The world-famous St. Peter's Square. This harmoniously shaped and massive square is known as the most symmetrical and magnificent square in the world. The square is oval, 340 meters long and 240 meters wide, surrounded on both sides by a semicircular marble colonnade, 284 columns and 88 square columns, divided into rows of four columns, forming three corridors. On the platform at the top of each pillar facing the square, there is a 3.2-meter-high marble statue of a saint, and 140 statues of saints and martyrs are erected at the top. The fabulous statues of the saints have been telling for four hundred years the name of the talented architectural genius of those days: Bernini - the father of Baroque art, and St. Peter's Square was his masterpiece, which took him 11 years to build. In the center of the square stands an obelisk 26 meters high. The tip of the monument is the shape of the crucifixion of Jesus, the construction of the monument of stone is the year specially transported from Egypt.
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