In the Yi region, the worship and sacrifice of fire is very common, Yunnan Luxi County Yi in the first day of the first month and June 24, by the housewife to choose a piece of the fattest meat thrown into the burning fire praying to the fire god blessing peace. Yongren County Yi in the same first month of the second or third of the fire worship, known as the opening of the "fire god will", Liangshan Yi people see the fire pond is the fire god living in a sacred place, is strictly prohibited from touching and across.
By the time of the festival, young men and women of all ethnic groups lit torches made of pine wood, to the village field activities, while walking the pine incense to the torches, or gatherings, singing and dancing, or horse racing, bullfighting, wrestling. In recent times, people use the opportunity to gather and rejoice, socialize or lovers meeting, and in the festival to carry out trade and commerce activities long live.
Ah! The Yi torch festival is so good, I love the Yi torch festival.
2 Torch FestivalThat night. Midnight, I have not slept, lying quietly, suddenly heard the window dripping rain, as if playing a low blue Danube.
Is this rain trying to douse the unquenchable spark? I thought. I listened to the rain and felt the peace of the night, and for the first time I was not so afraid, but remembered a man. I look forward to his text, because that is the topic I gave.
Wind and rain outside the window is still, I'm alone in this silent night, in front of me is a red fire, as if the burning youth, I'm in this dark night searching, youth is also not yet centered ......
I think of Cangyangjiazuo's poem, "In that life, I turn the mountains and water to turn the pagoda, not to repair the next life, but only on the way to the next life, to repair the next life, but only on the way to the next life.
3 Torch FestivalFirecrackers, the torch festival officially began, first lit the woodpile, everyone began to jump from the "fire", jumping from the fire is to protect the safety of the year all the bad luck are "burned" away, looking forward to the next year of good health, smooth work, family harmony. The purpose of jumping over the fire is to ensure peace and to "burn" away all the bad things of the year, and to look forward to a year of good health, work and family harmony. After jumping after the fire, the torch was lit, we held the torch has been running to the top of the hill, from the top of the bird's-eye view of the village, the scenery in front of us is beautiful, the red lanterns of every house and the stars in the sky, can not tell which is the sky, which is the ground, plus colorful fireworks, people are dazzled by the dazzling, dizzy, and so far, still vivid in retrospect.
The hometown of the torch festival lively, I love the hometown of the torch festival, but more love my hometown!
4 Unforgettable Torch FestivalI saw a huge fire in the center of the square had been lit, the fire is getting bigger and bigger, and finally became a blazing flame, reflecting the red face of all the people. There were some brothers and sisters in performance costumes holding hands and dancing to the music, and we rushed to participate. We all held hands and danced happily around the fire. I hurriedly followed their example and danced one, two, one, two. Looking at those locals dancing so lightly, but we were busy with our hands and feet, I was really a bit unconvinced in my heart. But I learned very seriously, the third day, I jumped much better. Jumping and jumping, more and more people,; inside and outside around a layer, two layers, three layers, four layers. We jumped until we were drenched in sweat before returning to the inn.
What a memorable torch festival!
5 Torch FestivalThe highlight of the festival is the torch play. Young men and women each hold a torch. When they see people, they grab a handful of rosin powder from their satchels and sprinkle it on the torches. Each sprinkle, emitting a dazzling fire, issued a "boom" sound, the fire prairie to the other side, called "honoring a hand". The white people believe that the fire pointing to can prairie away from the body of the bad luck. Therefore, competing prairie, joyful. After the prairie play, young people to groups, holding a small torch to the field, to the torch to sprinkle rosin powder, to the grain to light spike, the intention is to eliminate pests and diseases to ensure a good harvest.
The end of the torch festival also jumping torch. Around midnight, the carnival burning matchsticks piled into a pile of bonfires. Young men and women one by one from the bonfire back and forth across two or three times, praying to the fire god "sacrifice disaster to get rid of evil". It is important to see who jumps high and far until the fun is over.
6 Jinshan "torch festival"In the circle of the "Tang Monk teacher and disciple" four people play a variety of ghost face sometimes attracted a burst of laughter. The most affinity is the two people carry a large sedan chair. Parents two carry their beloved children walking and talking and laughing. There is also that riding a horse graceful young man ......
Unconsciously the torch festival of the end of the traffic, people are still standing in the street, the eyes are still looking at the distant smoke filled under the "brigade", the mouth is still commenting on this year last year's "torch festival". "Torch Festival", a long time do not want to go away. I also thought in my heart: if every day there is a torch festival, every day so lively how good it is! Jinshan torch festival is so grand, so lively, Jinshan people are so love life. The people of Jinshan welcome guests from afar!
7 joyful torch festivalAfter dinner, almost dark, the torch festival celebrations began, I saw a flute-playing elder stood in the middle of all the people, the elder can be regarded as their village is more capable of people, because they play the flute of the craft is only passed on to his son did not have a son will be passed on to his trusted 'people, in the elder's side of a pile of bonfires, everyone around a circle, jumping'. A circle in a "kick dance" dance for a long time, people picked up the torch on the bonfire to light the torch, people hold up the torch running in the field, I saw a little starlight printed with a little fire, their torches to each side of a person to be surrounded by torches around on behalf of the good luck, peace, we all look forward to a good harvest in the fall I saw their autumn harvest from their smiles. I saw in their smiles the way they look at the fall harvest.
This torch festival is so interesting! I don't know if I will be able to have a torch festival next year.
8 The Lively Torch FestivalAfter midnight, the people parade again with torches, and put a bunch of unlit torches in front of every house to show their congratulations. At this moment, the people surrounded the whole street, they were holding lamps, dancing with torches, cheering and jumping. That laughter, singing, screaming into a piece.
Look at the bunch of torches, like a swimming dragon, bumping around; like a blue fish, moving around; the weak light like a firefly as beautiful.
The day of the Torch Festival is really lively!
9 Torch FestivalThe old man came, playing the usual dusty Yueqin; the young man came, blowing the flute that had not been touched for a very long time; the girls came, hand in hand and feet touching the feet to pick up the joyful dance; the children came, singing around the fire, jumping, chasing, playing ...... The firelight shone red on the face of every Yi family member, and also lit up the face of every Yi family member. The firelight illuminated the face of every Yi family member, and also illuminated the heart of every Yi family member. Listen, the pleasant song, sang the praise of people on the happy life, sang the people on the beautiful future of the hope.
The Torch Festival is not a simple festival, it is a symbol of the hard-working, courageous and indomitable spirit of our Yi family.
10 Xichang Torch FestivalAt this time, the street resounded with Yi music, the Yi compatriots on the street are dressed in festive costumes, surrounded by fire dragons, face bloomed a bright smile, mouth humming a song, stepping to the rhythm of the music, clapping their hands, stomping their feet, dancing, we couldn't help but follow the dance, a moment later, more and more people dancing in the street, a sea of people, the street surrounded the water, I felt the whole world, I felt like the whole world. I felt that the whole world was joyful. At 9:00 - 10:00 pm, a moment, the entire Xichang City, the high altitude resounded deafening fireworks sound, the sky bloomed a colorful fireworks of the beautiful!
This torch festival is really unforgettable!
11 lively torch festival
After that, the Pi Luoguo really burned the chiefs gathered Songming building, the five edicts of the chiefs have not been spared. In the face of the ashes of Songming Building, Mrs. Charity wept bitterly. She threw herself in the ashes and pulled out the iron ring worn by her husband, and then she recognized his body and transported him home. Later, Pi Luoguo heard about this intelligent and virtuous Lady Charity and wanted to marry her. But how can Mrs. Charity marry again, ceremonial burial of her husband, she closed the city to kill themselves, following their husbands to go, leaving behind this touching and touching story.
From then on, the Bai people of Yunnan will have a torch festival to commemorate the historical story of the "burning of the Songming Building" and the courageous and intelligent Mrs. Charity.