arts and sciences)
Sichuan Minority Preparatory Course 440.1 Arts and History
Sichuan Minority Preparatory Course 432
Guizhou Chinese Language and Literature 535 Arts and History
Guizhou Journalism and Communication 528 Arts and History
Guizhou Sociology 528 Arts and History
Guizhou Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 472 Arts and Science
Guizhou Physics 459 Arts and Science
Guizhou Mech. Science 468 Polytechnic
Guizhou Statistics 458 Polytechnic
Guizhou Electrical Engineering and Automation 468 Polytechnic
Guizhou Electronic Information 464 Polytechnic
Guizhou Computer Science 460 Polytechnic
Guizhou Chemical Engineering and Technology 457 Polytechnic
Guizhou Pharmaceutical Engineering 461 Polytechnic
Guizhou Applied Chemistry 463 Polytechnic
Guizhou Chemistry 464 Polytechnic
Guizhou Environmental Science 459 Polytechnic
Guizhou Clinical Medicine 478 Polytechnic
Guizhou Medical Imaging Technology 462 Polytechnic
Guizhou Chinese Medicine 458 Polytechnic
Guizhou Rehabilitation Therapy 458 Polytechnic
Guizhou Nursing 463 Polytechnic
Guizhou Food Science and Engineering 462 Polytechnic
Guizhou Bioengineering 464 Polytechnic
Guizhou Bioscience 458 Polytechnic
Guizhou Horticulture 461 Polytechnic
Guizhou Forestry 458 Polytechnic
Guizhou Horticulture 464 Polytechnic
Guizhou Urban and rural planning 528 History
Guizhou Human Geography and Urban and Rural Planning 458 Polytechnic
Guizhou English 536 History
Guizhou Business English 528 History
Guizhou Translation 463 Polytechnic
Guizhou Chinese Medicine 528 History
Guizhou Japanese 463 Polytechnic
Guizhou Economics and Finance 458 Polytechnic
Guizhou Accounting 534 History
Guizhou International Economics and Trade 529 History
Guizhou Tourism Management 460 Science
Guizhou Law 462 Science
Guizhou Elementary Education 459 Science
Guizhou Airline Service Art and Management 259.2 Art (not divided into Arts and Science)
Guizhou Minority Preparatory Course 495 Arts and History
Guizhou Minority Preparatory Course 414 Science
Yunnan Chinese Language and Literature 541.9 Arts and History
Yunnan Journalism and Communication 540.9 Arts and History
Yunnan Sociology 540.7 Arts and History
Yunnan Ideology and Politics 542.5 Arts and History
Yunnan Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 515.9 Science
Yunnan Math. Mathematics 515.9 Science
Yunnan Electrical Engineering and Automation 508.9 Science
Yunnan Electronic Information 508.9 Science
Yunnan Computer Science 510.7 Science
Yunnan Clinical Medicine 528.9 Science
Yunnan Chinese Medicine 509.9 Science
Yunnan Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Science 508.9 Polytechnic
Yunnan Food Science and Engineering 510.5 Polytechnic
Yunnan Horticulture 468.5 Polytechnic
Yunnan Forestry 508.9 Polytechnic
Yunnan Horticulture 494.9 Polytechnic
Shanxi English 445.1 Polytechnic
Gansu Sociology 498.1 Literature p>
Gansu Mechanical and Electronic Engineering 441 Polytechnic
Gansu Electrical Engineering and Automation 443 Polytechnic
Gansu Computer Science 445 Polytechnic
Gansu Clinical Medicine 447 Polytechnic
Gansu Chinese Medicine 445 Polytechnic
Gansu Business English 443.1 Polytechnic
Gansu Tourism Management 498.1 History
Gansu Broadcasting and TV Choreography 185.3 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Gansu Musicology 260.3 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Gansu Dance 223.3 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Gansu Aviation Service Art and Management 190.1 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Province Name Specialty Name Minimum Admission Score Subject
Hubei Chinese Language and Literature 502.1 History
Hubei Journalism and Communication 497.1 History
Hubei Sociology 497.1 History
Hubei Ideological and Political Education 497.1 History
Hubei Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 482.1 Science
Hubei Physics 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Mechanical and Electronic Engineering 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Information and Computing Science 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Statistics 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Electrical Engineering and its Automation 474 Polytechnic
Hubei Electronic Information 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Computer 476.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Chemical Engineering and Technology 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Pharmaceutical Engineering 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Applied Chemistry 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Chemistry 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Environmental Science 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Clinical Medicine 490.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Medical Imaging Technology 480.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Traditional Chinese Medicine 474 Polytechnic
Hubei Rehabilitation Therapeutics 474 Polytechnic
Hubei Nursing 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Food Science and Engineering 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Bio-engineering 474.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Biological Science 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Biopharmaceuticals 473 Polytechnic
Hubei Horticulture 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Forestry 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Horticulture 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Urban and Rural Planning 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Human Geography and Urban and Rural Planning 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei English 477 Polytechnic
Hubei Business English 475 Polytechnic
Hubei Translation 478 Polytechnic
Hubei Chinese Medicine 488.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Japanese 476.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Economics and Finance 484.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Accounting 474.1 Polytechnic
Hubei International Economics and Trade 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Tourism Management 473.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Law 480.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Elementary Education 490.1 Polytechnic
Hubei Elementary Education 500.1 Literature and History
Hubei Law 500.1 Literature and History
Hubei Tourism Management 497.1 History
Hubei International Economics and Trade 498 History
Hubei Accounting 501.1 History
Hubei Economics and Finance 500.1 History
Hubei Japanese 497.1 History
Hubei Traditional Chinese Medicine 507.1 History
Hubei Translation 497.1 History
Hubei Business English 500 Literature and History
Hubei English 503.1 Literature and History
Hubei Human Geography and Town and Country Planning 497.1 Literature and History
Hubei Town and Country Planning 497.1 Literature and History
Hubei Radio and Television Choreography and Direction 668.9 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Hubei Musicology 577.4 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Hubei Dance 236.6 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Hubei Air Service Art and Management 0 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Hubei Fine Arts 560.8 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Hubei Visual Communication Design 562.8 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Hubei Environmental Design 560.8 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Hubei Environmental Design 560.8 Art (regardless of arts and sciences)
Hubei Physical Education 532 Physical Education (regardless of arts and sciences)
Hubei Social Sports Instruction and Management 530.2 Physical Education (regardless of arts and sciences)
Hubei Aviation Service Art and Management 475.1 Arts and History