Generally with grandma pro child is a child with grandma together, from childhood to live with grandma, many young parents give birth to the child to grandma to bring, the child is small do not know what mom and dad means? Only know who accompanied the departure to grow up she will be close to who.
Generally the children raised by grandmothers and the children raised by parents may just be from the deviation that exists in education. This will not have any effect on the child's future happiness. Although it is certainly much better for a child to be brought up by his or her own parents than by his or her own grandmother, but because so many young parents nowadays don't want to bring up their children at home because they feel that bringing up their children by themselves feels like really hard work, and they might as well go out on their own to have an easy time of it.
Young people only think about themselves and don't think about their children at all. Sometimes the thinking of the elderly may not be as comprehensive as that of the young people in educating their children, similar to those pictures posted on the Internet, the children brought up by their grandmothers to learn to dance are usually learning square dance, while the children brought up by their own mothers to learn to dance are more fashionable. Older people when bringing up children her way will be more traditional, while young people with children are following science.
Only the children who have grandmothers with them will grow up to be less close to their own parents. The consequence could be that later in life they don't have as heavy a view of the family themselves. So as a young parent, don't bring up your child yourself when you are young. Then you should not blame your children for not being filial to their parents when you are old. If you don't take care of your own children when you are young, you are just giving a life. But from the education if you do not follow up. Then the child's heart may always be only his grandmother.