2. Dance Fundamentals Names and Diagrams
Dance Fundamentals What are the Dance Fundamentals
The professional qualities required to be formed by the dance fundamentals training include:
Strength - the strength required by a dancer is the muscular "speed power," control, and bounce, among others. They are an ability that occurs when there is an increase in muscle contraction or tension.
Flexibility - in terms of how much the body's joints move. Flexibility of the human body segment is not stiff and not board, elegant and beautiful.
Control and stability - control refers to the dance muscle tension to maintain balance control and to ensure the formation of the dance posture of the fixed force; stability refers to the performance of the adjustment, control, and restore the body's balance and stability of the ability.
Coordination and flexibility - coordination refers to the whole body muscle groups can coordinate with each other; flexibility refers to the ability to quickly change the position and direction of some parts of the body or limbs.
The basic dance training is generally divided into two parts: the upper and lower handles.
The movements on the handle can be divided into: rubbing the ground, squatting, circling, small kicks, squatting across the tuck (one-legged squatting), waist, control, leg press (stirrups towards the sky), downward fork, big kicks and so on;
The movements under the handle can be divided into: big kicks, rubbing the ground, squatting or controlling, turning, waist or turning over, jumping (small, medium, big), hand position or body, step or round step and so on.
In order to solve and overcome the students' natural form, the quantity and quality of the exercises on the handle should be guaranteed; on this basis, in order to make the students increase their expressive power, they have to do more exercises under the handle and a variety of combination exercises. However, the body and habitual movements of music majors who are new to dance (including all new dancers) often lack the "strength", "flexibility", "stability", "coordination", "power", "flexibility", "stability", "stability", "stability", "stability", "stability", "stability", "stability", "stability", "stability", "stability", "stability", "stability", "stability", "stability" and "stability". ", "coordination" and "flexibility", manifested as slack, dull, stiff, uncoordinated, that is, the lack of a dance teacher should have the specialized qualities. Therefore, through the systematic training of basic dance skills, we must overcome the various problems of the natural form and master the correct form; train the flexibility of the limbs, the formation of its various muscle tension, relaxation control ability and the flexibility of the joints of the power; cultivate its sense of music and music and the use of flexible, comfortable with the music of the hands, eyes, body, step of the various movements of the style of the rhythms.
Training and non-training is very different. If the leg muscle strength is poor, the dance is not beautiful, feelings can not be freely expressed through the modeling. Therefore, it has been said that in dance, "the leg that cannot be lifted is the leg that cannot be seen." Another example: a set of robust and powerful, fast-paced, bold and cheerful, imposing dance movements, not only need strength, but also need "speed power", muscular endurance, control and bouncing power. A poor flexibility of the dancers, it is difficult to move quietly, softly; if the leg lift is not high, the waist can not go, the action will appear awkward and stiff.
Dance is about breathing. "Breathing is an important pivot in the art of dance, and is relied upon to govern the movement and to carry it through to the movement." Dance, like music, is about breath control, commonly known as "luck". No matter what kind of movement, regardless of the size and strength of the movement, it is affected by the breath and its degree of control. With the gas to promote the formation of action and movement of the parabolic, wave, impact and the human body's anti-carcass movement. So important breathing must also be trained through the dance fundamentals, gradually mastered in practice. And different kinds of dance requirements of the basic skills will be somewhat different, such as folk dance requires skill mastery; like street dance ah Requirements for power and some comprehension. So not all the basic skills of dance are the same.
Are you satisfied with the above answer?
The basic dance skills practice method !!!!!
Dance fundamentals is a systematic discipline, each action has its own training methods and training purposes, through the increase in difficulty, each action is interlinked, closely linked, indispensable. It is not something that can be understood by the text, video or lesson, but requires the learner to understand the mystery through learning from easy to difficult. So if you want to understand what is the basic dance training, you have to experience it first hand, in order to summarize the experience and understand the reason.
Dance fundamentals exercises:
Pressing legs, kicking legs, horizontal fork, vertical fork, lower back, back legs. These are all softness practice process. The soft openness practice of dance is to practice letting openness at the same time while practicing the power of using soft openness.
Afterwards, you can make skillful movements through good control of soft opening and soft opening power.
Skills are divided into three categories: jumps, turns and flips.
Jumps: big jumps, inverted lifts, double flying swallows, and swinging leg jumps.
Turns: flat turns, four-position turns or cross-back turns, as well as various ballet and classical dance turns.
Turns: mainly refers to tumbling movements. Simple: front bridge, back bridge, tiger jump. Difficult: Brute, Cloudy Front Bridge, Small Flip, Single Leg Small Flip, Back Flip, and so on.
Here are the soft openings and instep exercises.
Dance basic skills practice soft practice method method:
1, time is everything. Whether it is a horizontal fork or vertical fork, it is most important to consume all the time! At most, you can consume 30 minutes at a time! You just started to be gradual!
2, psychological effect. What is in your mind when you press your legs is very important! If you think 'it hurts, not to press! That's bad, because this think your body will make the opposite force, the more pressure the more pain! Sometimes the harder you press, the harder it gets! To like the dance, all think of sunshine and active way to press the legs, do not think of pain.
3, pay attention to breathing. Pressure legs, pressure waist can not hold your breath ah! Breathing smooth practice effect is good!
4, kick. After the leg press, you need to kick your legs more! The ratio is: consume a minute to kick 20 legs. This softness and strength are practiced.
5, the correct method is the most important! Be sure to find a formal teacher from the class to learn!
The method of pressing the instep:
1, hot compress. Hot compresses can accelerate blood circulation, practicing dance soft or skill movements before the body to heat up, for example: running. Hot compresses for the instep can be hot feet, hot post, hot treasure, etc., to prevent strains.
2, time. Pressure on the back of the foot pressure every day to ensure that 30 minutes, 3 minutes each time, divided into ten times the pressure is completed. The next day 4 minutes each time, divided into eight times to finish the pressure. The third day of each 5 minutes, divided into six times to finish the pressure. And so on. Until each press is 15 minutes, in two presses. Generally two weeks will be able to see the effect.
3, action requirements. Props: stools, sofas, beds and the like, with cushions or things that can be placed on the cushions.
Facing the bed feet and knees clenched stand, then kneel to the bed, knees on the bed, feet on the ground tense feet, the ground can be a little something, chair cushions and so on, heels together, feet big toe joints at a fist distance, is the back of the feet turn away, the upper body upright, can not be forward on the ground, their own center of gravity pressed down to the ankles.
4, after each pressure, there will be acid, well, wood, pain, rise and other feelings, after the pressure slowly stand up, so that the blood return to normal circulation, after walking circle, walk to normal.
5, no matter how many times, after the pressure to do hook tense foot exercises, is the standard half-toe kind of hook tense foot. Each group of each foot 30 times, 3 times or more. That is, each foot hook taut feet more than 90 times.
With perseverance and perseverance daily pressure, the effect is excellent, must be pressed every day!
Dance basic names and diagrams Dance basic names
Dance is an art of expression through movement, dance movement from the cognition of skills to the development of skills, it must be through a long period of perceptual cognition and kinaesthetic repetition of practice, from the accumulation of experience in the acquisition of personal movement qualities.
All over the world, the beginning of a classical ballet movement training program starts with handrail practice, which maintains and promotes the development of technique and is a necessary preparation for performance. Handrail practice must be progressive, alternating between different speeds and degrees of difficulty, so as to increase the body's ability to control the movement and its correctness and accuracy, as well as to increase the learner's The exercises can be varied, but they can be done in many different ways. Although the exercises can be varied, a traditional sequence of exercises always exists, and the following provides a traditional sequence of exercises: Handlebar Exercises I. Plie (Bend) Plie is an activity in which the femoral joint is turned outward and the center of gravity of the body sinks, not stopping in a squatting position, and as it sinks, the back is relatively lengthened at the same time and the breath is lifted. Plie is a warm-up for the ankle, femur and knee joints and a preparation for all jumps.
Note: The back of the foot must be vertical when performing the Plie, not leaning forward or backward. Demi Plie (Half Bend) Dance Movements Bend the knee as far as possible in the direction of the toes until the heel does not come off the floor, keeping the ball of the foot very firmly on the floor.
A good Demi Plie should have a flexible, stretchy texture. It is impossible to be a good ballet dancer without a good Demi Plie.
2, Grand Plie (big, deep bend) Dance movement The knee is completely bent to the position of the thigh near the horizontal line, the body stays right above, the first, fourth and fifth positions of the Grand Plie heel will be passive and naturally rise off the ground, the second position of the Grand Plie's heel is not lifted and flat on the ground. The purpose of the Grand Plie is to increase and extend flexibility and tension in the ankle, knee and femoral joints.
Second, Battement Tendu (leaning and stretching) The active and supporting feet have a leaning action, and we mostly add Battement, which is categorized into Grand Battement (big Battement) and Petit Battement (small Battement). Tendu is the meaning of stretching, lengthening, and elongating.
Dance movement Slide the movable foot on the floor, outward to an extended, lengthened toe pointing position, which can be forward, sideways, backward, without the toe leaving the ground, and then wipe the floor in the same way to return to the original position, which can be from the first, fifth position. 1. Battement Tendu Releve or Battement Tendu Double (plural) Dance movement The active foot extends outward as a Battement Tendu to a pointing position, and then lifts the heel back up to a Battement Tendu pointing position, and then returns to the original first or fifth position. This movement can be called Battement Tendu Releve, because the active foot's heel rises again; it can also be called Battement Tendu Double, because the active foot has made Battement Tendu twice.
2. Battement Tendu With Demi Plie Dance Battement Tendu With Demi Plie Dance Movement Perform Battement Tendu and come back at the same time to make a Demi Plie. Battement Tendu Degage (in Italian school) Battement Tendu Jete (in French school) Battement Tendu Glissade (in Russian school) These three expressions are basically the same movement, but it is important to distinguish between them carefully. These are basically the same movement, but if you want to distinguish them carefully, the differences are as follows: 1. Battement Tendu Degage (Release, Leave) Dance movement The moving foot extends outward to a point a few inches off the ground.
2, Battement Tendu Jete (throw, throw) Dance movement The same execution, but the active foot is higher off the ground, about 45 degrees. 3, Battement Tendu Glissade (glide) Dance movements The same execution, but the active foot is just a little bit off the floor.
Broadly speaking, these three statements are the same action, are active feet rubbing the ground through the Battement Tendu and off the ground, the action texture in the need to go out fast, agile, push the floor very quickly to reach the outside and extend, and come back to press the floor hard. The purpose of this movement is to train the dancers in the speed, agility and lightness needed for all the big jumps is a very important preparatory movement.
Fourth, Rond De Jambe A Terre (feet on the ground to draw circles) This movement should pay attention to the active foot to extend the circle must be as large as possible, the supporting foot and the disk must be fixed, not because the active foot to draw a circle to the outside of the stationary side of the swaying, especially the disk can not be tilted forward or backward. The direction of the movement is twofold: En Dehor (outward) and En Dedan (inward). The quality of the movement is twofold: Grand Rond De Jambe (large circle) with the supporting foot as the axis of a half circle, and Demi Rond De Jambe (small circle) with the supporting foot as the axis of a quarter circle. As follows: 1. Grand Rond De Jambe A Terre En Dehor Dance Moves The active foot performs a Battement Tendu to the front, passes to the side and then around to the back, and then returns to the first position.
2. Grand Rond De Jambe A Terre En Dedan Dance Moves Move the foot to perform the Battement Tendu back, pass to the side and then around to the front, then back to the first position. 3. Demi Rond De Jambe A Terre En Dehor Dance Moves Move your feet to perform the Battement Tendu to the front, around to the side and back to the first position.
4. Demi Rond De Jambe A Terre En Dedan Dance Moves Move the foot to perform the Battement Tendu backward, around to the side and back to the first position. V. Battement Frappe (Strike) Dance Movements Move the foot from the position of Sur Le Cou De Pied (leaning on the ankle) so that the instep strikes outward and extends outward forcefully and quickly (forward, to the side, or backward), and can reach the ground or the air, this movement is used to train the instep to push outward.
Six, Battement Fondu (dissolve, dissolve) The purpose of this action is to promote the coordination of the support leg and the active leg work at the same time, because it is also part of the bending action, in order to teach the convenience of the bending of the two legs known as the Plie, single-legged bending known as the Fondu, in fact, the most important meaning of Fondu is in the action of the texture, not to emphasize the form of the action. Dance movements When the branch.
Dance basic training movement name?
1, press the scapular belt Preparation: small eights straight knee stand, facing the handle bar, arms forward to lift the upper body forward bending, double forearms resting on the handle bar Practice: the upper body as far as possible to press down 2, after pulling the scapular belt Preparation: small eights straight knee stand, back to the handle bar, arms flat spread, hands on the handle bar Practice: the body is straight and tilted forward, the arms straighten in the back as far as possible to be together, and both hands to grasp the handle bar 3, stirrups back chest to break the Scapular belt (two people group) Preparation: A straight knee taut feet lying on the ground, arms clamped head, palms to the ground, straight in front of the head.
B sitting on the thighs of the A Practice: A arms pinch the head up the upper body, B grabbed A's upper arm and a foot stirrups A's back, back to break the scapular belt 4, the big pull scapula belt (a group of two) Preparation: A lying on the ground, arms pinch the head, palms to the ground, stretching out in front of the head, B sitting behind the A, with the feet clamping the A's lower legs. Practice: a double-armed head up the upper body, B grabbed the upper arm of the A to help the A back down the waist, break the shoulder blade belt, as far as possible to make the A's hands to hold the legs 5, back muscles: (two people a group) Preparation: A straight knee tense feet, lying on the ground, arms bent elbow on the ground to the head on both sides of the uplift, both hands, fingers interspersed, palms against the back of the head.
B kneeling behind the A, with both hands to press the A calves Practice: elbows to remain immobile, the upper body back up, two beats back to lift the upper body, two beats restore. 6, abdominal muscles: (a group of two people) Preparation: A straight knee taut feet, lying flat on the ground, arms bent at the elbow hands fingers interlocked, palms against the back of the head under the B sat on the calves of the A. B sat on the calves of the A, B sat on the calves of the A, with both hands pressed against the calves of the A.
Practice: keep both elbows immobile, the upper body to the front standing up, two beats back to lift the upper body, two beats restore. 7, side lumbar muscle: (a group of two) Preparation: A straight knee taut feet, lying on the ground sideways, arms bent at the elbow with fingers interlocked, palm against the back of the head, lying on the ground side of the arm on the upper arm to the ground.
B sitting on the calf of A, hands on the thighs of A. Practice: keep the elbows do not understand, the upper body side of the body to stand up, two beats back to lift the upper body, two beats to restore.
8, standing wringing waist Preparation: small eight straight knee stand, back to the handle bar, arms flat spread, hands lightly on the handle bar Practice: waist hip and lower limbs do not move, the upper body as far as possible to the left after (or right after) flat wringing waist, the right hand (or the left hand) up into a palm, half a beat wringing, a beat to stop, half a beat to restore. 9, straight knee to carry the waist (a group of two people) Preparation: big eight step stand upright, arms straight upward B face a hands holding a waist, a foot inserted in the middle of the feet of the A Practice: a backward lower back (hand does not support the ground), B hold the waist of the A to help carry the waist, a beat to the lower back, two beats once carry the waist, carry the waist, carry the three times, two beats restored.
10, pick chest waist Preparation: lie on your back on the ground, head toward 3 or 7 o'clock, palms of the hands on the ground, 45 degrees from the head Practice: active from the thoracic spine, a section of the pick up to the top of the head, the head to stay, slightly off the ground can be. An eight beat section pick up, half a beat stop, half a beat section lying flat.
11, consume chest waist Preparation: face the pole, small eights stand, hands on the handle. Driven by the top of the head to do the consume chest waist Practice: driven by the top of the head, through the top to the far back to pick the chest waist, to reach the chest waist and the ceiling parallel to the state (the top of the head to the back, the tip of the nose to the ceiling).
One eight-beat beat driven by the top of the head, one section to the chest waist. Stop half a beat and restore half a beat.
Does anyone know how to say the individual names of the basic dance moves?
I. Plie (bending) II. Battement Tendu (leaning together Extending) III. Battement Tendu Degage (Italian school saying) IV. Rond De Jambe A Terre (feet on the ground to draw a circle) V. Battement Frappe (striking) VI. Fondu (to dissolve, to dissolve) vii. Rond De Jambe En Lair (to draw a circle in the air) viii. Battement Releve Lent (to rise slowly) ix. Battement Retire (to draw up, to pull up) Extension Dance is an art of expression through movement, and the development of dance movement from the perception of skills to the development of technique must From the cognition of skills to the development of techniques, dance movements must be practiced repeatedly through a long period of perceptual cognition and kinaesthesia, and individual movement qualities must be learned from the accumulation of experience.
In all parts of the world, the beginning of a classical ballet movement training program starts with handrail practice, which maintains technique and promotes technical development, and is a necessary preparation for performance. Handrail practice must be done in a gradual manner, alternating between different speeds and degrees of difficulty, so as to increase the body's ability to control the correctness and accuracy of the movement and to increase the learner's The concentration of the learner's attention is also increased. Dance movement (dance movement) is the most basic artistic means of dance works, is the basic unit of dance.
Dance basic skills leg press Figure
Hello, the front of my answer Oh:) morning after getting up to practice leg press, the effect is better, because then the ligament is relatively loose, is the best time. In addition, you can always find a place to put the legs high, the method should be correct, and from the beginning of the leg press must be pressed correctly. When you press the front leg, put your hips in the right place, don't just lift them up, the key is to put them in the right place first, and then press your upper body down on top of that, with both shoulders flat, and remember to press your abdomen against your thighs, not your head:) When you press the side leg, your hips are in the same plane as your thighs, and then you use the back of the shoulder on the same side as the leg being pressed to press against the leg, and you use the other side of the arm to reach up and grab the leg being pressed from behind your head, and then you can grab the leg being pressed from behind your head. The other side of the arm extended, from the back of the head to grab the neck of the pressed leg, so that the press out of the leg will be more positive:) In addition, if you press the big crotch, your legs cross the fork on both sides of the open, and then the body forward down, remember to pull the back of the flat down, do not arch up, the legs should be in a straight line, you can lean against the wall, the requirements of the heel, the knee and the *** should try to stick to the wall! Then *** as much as possible downward pressure, you can find someone to help.
The small crotch mainly depends on the individual's innate conditions, the small crotch is not good, it is difficult to press open, but the dance is very need to be able to small crotch open, you can be in the pressure on the basis of the big crotch, bend the calf, 90 degrees, the thighs and *** straight line. Then *** as much as possible downward pressure! I am a dance teacher, lol, hope my answer can help you a little.
The specific steps of practicing basic dance skills
The learning of art majors pays much attention to basic skills, such as dance majors, basic skills are mainly leg press, shoulder press, push foot back combination, handle bar training combination, kicking the back leg, etc., all the beautiful dance, are made of these basic action combinations, so the importance of learning basic skills is self-evident.
First, the pressure of the leg This is the most basic training in the basic training of dance, respectively, the pressure of the front, side, back legs. The practice of leg press helps to open the ligaments in the joints of the legs.
When you press the leg, pay attention to the uprightness of the leg joints, open the instep outward and straighten it, and keep the upper body upright. Press down until there is no gap between the upper body and the legs.
Individual students ligaments are too tight, in the process of pressing the legs do not be demanding must be pressed down, maintain the correct posture, day after day can lengthen the ligaments, to meet the requirements. Special attention is paid to the crotch to be correct.
When pressing the side leg and the back leg, students are most likely to be out of the crotch and oblique crotch, which needs to be corrected in time. When pressing the side leg, the hand on the same side holds the handle bar, and the other arm is close to the ear, approaching the leg and stretching as far as possible to lengthen the side waist.
When pressing the back leg, pay attention to the shoulder end flat, the neck do not shrink, hold the head do not fall, and stretch back. Accompaniment: choose music with a strong sense of rhythm.
Second, shoulder pressure This is an exercise to open the shoulder ligaments. When you press the shoulder, put both arms straight on the handle bar.
The distance between the legs is slightly equal to the shoulder width. Relax your head and spine, and feel the shoulder ligaments lengthen as you press down.
Accompaniment: medium speed, rhythm soothing 2/4. Third, push the back of the foot combination The back of the foot varies from person to person, most of it depends on the innate factors, but you can not ignore the acquired training.
Before the training, from the toes to the whole big back of the foot to be active; training, hands on the handle bar, chest, head up, abdomen and buttocks, feet together to stand well, first from a single foot back training. 1-2 beat single foot heel up, five toes tightly grasping the ground 3-4 beat the toes taut, push the wall, so that the whole back of the foot taut crescent-shaped 5-8 beat to change the other foot, the same action of the same double back exercises with the same.
At the same time, the back of both feet will be the same.
The age of the students in doing this kind of training, attention is not focused, easy to look down to see their own and other people's movements, in doing the back of the foot push, the feet are easy to open, the back of the foot can not be pushed up, the need to remind and standardize the action. Fourth, the lever training combination of basic lever action combination: 1. (two hands / one-handed) hold the handle, a foot wipe combination 2. (two hands / one-handed) hold the handle, a foot squatting combination 3. (two hands / one-handed) hold the handle, a foot paddling circle combination 4. five feet, one-handed hold the small kick combination 5. five feet, one-handed hold the center of gravity combination 6. (two hands / one-handed) turn the waist combination of these combinations, suitable for the physical quality and acceptance of the children and young people. These combinations are suitable for children and young people's physical quality and acceptance, with the continuous progress of students in all aspects, on the basis of increasing the difficulty, changing patterns, to achieve the requirements of dance training.
Fifth, kicking back hands on the handle bar small eight part of the station, the knees should be taut, head up and look straight ahead. In the process of kicking back, the upper body to remain immobile, do not turn back sideways, crotch can not be loose, the back of the foot and the knee should be taut.
Never lean forward. If in the repeated emphasis, students still do not do in place, you can first single contact control back leg that is, hands on the handle bar, lift one leg backward, correct the posture of the students, and then excessive to kick backward.
Six, split leg jump is a combination of jumps with hands on the handle bar in preparation for learning the middle big jump. In doing this action jump up to pay attention to both feet at the same time a front and back open, open the process, straighten the instep, straighten the knee, the higher the jump, the more open the leg fork, the better, when landing, the feet quickly close, two feet and up to the ground.
Seventh, the big kick is to develop the strength of the leg and the opening of the training. Whether it's the front leg or the side leg, keep the upper body upright, the middle part of the body clenched, and keep your eyes looking forward. In the process of kicking the leg, the same attention should be paid to the back of the foot and the knee taut.
There are many students in the kick, in order to let the legs can touch the body, the upper body is trying to reach forward, so that the neck will be back, the head forward, the knees are bent very ugly, so before kicking the leg to warn them, kicking does not matter, the most important thing is to maintain the correct posture. Under this premise, after hard practice, the leg will be kicked higher and higher, the ligaments longer and longer.
In addition to the body and legs to pay attention to, the two arms can not be ignored, in the process of kicking the legs, must ensure that the arm end flat, can not relax down. Eight, lower back feet open to shoulder width, arms straight upward, five fingers open, palms facing forward, lower back, upper body backward, head up and backward to find their heels, body and hands are to the heels of leaning and roll inward, after the next good, arms and knees try to straighten out, eyes look at the heels.
Nine, split leg Favorable stretching leg ligaments. In training, pay attention to the back of the foot can not be flaccid, we can follow this order of training:: 1 left foot in front of the split leg, hands holding the left foot, control 1-2 minutes, and then the leg does not move, the body backward, there is a foundation of students can let the right hand to support the ground, the left hand grasps the back leg control.
2 left foot in front of the vertical fork does not move, the body turns to the right at the same time to change the hips, into a horizontal fork. The backs of the feet do not lie down on the ground, the upper body and the back of the feet should be up and then the upper body lie down on the ground, the arms forward. Stay on your back for 1-2 minutes. 3 horizontal fork does not move, and then turn to the right, into the right foot in front of the vertical fork, repeat the action.
Ten, small jump combination training bouncing ability. It can be a simple one, two or five small jumps, and develop into a comprehensive composite small jumps that cross each other.
During the small jump, the knees are upright, the backs of the feet are pushed outward, when landing, the toes fall first, the landing should be light, the upper body can not rock back and forth, half squatting on the ground, the upper body is taut and downward, the hips are clenched.