Is the mini run run together?

Yes Run together, mini marathon means marathon distance is much less than half marathon, is a kind of marathon experience race.2017 Changchun mini marathon is 5 kilometers.

Marathon (Marathon) long-distance running is a very popular international long-distance running competition, the full distance of 26 miles 385 yards, equivalent to 42.195 kilometers (also said 42.193 kilometers). Full Marathon (Full Marathon), Half Marathon (Half Marathon) and Quarter Marathon (Quarter Marathon). The Full Marathon is the most popular, and when you refer to the marathon, you are referring to the Full Marathon.

Marathon treadmill tips:

1, in running, the upper body slightly forward or straight. The force of the backstroke is smaller, and the swing of the thigh towards the top is lower. From the shape, the stirrups after the calf upward swing action is smaller than the long-distance running.

2. The landing point of the foot is closer to the center of gravity of the body, and the whole foot or the outside of the foot is used to land first, and then transition to the whole foot, the landing should be soft and flexible, and the leg should be well bent and cushioned. The swing of the arms should be natural and not too large.

3. In accelerating, sprinting and uphill running, both arms and legs should swing positively, which is conducive to the improvement of running speed. Step length and step frequency should be combined with the athlete's training level, height, weight and adjusted according to the different terrain on the way, to ensure that a more uniform speed to run the whole course. The breathing rhythm should be compatible with the running speed, and the exhalation has a suitable depth.