I can love you forever, I can love you every day, every month, every year forever

To you love love love is not finished, I can every day, month and year to forever is the lyrics of the song "to you love is not finished". It is the famous song of Aaron Kwok, which is included in Aaron Kwok's first album of the same name released in 1990, "Love for you is not finished". The song has a dance flavor and shows Aaron Kwok's style of singing and dancing, and is one of the public's favorite songs. The song is light and catchy, with Aaron Kwok's signature arm-spinning moves.

In 1991, Aaron Kwok won the Silver Award for Most Popular Mandarin Song in HKTVB's Top Ten Greatest Hits for this song.


The lights are on and the night is still young

I don't want to be too nervous and look the same as everyone else

But you look at me with big, bright eyes

I'm starting to lose my mind

The wind is blowing down the road and my heart is wobbly

I would like to have a friend who would go shopping with me, and I'd be tired of sleeping in the street

This is the first time I've ever been in a hurry to find someone to help me out.

Fear of loving like the sun

Hiding a fire in my chest

This is not a good life

The promise I gave you and the smile I gave you as a letter

But I can't hold on to you

Love and love for you

I can love you every day, month, and year for eternity

So we love love love tonight

So we love love love love tonight

I'm so glad to be here, so grateful that you are here.

I'm afraid I love you like the sun

There's a fire in my chest

It's not easy to live like this

I've given you my promise and my smile as a letter

But I can't hold on to you

I love you so much

I can love you every day, month after month, year after year

So we love love love love tonight

I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it all. love love love tonight

Not willing to face it at all

Love love love to you

Love is always so difficult

Love love love to you

I can love love love every day, every month, every year, every year, every year, every day, every month, every year, every year, every day, every month, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year, every year

I don't want to face it at all

Love for you love love love love tonight

It's always so hard to love each other

Love for you love love love love love

I can love you every day and every month and every year forever

So we love love love love tonight

I don't want to face it at all

I don't want to face it at all

I love love love tonight

I love you so much

I love you so much

I can love you so much

I love you so much

It's always so hard to love each other

It's always so hard to love each other.