Translation of the lyrics of BigBang's song "Friend".

From: gasazip

Translated by katiemailer

Reprinted on


(T.O.P & ?)

Big Bang (TOP & SOL)

Yeah T.O.P right here! (with SOL!)

And It's been a while You see

(Long time no see)

I still remember them days

you remember

Reminiscin' over you

but I'm aiht like always

It seems to end too soon because of contempt

I've labeled the last sentence of the Map


All torn up and on the road again


No more wandering, no more confusion

Don't run away, let's go and find it


On the deep blue sea, try to swim forward


Whale's dream


An awkward first meeting, a reciprocal care for each other


Without realizing how many years we've spent


We argued occasionally and stayed up late into the morning together

Occasionally, new friendships were forged

and I realized what a fool I had been

even when other friends accused me of being harsh


It's called the Last Vow

? (?)

I still don't know if I can keep it (I don't know)


I can't understand myself (I don't)

I just can't figure it out, so it's confusing

Weren't we friends once


When we were kids

? ?

Now I don't know where to land, where to go

( )

(Still more and more lost in my heart)


After I sent you away, I was lost

There was a cloud over me


I don't know where you are now, where you're going

( )

(still lost in my heart)

? ?

The rain and the wind beneath the cold

? ?

The sky and the earth that are not dry now

What has not been seen for a long time


Night, night, night, starry night


Oh, look at me

1?, 2?, 10? 100?, 1000

Saying that even after a year, two years, ten years, a hundred thousand years


The choice that you won't regret is just a lie



Why is it only now that I realize I have to regret it

Looking back, I was more wrong than ever

sa sa sa sa sa sa la la la la la la

Only the wind is rustling


The memories you throw down Crushed sugar cubes


Different dreams dry up my throat

Young Love

My Young Love is too fragile now


It's still just flopping and swimming

I don't know

I don't know

Weren't we friends once


When we were kids

? ?

Now I don't know where to land, where to go

( )

(Still more and more lost in my heart)


After I sent you away, I was lost

There was a cloud over me


Now I don't know where you are, where you're going

( )

(Still lost in my heart)

Long time no see ?

Long Time no see, though it is said in words

that you should not stay and leave

(?). Oh ? Oh)

(Me too, Oh, you too, Oh)

But without you, my life

is nothing but sadness

(?). Oh ? Oh)

(You too Oh, me too Oh)

Weren't we friends once


When we were young children

? ?

Now I don't know where to land, where to go

( )

(still more and more lost in my heart)


After I sent you away, I was lost


It was cloudy (as if nothing happened)


Now I don't know where you are, where you're going

( )

(I miss you)

( )

(I'm still lost)

Thanks for your interest in bigbang,

The Chinese/Korean lyrics will help you out~!