Square Dance "The Moon of Liangshan" Program Crosstalk

Square Dance "The Moon of Liangshan" Program Lyrics:

How many moons are there in Liangshan

Have you ever counted the moons in Liangshan

A moon wanders in the night sky

A moon floats down in the water

A moon is in the arms of Amei

A moon is in the heart of Ahgao

The moon in Liangshan sings

The moon in Liangshan sings

The moon sings like a clear spring flowing down the river

The moon sings like a nightingale flying down the river.

Have you ever heard the moon sing

A sound like a spring flowing

A sound like a nightingale flying by

A sound that comes from A-mei's embrace

A sound that echoes in A-mei's heart

A-mei strums the strings of the zither

A microwave in A-mei's heart

Singing of dreams and love

Singing of the fascinating life of Liangshan Mountain

A moon that sings of the fascinating life of Liangshan Mountain

Singing of the fascinating life of Yangshan Mountain

Please enjoy the square dance "The Moon of Liangshan" below.