The Smurfs is an animated film produced by the American studio Hanna-Barbera, originally from Belgium, with many "French elements".In 1958, the Belgian cartoonist Pierre Culliford, who went by the pseudonym Peyo, created the art of the Smurfs. "In 1958, Belgian cartoonist Pierre Culliford, alias Peyo, created the artistic image of the Smurfs. The Smurfs became so popular that they were animated for Belgian television in the late 1950s.
In the depths of a deep forest, there live a group of carefree, happy little smurfs, all blue in color, called the Smurfs. The Smurfs live in a mushroom house in their village, where Papa Smurf, Sister Smurf, Benny, and Happy make the Smurf village laugh and smile every day.
But in a castle deep in the forest lives Gargamel, an evil sorcerer, who spends his days plotting how to find the Smurfs' village and capture them alive. The Smurfs, of course, are not going to sit still, and the Smurfs use their wits to fight Gargamel.
Expanded Information:
"The Smurfs" originally originated in Belgium, which has deep human and geographic ties with France, and Belgium has French as one of its official languages, so France publishes the Smurfs on DVD, and the Cantonese version of the opening credits featured the phrase "Bayeux (France)", which is a reference to the French version of the Smurfs. France)," is some error in specific historical circumstances.
The nationality debate over "The Smurfs" has been ongoing, and the fact that each of the 45 episodes of the network's Cantonese version begins with an English-language title has added to the already persistent voices of "Made in the USA".
Because of the special historical background, China's introduction of some of the translated animated films, there are other third places rather than the country of origin through the "mill" to China, Guangdong translation of the dubbed version of "The Smurfs," although it is made in Belgium, but the introduction of the United States version of the so that the beginning of each episode will be English subtitles.
Baidu Encyclopedia - The Smurfs