I have used a lot of useless, really do not know where the positive feedback on the Internet, perhaps I am not easy to thin the body.
Slimming products including eating and body smear, first of all eat, I suggest that we do not easily try, no matter how big the brand, say how healthy, try not to eat, I have eaten a big brand, or many people feel the effect of the product description looks very healthy, but the fact is that it is completely useless, eaten all the time after the diarrhea, weight loss loss in fact are water! The first time I saw a lot of people, I had to go back to the original weight after a few days, it was very frustrating, and I also ate four boxes in a row, it was really a death sentence, but fortunately it was all right. I also have a sister is to sell weight loss products, but really I know her, she sells products so many years still so fat, which I do not have to say more about the reason we should all understand.
If the body with, then really have to insist, and the effect is very little. Before I bought a slimming cream, said directly rubbed on the body can play a role in burning fat, but did not thin down, my legs also grew a lot of pimples, really annoying. I have heard of a dark water in Japan seems to be very effective, but also online said more effective, but in fact, not as good as their own fitness diet, the dark water a bottle of particularly expensive seems to be a few bottles of a course of treatment, but also at best is a little bit of thin, is a ruler energy out, but the human eye to see the big out of the kind of difference.
I don't do much evaluating, this is my personal experience of some of the weight loss medicines and smears, at least for me is not any effect. And as we all know, these things are not as cost-effective as working out on your own, and eating sensibly, and I've had an example of a classmate's family member who took diet pills and ended up getting sick and dying. If you really for their own good, or do not use slimming products.