Elderly people with age, hearing will gradually decline, many older people think that hearing loss is a common phenomenon of the elderly, do not have to care, in fact, this is a lot of older people there is a kind of wrong idea, hearing loss, as long as the early detection of the early intervention for the elderly is still can be improved. It is understood that the more 120 million elderly people, gradually lost their hearing, the loss of hearing also means that the elderly to the outside world to receive information on the obstacles, a serious impact on the mental health of the elderly and daily life, then, the elderly hearing loss is the cause of what?
Hearing loss in the elderly is a natural law of organ aging, a progressive degenerative changes, many older people in the early stages of mild hearing loss, family members are difficult to detect. When the elderly appear to have difficulty hearing, answering questions, slow response, etc., it means that the degree of hearing loss has been gradually aggravated, in which case even if intervention measures are taken, the effect is not as good as in the early stage. Elderly people due to hearing problems appeared communication barriers, long-term hearing loss will cause cognitive function decline, so that the elderly character change, detachment from the community and other adverse effects, but also make the elderly personality changes, and even self-enclosed, the elderly appeared serious psychological problems.
What are the reasons for the gradual decline of hearing in the elderly?Hearing loss in the elderly will increase with age, the older the cochlea hair cells of the wear and tear of the more serious, so that the sound can not be properly transmitted to the brain, the brain can not receive information in a timely manner for a long time will gradually decline, hearing will also decline. Many older people do not have the habit of cleaning ear holes, when the ear appears to be ear wax blockage, it will affect the normal transmission of sound transmitted to the ear canal, so that the hearing gradually decline.
The stimulation of maximum noise and the impact of local trauma can lead to tympanic membrane perforation, tympanic membrane perforation rupture, will affect the normal transmission of sound, so that the elderly hearing gradually decline. In addition, ear diseases are also causes of hearing loss, such as otitis media, intra-auricular tumors, otitis externa, etc., if not treated in time, so that the degree of damage to the ear is serious will lead to hearing loss.Environmental factors are also the cause of hearing loss in the elderly, if the elderly stay in a noisy environment for a long time, so that the cochlea nerve cell wear and tear is serious, nerve cell damage will affect the transmission of sound signals, resulting in hearing loss. Hearing loss in the elderly is a common disease, there is no medication that can treat it, only through early detection and early intervention to reduce the problem of hearing loss.