Four Step Dance Basic Steps Teaching Method:
The Four Step Dance is generally divided into 4/4 beats. The first step is a long stride forward, the first beat is the lady's right foot backward, then the left foot backward, then still the right foot backward, the second beat is the left foot backward, the third beat is a quick step, alternating left and right.
Men's step is the opposite of women's step, when jumping first the men's left foot forward, from heel to foot to stroll, the second beat is the right foot forward, heel to foot to stroll, the third beat is quick step, when jumping it is the left foot's foot fast, then the right foot's foot is also accelerated, and finally the feet will be put flat.
Four step dance basic footwork mnemonic:
Four step dance basic footwork mnemonic is long step forward, long step backward, forward side step, backward side step, forward left turn step, backward left turn step, forward right turn step, backward right turn step. The tempo of the four-step dance is relatively slow when dancing, so you can practice it slowly according to the mnemonic.
Slow four in the jump is generally the left foot and the right foot alternately to jump, jump, pay attention to men and women directly with the degree of cooperation, as well as dance posture, good posture will give a beautiful feeling, jump when the boys appropriate to give the girls a hint, in the waist of the hand in a direction gently push, suggesting the direction of the change.
Four steps of sorority dance point:
Sorority dance general point rhythm to keep up with, because the music itself he is a sound, a music a point, so that we are in the point of stepping when we must follow the music rhythm to pick dong cha dong cha, so that we follow so will not be messed up, so that we are in the picking when we must follow the music to move.