How old is the average woman at menopause?

Menopause is quite a profound physical change for women. Before and after menopause, the change in estrogen levels can produce symptoms that are difficult to adjust to. A shorter duration of menopause and a later arrival of menopause is the desire of most women. So, how old is the age of menopause for women? Next, Medical Xindanwei will analyze it for you.

There is no standardized age for menopause, it may occur in the forties or the fifties, but most women go through menopause between the ages of 44 and 54, and the average age of menopause is 49.5 years old, which can be used as a reference for the last menstruation. Before and after menopause, women experience profound physiological changes. Typical symptoms of premenopause are menstrual disorders, but the most significant impact on women is hot flashes, which can occur several times a day or even dozens of times a day. Due to the increase in subjective discomfort, it is common for mood changes to occur, such as agitation and irritability, and for some women to experience psychological changes, such as anxiety and depression, which can bring about a number of negative impacts on a woman's life and work. For these symptoms, they can be properly regulated by medication, such as estrogen, which can regulate menstruation and relieve hot flashes.

After menopause, women's subjective symptoms will be alleviated to a certain extent, but the changes in hormone levels will still have a profound impact on women. For example, postmenopausal osteoporosis can increase a woman's risk of fracture; postmenopausal atherosclerosis can increase the risk of cardiovascular events; postmenopausal changes in cognitive function can increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease; and postmenopausal vaginal and urethral atrophy can increase vaginal and urethral infections and decrease the quality of sexual life. For the treatment of some symptoms, estrogen can also be used, but it should be used under the guidance of specialists and after excluding relevant contraindications. At the same time, postmenopausal women should change their lifestyles to a low-salt, low-fat, low-cholesterol diet, quit smoking, limit alcohol, and exercise appropriately to help reduce the risk of postmenopausal cardiovascular events.

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Let's start with the causes of menopause, we all know that menstruation is the lonely tears of the uterus, and this is indeed true, because there is no conception, the layer of the uterus that is prepared for conceiving babies will fall off, resulting in menstruation. But with age, fertility deteriorates, which leads to slow menopause.

Each woman's physique is different, the living environment is different, of course, the aging of the ascending system is very different, but most of them are slowly menopausal between the age of 40 and 50.

Menopause is a direct response to the degeneration of the ovaries, but the other main role of the ovaries is the secretion of estrogen, estrogen is the main hormone, and women's psychology and physiology are directly related to:

(1) Psychological disorders: the most common is the menopausal syndrome, due to the effect of estrogen on the balance of women's endocrine system, a sudden imbalance will cause insomnia, anger, bad mood, so women are angry.

(2) Physiological diseases: Disease statistics show that before menopause, men's comprehensive disease situation is greater than that of women, but after menopause, the probability of women's disease rises sharply, and directly exceeds that of men. The decrease of estrogen after menopause leads to a variety of physiological diseases:

a) it will affect the transportation and absorption of calcium leading to osteoporosis;

b) it will affect the level of the immune system leading to the high incidence of cervical cancer, ovarian cancer;

c) it will be because of the lack of menstruation, the role of the cleaning, the vagina is prone to fungal infections caused by a variety of gynecological diseases;

d) It will cause an increase in cardiovascular diseases because of the increased permeability of blood vessels;

e) It will lead to high blood cholesterol and high cholesterol diseases because of the decreased ability to lower cholesterol.

The first and foremost prevention is to supplement because of the multiple reactions caused by hormones, eat more estrogen-supplemented foods, such as common soy milk, and royal jelly, flaxseed, cereals, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and so on.

In is the need to strengthen the physical examination, such as women to do breast ultrasound, mammogram, HPV screening, cervical screening, uterine ultrasound and so on.

Menopause is an inevitable stage for every woman and no woman can avoid it. Menopause means that the body is no longer young and there are many changes that occur. Therefore, many women hope that menopause can come as late as possible. In fact, is it really true that the later the better for menopause? That's not true. So how old is normal for menopause?

It is understood that most women in China have their menopause between the ages of forty-five and fifty-five, and that earlier than this time is too early, and later than this time is too late. It is important to realize that the timing of menopause varies greatly depending on the physical condition of the body, which has a lot to do with our dietary habits and living environment. So how to calculate the time of menopause? Generally speaking, the time of the last menstrual period is the time of menopause.

What are the signs of premenopause?

After knowing what is the golden age of menopause, let's see what are the pre-menopausal symptoms.

1. Irregular menstruation

Under normal circumstances, a woman's menstruation is regular and very regular every month, without great fluctuations. But if menopause is approaching, the time of arrival of menstruation becomes irregular. Not only that, the duration will also fluctuate a lot, and it is possible to have a period that lasts up to ten days. The color of the menstrual period will also change, one time it will be pink, the next time it may be light pink or black. Of course, if the symptoms occur before the age of menopause, it may not be due to impending menopause, as mood swings or dietary changes may have an effect on menstruation.

2. Emotional ups and downs

When a woman is about to go through menopause, her body will change a lot, which will make her feel very uncomfortable or uncomfortable. At this time, there will be more mood swings and very easy to get angry. Not only that, there is also the possibility of depression. Therefore, if there is a woman in the family in the menopause, we should be more concerned about them, give them a little more love and care as well as tolerance.

3. Can not hold urine

Under normal circumstances, when we have the urge to go to the toilet, if you do not want to go to the toilet, you can not go to the toilet, hold urine, and wait for the busy to go to solve the physical problem. However, for premenopausal women, holding urine is a very difficult thing. If you have the urge to urinate, you will be very eager to go to the toilet to urinate. Not only that, the amount of urination is not much. Why is this? The reason is that women who are about to enter menopause or have already gone through menopause have less estrogen in their bodies, which results in the muscles of the bladder not being as flexible as they used to be, making it difficult for them to hold their urine. Not only that, but there is also a risk of breast sagging.

The onset of menopause means not being young anymore, and that's something every beautiful woman doesn't want to see. However, it is a reality they have to accept. In fact, as long as we work out well and protect our bodies. Even after menopause, you can still bloom a different kind of beauty.


Xiong Yu, Zhang Peiyu, Lin Chen, "Shallow Discussion on Chinese Medicine Keeping in Good Health and Health Care for Perimenopausal Women," Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Guangxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2019, Issue 02

The age of menopause in Chinese women is generally between 45-55 years old, with an average of around 49 years old. Menopause earlier than 45 years can be defined as premature ovarian failure.

Nowadays, on the one hand, with the improvement of people's living standard and better diet, the age of menopause is being pushed back, and on the other hand, the pressure of modern women's work and life is also increasing, staying up late, working overtime, irregular living habits, which affects the level of the endocrine system, which in turn leads to a significant increase in the number of women who go through menopause before 40 years old.

The age of menopause is also related to the reproductive status: the older the age of the first pregnancy, the earlier the menopause; the fewer the number of pregnancies, the earlier the menopause; the shorter the breastfeeding time, the earlier the menopause. This is because the older the age at first pregnancy, the fewer the number of pregnancies, and the less time spent breastfeeding, the more often a woman ovulates, and therefore the earlier menopause occurs.

How does menopause affect women?


Because of the decline in ovarian function, the level of estrogen decreases, which affects the deposition of calcium in the bones, so it is easy to lead to osteoporosis.

Genitourinary infections

Because of the low level of estrogen, a series of degenerative and atrophic changes occur in the female genitourinary system. For example, the vaginal epithelium becomes thin, the vaginal mucosa becomes thin, resulting in low resistance to infection.

Cardiovascular disease

Estrogen can improve the elasticity of blood vessels, so that blood vessels are not easy to harden and block. Therefore, the decrease of estrogen level caused by menopause will cause abnormal lipid metabolism and cardiovascular diseases.

Emotional abnormalities

Due to the interaction of the endocrine system, there will be a phenomenon of phytoneurological dysfunction, which is commonly known as menopausal syndrome. It manifests itself in hot flashes, sweating, palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, lack of concentration, depression, nervousness, emotional instability, agitation, dizziness, tinnitus, and panic.

Deliberately delaying the age of menopause is also wrong; delayed menopause is a high risk factor for breast and cervical cancer. As long as you are within the normal range of menopausal age, you don't need to worry too much. The most important thing is to accept yourself and love yourself.

Natural menopause in women is the cessation of menstruation due to a decline in the function of the ovaries. Specifically, this means that the follicles can no longer develop and produce estrogen, which in turn can no longer stimulate the growth of the endometrial lining of the uterus.

The youngest women in menopause are generally between the ages of 45 and 55, with the majority being around 50, but of course there are also a few years earlier or a year or two later, which is normal. And, according to medical research, the age of menopause is also related to the age of childbearing and the number of pregnancies.

During menopause, estrogen production decreases, which can lead to a range of conditions. For example, sweating (hot flashes, one of the most common symptoms of women in the perimenopausal period) and menstrual irregularities and insomnia, as well as chest tightness, shortness of breath, irritability, agitation and anxiety. Therefore, during this period, women should pay attention to their own emotional control, do some outdoor exercise, listen to more music, and talk to people about happy things and so on.

In addition, we should also pay attention to the diet, such as eating more vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits, in addition to soy food can also be appropriate to eat some, to ensure that the intake of high-quality protein and calcium supplementation, because this period of time women are prone to osteoporosis. The first thing that you need to do is to get your hands on a pair of shoes that you can't afford to wear.

Women should also be careful to avoid cold stimuli during this phase, and not to eat cold and raw cold food.

The age of menopause in women is usually between 54 and 55 years old, but there is a great deal of individual variation. The survey found that the earliest age of women's menopause is 28 years old, the latest is 61 years old, the average is 48.17 years old. Nowadays, menopause before the age of 40 is generally called "early menopause", or "premature ovarian failure", and menopause after the age of 55 is called "late menopause". If the ovaries are removed due to a disease, or if the ovaries are rendered useless and menopausal by radiation or chemicals, this is called "artificial menopause".

Differences in the age of menopause are generally influenced by the following factors:

Race, family, and personal constitution.

Standard of living: women with a high standard of living who are well nourished have a later menopause; conversely, they have an earlier one.

Age at menarche: Those who have an early menarche will have a later menopause; the opposite is true. In the past, it has been suggested that women who have menstruated for 30 years will have menopause earlier if they have an early menarche. It is now believed that this argument is not in line with the reality, as early menarche indicates that the ovaries are functioning vigorously, and of course, they should have menopause later.

Menstrual cycle and menstrual flow: women with short cycles and heavy menstrual flow will have late menopause; conversely, they will have early menopause.

Marital status and fertility: married women have a later menopause than unmarried women; women who are fertile have a later menopause than those who are less fertile.

Certain gynecological diseases such as fibroids, cervical cancer, breast cancer, uterine body cancer, etc., can be accompanied by delayed menopause.

Lifestyle: Women who smoke enter menopause 5 years earlier than non-smokers. Women who are passive smokers due to their husbands' smoking also experience menopause 1 to 2 years earlier. This is because the harmful substances in cigarettes can destroy egg cells and damage ovarian function. Alcohol can directly jeopardize the gonads, leading to ovarian atrophy and loss of libido. Scholars also found that alcohol-induced brain damage can affect the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins. In addition, alcohol damage to the liver, so that the liver cells of estrogen and androgen inactivation function is weakened, estrogen and androgen loss of balance, thus accelerating aging. Some women favor high-fat, high-sugar foods for a long time, so that the body is too obese, and the follicles in the ovaries have fatty degeneration and reduced function.

Drugs: Some women often take large amounts of aspirin-like drugs because of menstrual cramps or toothache. Studies have shown that high concentrations of analgesic drugs have an inhibitory effect on cellular oxidative phosphatase, so that the supply of adenosine triphosphate camp is insufficient, and germ cells can die for lack of energy. Some have also found that analgesic drugs can selectively act on the urinary and reproductive systems to increase the chance of cancer.

Poor hygiene: Repeated episodes of retrograde bacterial infections can affect the functioning of the ovaries, leading to early menopause.

At present, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, life expectancy has increased significantly, so the average age of women's menopause has also been delayed. However, if a woman is over 59 years old and has not stopped menstruating, she should be checked for other abnormalities.

Menopause means aging, early menopause is not good for the body, this is what we all know, then why the later menopause is not good? The reason is that if you're not menopausal by the time you're old enough, it means you're shedding your uterine lining more often and your hormone levels are higher, which makes you more likely to develop endometrial and breast cancers, so it's not true that the later you go through menopause, the better. The best age for a woman to go through menopause is around 50, so if you're going to go through menopause at around 50, congratulations, you've got a good uterus and a healthy body.