Replacement of the knee a year time can not dance elderly square dance

Square dance should also remember to warm up for a long time twisting and turning to hurt the knees

High blood pressure and cardiovascular disease patients: should not do too intense exercise, otherwise, it is easy to lead to a sudden rise in blood pressure, triggering cardiovascular events, it is recommended to do some soothing exercise, such as walking, swimming, playing tai chi and so on.

Diabetic patients: the amount of exercise should not be too large, if there is panic in the exercise, shortness of breath, cold sweat, white face, etc., that the amount of exercise is too large, it is easy to induce hypoglycemia. In addition, the microcirculation system of diabetic patients is poor, once encountered trauma, it is difficult to heal. Recommended exercise programs include slow walking and swimming.

Post-surgery patients: the key to exercise for these people is to be gradual and measured, the exercise program should be from easy to difficult, and the exercise time should be gradually increased.

Knee joints are not good: less squatting and other knee joint weight-bearing exercise, such as playing tai chi, mountain climbing, climbing stairs, etc., you can swim, cycling, slow walking.

The amount of exercise to the body slightly sweating, the next day the body does not feel uncomfortable appropriate, there is no need to deliberately exercise for more than half an hour or forty or fifty minutes; the frequency of exercise is the same, as long as they do not feel fatigue every exercise down, adhere to the weekly exercise of 3-5 times is possible, if each exercise after feeling very uncomfortable, exercise once or twice a week is also not relevant. One more thing, the warm-up exercise before the workout must be done well.

Dance dam dance should also remember to warm up long time twisting and turning to hurt the knee

Because exercise unreasonable lead to sports injuries in recent years, middle-aged and elderly people, in recent years, was a year by year a substantial increase in the trend of the Chinese Physicians Association of Sports Medicine Specialized Committee, vice chairman of Prof. Lin Xiangjin in the clinic, found that middle-aged and elderly people accounted for about 1/4 of the patients with sports injuries. middle-aged and elderly people exercise, how can be more scientific, How can the middle-aged and elderly people exercise more scientifically, more easily and more efficiently?

A jumped a year square dance, knee joints jump bad

Liang Auntie, 55 years old, has not been much exercise, diabetes, a year ago, began to dance square dance, dancing an hour and a half a night, in the middle of the general not much rest. Auntie Liang said that if they want to participate in the friendly competition organized by the community, they have to start training at least a week in advance, practicing at least two hours a day, and sometimes in the morning, after practicing, they are really tired.

Long time twisting and turning easy to hurt joints

She wanted to lower blood sugar and blood fat by dancing, but did not expect to jump the knee joints instead.

"Her symptoms are mainly manifested in the knee pain, swelling, walking soft legs, every squatting toilet can not get up, must help a little before, belong to the typical degenerative knee joints and accompanied by medial meniscus damage, which is related to her long time square dancing." Prof. Lin Xiangjin said, in fact, square dancing is a challenge to the body, especially for the knee joint itself is not very good.