Traffic jam encountered while driving, how to ease the psychological impatience?

Nobody wants to be stuck in traffic, once stuck in traffic, certainly more psychological irritability. Generally can use the following channels and methods to solve the problem:

One, get out of the car activities. Anxious to wait, it is better to get out of the car activities. It is best to choose a suitable place to get out of the car activities. Not on the highway. Can regulate the body functions, but also to relieve bad mood. If there is tai chi, square dancing and so on. Can restore physical strength, smell, vision, hearing, driving sense of skin and other perceptual abilities, more sensitive to receive instantaneous instantaneous information, can accurately determine the car and horse pedestrian dynamics.

Two, implied relaxation. Reclining, sitting, standing can be. Reclining posture should be supine in a suitable place, the two arms naturally placed on the outside of the body on both sides, palms down the two feet slightly forked; sitting posture, such as riding a sedan can be sat down; standing posture, should be a little state, the two hands naturally hanging down, inserted in the pocket or go to the qigong posture.

Three, regulating breathing. Slowly and y according to the "1-2-3-4" inhalation, about 4 seconds to make the air filled with chest. Pause for a moment after taking in the air. Exhale the air from the bottom of your lungs naturally and diffusely. Doing the above three movements 10 times in a row will make your breathing natural and even; doing it 10 more times will make you cheerful and calm; doing it 10 more times will make your breathing slow and deep but fully relaxed.

Four, self-hypnosis. You can try to meditate on the following words to take a small breath and remove the pain of labor.

● I have got rid of the daytime things completely. Now feel very peaceful inside.

● I should rest quietly and comfortably; fatigue has taken possession of my whole body.

● I am calm and I want to rest.

● Nothing excites me; my hobby of interest is now gone.

● My body is all relaxed and I feel heavy.

● I feel peaceful, comfortable, warm, and content.

V. Look at WeChat to access the internet. Nowadays, it is very convenient to access the Internet on your cell phone, and you can access the Internet as soon as you stop the car and get stuck in traffic. Playing your favorite games, chatting, watching the news, etc., can effectively relieve negative emotions. But can not drive when the microblogging, or bring security risks.

Sixth, communicate with friends. Busy people mostly know that there is no time to communicate with friends. At this time, the use of cell phones, the use of this opportunity to contact the usual infrequent contact with friends, is not the best choice. Can enhance the relationship, pass the time, relieve emotions.