Children's Dragon Dance and Lion Dance Sketch

Dragon Dance is a traditional folklore of the Han Chinese, Chinese people have worshipped the dragon since ancient times, and people pray for a good harvest and peace by celebrating with a dragon dance. People dance dragons from the Spring Festival every year, and then the festivals of Dragon Head Raising and Dragon Boat Festival in February.

Step-by-step example of children's dragon dance and lion dance sketch

It is a traditional Chinese mascot, and it is not difficult to draw it well. A U-shape can be used as the mouth of the dragon, and on top of that, draw a circle to replace the eyes of the dragon. Once the mouth and eyes of the dragon have been drawn, it is time to draw the dragon's beard. Generally, a wavy line is used to draw the dragon's beard, and it is necessary to extend the line from the left end of the U-shape. But before painting a small circle in the corresponding position, the wavy line should be extended from this small circle, and finally add a small circle at the end of the wavy line can be, the number of two. The third step is to start painting the dragon's teeth, hair, horns and so on. Of course, the teeth painted in the dragon's mouth, hair painted around the dragon's eyes can be, the dragon's horns will be painted directly on the top of the dragon's hair. In this way the whole head will be visible. The next step is to draw the body of the dragon. Instead of the body of the dragon, you can use six sausage-like shapes. However, note that the six shapes should slowly decrease in size, and draw a flaming tail on the last sausage shape. On the top of the sausage to draw triangles as the dragon's back spines, on the bottom of the sausage to draw some stripes belly lines, in the dragon's head, sausage intersection, the dragon's tail to draw a stick. The sixth step is to draw the little man with the stick. Painted in front of the stick painted on a little man, in order to be more vivid, the dragon head can also be painted on a little man, pay attention to the expression of the little man to deal with a little, and finally painted with the right color will be completed.

Children's Dancing Dragon and Lion Dance Brushstroke Step 1 Children's Dancing Dragon and Lion Dance Brushstroke Step 2 Children's Dancing Dragon and Lion Dance Brushstroke Step 3 Children's Dancing Dragon and Lion Dance Brushstroke Step 4 Children's Dancing Dragon and Lion Dance Brushstroke Step 5 Children's Dancing Dragon and Lion Dance Brushstroke Step 6 Children's Dancing Dragon and Lion Dance Brushstroke Step 7 Children's Dancing Lion and Lion Dance Brushstroke Step 8 Scroll right to see more steps Related to Dancing Dragon Brushstroke Dancing Dragon and Lion Dance Brushstroke Children's Dragon Dance Brushstroke Steps Children's Dragon Dance Lion Dance Brushstroke Pictures Colorful Drawing New Year's Dragon Dance Brushstroke Dragon Dance Brushstroke Steps Simple Dragon Dance Brushstroke Coloring Children's Dance Dragon Brushstroke Step by Step Dragon Dance Brushstroke for Elementary School Students