Wazik Wazik's favorite cha-cha is the lyrics of which song?

The correct lyrics are "I only love cha-cha-cha at the moment", from the song "I only love cha-cha-cha tonight"

Sung by Zhang Qiang


Listen to the words that I say

You'll leave your worries and troubles behind.

Follow me to dance

You'll feel so good

Retro song and dance

It's the fashion of the moment

That rhythm, that heartbeat

Please don't say it's not clear

I'm in love with cha-cha-cha at this very moment

I asked if you'd forgotten about it

It's a good thing that you're in love with it.

I only love cha-cha-cha at the moment

Come and dance cha-cha-cha to make a spark

I only love cha-cha-cha at the moment

Ask you not to abandon it

I only love cha-cha-cha at the moment

I only love cha-cha-cha at the moment

I only love cha-cha-cha at the moment

I only love cha-cha-cha at the moment

Come and dance the cha-cha-cha to stir up the sparks

Retro song and dance

It is the fashion of the moment

The rhythm and the heartbeat

Please don't say it's not clear

I love the cha-cha-cha at this moment

Ask you not to forget it

I love the cha-cha-cha at this moment.

I'm in love with the cha-cha-cha

Come and dance the cha-cha-cha-cha

I'm in love with the cha-cha-cha-cha

Come and dance the cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha

I'm in love with the cha-cha-cha-cha

I'm in love with the cha-cha-cha-cha

I'm in love with the cha-cha-cha-cha-cha

Please don't turn your back on it

I'm in love with cha-cha-cha

Let's dance cha-cha-cha for sparks

I'm in love with cha-cha-cha

Let's dance cha-cha-cha for sparks

This is the first time I've ever been in love with cha-cha-cha, but I'm not sure if I've ever been in love with cha-cha-cha. Strong>Rose Zhang (张蔷), born December 18, 1967 in Beijing, is a Chinese mainland pop singer and songwriter.

In 1985, the sales of her debut album Tokyo Nights exceeded 2.5 million, and the sales of her album Shy Girl exceeded 4.2 million.
In 1986, the sales of her album Saturday exceeded 4 million. In the same year, she became the first Chinese singer to appear in Time magazine, and was named "the third most popular female singer in the world". By 1992, Zhang Qiang had released 27 solo albums, with more than 20 million copies.