Xiaosungezhuang village is located in which city

Small Sun Gezhuang

Geographic location is located in the township seat of Malan east of about 5 kilometers, north of Pinggu Road, square settlement.

Village from the nineteenth year of the Kangxi Qing Dynasty (1680), Guo Mingyu moved out from the big Sun Gezhuang to set up a new home, so the ancestral home of the village title, the crown plus the word "small" to distinguish, so the name of the small Sun Gezhuang.

The main industry since the establishment of the village, mainly engaged in planting, began to grain and oil-based, and then gradually developed greenhouse strawberries, nectarines, protected cultivation of 120 acres of mineral deposits of limestone, is now a large area of mining.

Economic profile of the village in 2006 **** 142 households, 430 people, arable land area of 919 acres, the rural economy total income of 3.57 million yuan, per capita income of farmers 4972 yuan.

Social undertakings civil running water 138 households, fixed telephone 20, cable TV household rate of 80%, 92% participation rate of rural cooperative medical care.

Small Sun Gezhuang village near the Chashan Scenic Area, Gao's Manor, Blue Tree Valley Youth Expo, Sanhe Mountain Scenic Area, Pingdu City, Yunshan Township, and other tourist attractions, there are Majiagou celery, coiled large ginger, Dazhe Mountain grapes, Pingdu large peanuts, Zhu ditch strawberries and other specialty products.