Looking for character dialog cheats for the prince of the prince of tennis game academy festival!

Tips for Shinobu

Time Location Event Name, Options Remarks

August 22nd (Day) Simulation store Choose "Fufu, Private ga payけたんゃないですよ"

August 23rd (Evening) Simulation store Talk to Shinobu and choose "ファンって言われた事ないですよ" to get the special topic "Princeプゼントの話


August 24 (Morning) Square Use "Meet Me" to see Shinobu, then choose the topic "Preventive Discourse" and get the special topics "Wadaiko Discourse" and "Sagoshi Kizushi Discourse"

August 24 (Daytime) Main Building Talk to Shinobu to trigger the candy event

August 24 (Evening) Mimic Store Talk to Shinobu and choose the topic "Wadaiko Discourse"

August 24 (Evening) Mimic Store Talk to Shinobu and choose the topic "Wadaiko Discourse"

August 24 (Evening) Mimic Store Talk to Shinobu and choose the special topic "Wadaiko Discourse"

August 25 (Sunset) Simulation store Talk to Shinobu and select "Sagoshi Kizushi"

August 25 (Sunset) Plaza Check Shinobu by using "Meet Me" and select "Shinobu's Predecessors" and "私は别に.気にしません"

August 26 (Sunset) Stage Check Shinobu by using "Meet Me"

August 26 (Sunset) Stage Check Shinobu by using "Meet Me" and select "Shinobu". Shinobu

August 26 (Evening) Mock Shop Choose "はい、ぜひ"

8月27日(day) 本馆 Use "见る" to see Shinobu, and trigger the event of Xiang Hinao forcing Shinobu to eat

August 27 (Evening) Choose "はい、ぜひ"

August 27 (Night) Self-House Shinobu phone date, choose "はい。 Hima Desu Kaido"

August 28 Dating Going to the cinema with Shinobu to see a romantic movie to get a CG

August 29 (Morning) Plaza Use "Meet Me" to check out Shinobu and trigger an event

August 29 (Evening) Simulation Shop An automatic event occurs, choose "Hai"

August 30 (Night) Self-house Shinobu calls for a date, choose "Hai. Hana. Hima Desu Kaido"

August 31 Date Go to the amusement park with Shinobu and get a CG

September 3 (morning) Simulation store Use "Meet Me" to see Shinobu, select "ちょっと声を挂けてみよう""", "Shinobu Eugene" and "Eugene Senpai, Hand Transfers Mashirokai".

September 3 (Day) After the show, Shinobu invites the heroine to visit the school festival, choose "Hai, Soyo Desu Nee"

September 4 (Night) At the party, Shinobu and Shinobu danced and then confessed to each other to get a CG

Kaihara Akira

Time, Location, Event Name, Option Remarks

August 22 (Morning) In the Main Building, talk to Kaihara, and trigger the fatigue. Event Getting a CG

August 23 (Day) Mimic Shop Talk to Kirihara to trigger the ball in the warehouse event

August 24 (Day) Stage Click on Kirihara's avatar with "See You" to trigger an event Getting a special topic "Nobunaga Drama Topics"

August 24 (Day) Mimic Shop Talk to Kirihara to choose a topic "Nobunaga Drama Topics"

August 25 (Day) Mimic Shop Talk to Kirihara to choose a topic "Nobunaga Drama Topics"

August 25 (Day) August 25 (morning) Square Talk to Kibahara and trigger an incident with a sleeping Kibahara to get the special topic "居眠りの话题"

August 25 (day) Stage Click on Kibahara's avatar with "见る" to trigger an incident

August 26 (day) Main Building Talk to Kibahara and choose the topic "居眠りの话题"

August 26 (night) Tennis Court Click on Kibahara's avatar with "见る" to trigger an incident

August 26 (night) Tennis Court Click on Kibahara's avatar with "Seeる" to trigger the topic "Nobunaga's play". Click on Keshihara's avatar with "见る" and select "間に合わないよね....どうしよう........." to get the CG

August 27th (Morning) Simulation store Talk to Keshihara and trigger an apology to Sobe

August 27th (Evening) Select "うん、お願い"

August 27th (Night)

August 27th (Evening) Home ) Self-house Kekihara calls for a date, choose "うん, ヒマだけど"

August 28th Date Choose "うん, まだ 大丈夫"

August 29th (Day) Stage Automatically triggered, choose "はい"

August 30th (Evening) Automatically triggered event

August 30th (Night) Self-house Kekihara calls for a date, choose "うん、ヒマだよ」

August 30th (Night) Self-house Kekihara calls for a date, choose "うん、ヒマだよ」

August 27th (Day) Stage Automatically triggered, choose "Hai Mardayo』

August 31st Date and Keshihara's homework in the library event Get a CG

September 3rd (morning) Simulation store Use 『Meet Me』 to click on Sanada's avatar and select 『Cheょっと声を挂けてみよう」「切原赤也」『赤也くん、手伝おうか?』.

September 3 (Day) After the show, Keshihara invites the heroine to visit the school festival, and chooses "うん, いいよ"

September 3 (Night) Cafe incident with Keshihara Fuyuki

September 4 (Night) Keshihara makes the heroine the manager of the tennis team, and then confesses his love for the heroine, earning her a CG.

Suzunosuke Shiraishi

Time, place, notes. Event Name, Option Remarks

August 22 (Morning) In the Main Hall, at Yamabuki Middle School, character Shiraishi chooses "Grampuri"

August 22 (Day) In the Plaza, click on the Shiraishi statue with "See You" and choose "Topic of Poisonous Hands" to get a CG

August 23 (Morning) In the Plaza, click on the Shiraishi statue with "Words" and choose "クウツギ"

August 23 (Morning) In the Plaza, click on the Shiraishi statue with "Words" and choose "クウツギ"

This is the first time that Shiraishi has been in the Plaza and he is the only person to have been there for the past few years.

August 23 (Day) Stage Click on the white stone statue with 『Miru』 and select 『ボーカルユニットの打ち合せ』

August 24 (Evening) Analog Shop Click on the white stone statue with 『Words』 and select 『Simulation store を补強後、駅まで送ってもらう」

August 25 (Morning) Analog Shop Click on the white stone statue with 『Words』 and select 『Yesterday's続き』

August 25 (Morning) Analog Shop Click on the white stone statue with 『Words』 and select 『Yesterday's続き」

August 25 (Morning) Analog Shop Click on the white stone statue with 『Yesterday's Continued Yesterday's Continuous Process"

August 26th (Morning) Plaza: Use "See You" and select "Baba Sukiyaki Ecostasy" to get a Kintaro Toyama doll

August 26th (Day) Plaza: Use "See You" and select "Volvo Unicorn Unicorn Practice" to get a special topic called "Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Topic"

August 26th (Evening) Analog Shop: Use "Say Something" and click on the white stone statue and select "Yesterday's Continuous Process. Click on the white stone statue and select "Buy out" or "Hai, Ii Desuyo"

August 27 (Day) Plaza Use "See You" to select "Topic of the Holy Book" and "Topic of the Minister"

August 27 (Evening) Analog Shop Use "Talk" to click on the white stone statue and select "Iron Plate Tieste"

August 27 (Evening) Home Conversation Date, select "Tomorrow, what will you decide?" "Ie, Te ni Arimasen"

August 28th Date: Choose "Shiraishi sanって true face なんですね", "Green Juice", "Wakakusa color ツボマッサージ ware"

August 29th (Morning) Stage: Play the mini game "Wall Hit Che Masta" with "Seeing You" to get the God Tail dolls

August 30th (Evening) Home: Phone Date: Choose "Tomorrow, what will you do to set up an appointment? "Tomorrow", "Kotarouka?". Haha, Husband Desu"

Aug. 31 Date Event to get CG

Sept. 4 (Night) Final Confession

Kikumaru Eiji

Time, Place, Event Name, Options Remarks

Aug. 22 (Day) Chocolate Incident at Honkan to get Special Topic "Tang Topic"

Aug. 22 (Day) Stage to choose Topic "Tang Topic"

August 22 (Day) Stage to choose Special Topic "Tang Topic"

August 30 (Night) Phone Date to choose "Tomorrow, Airi Touka? August 22nd (Day) Stage: Choose "Confectionary Topic"

August 23rd (Morning) Main Building: Choose "Reminiscence" to get the special topic "Handicrafts Topic"

August 23rd (Day) Mimic Shop: Choose "Handicrafts Topic"

August 23rd (Evening) Plaza: Click on Kikumaru's avatar with "Seeing" to get the special topic "Dance Topic"

August 24th (Evening) Plaza: Use "Seeing" to click on Kikumaru's avatar to get the special topic "Dance Topic".

August 24 (Day) Plaza Click on Kikumaru's avatar using "See You", then select "ダンスの話" to get a CG

August 25 (Day) Main Building Invite the heroine to a snack event

August 26 (Evening) Simulation store Select "Hai, Oshimasu" "わざと失败してませんか?"。 "Hai, Mochiron!"

August 27th (Eve) Select "はい、もちろん!".

August 27 (Night) Mansion Kikumaru calls for a date, select "Hima Desuyo"

August 28 (Date) Select "そうですね" and "ループコースター"

August 30 (Morning) Main Building Click on Kikumaru's avatar with "见る"

August 30 (Day) Simulation Shop Auto Event, select "Hai"

August 30 (Day) Simulation Shop Auto Event, select "Hai"

August 30 (Day) Simulation Shop Auto Event, select "Hai"

August 30 (Day) Simulation Shop Auto Event, select "Hai"

August 30 (Day) Simulation Store

August 30th (Night) Mansion Kikumaru calls for a date, select "Hima Desuyo"

August 31st Date Go to the zoo with Kikumaru, select "でっかいカバ" and get a CG

September 3rd (Morning) Analog Shop Click on Tezuka's avatar using "See You", select "Chibi", "Kikumaru Eiji" and "Tezumaru". 『Shirouka?

September 3 (Day) After the show, Kikumaru invites the heroine to the school festival, select "Hai!

September 3 (Evening) Kikumaru and Kikumaru go to the haunted house in Fudofuku Peak to get a CG

September 4 (Night) At the party, Kikumaru and the heroine dance, and then he confesses his feelings for the heroine, and Kikumaru's route is over. Get CG

Also, LZ, I can't post this with the dialog added, there's a word limit.

I'll try my best

Kikumaru Eiji

Topic 1 - School Festival

Lady (deep in thought): The ingredients are in place, so it's about time we started practicing how to make marshmallows.

Kikumaru (leaping for joy): Hooray! Make sure I'm the first to taste it when it's done!

Lady (warning): You'd better be more modest then, senpai, the ingredients cost money too.

Kikumaru (pouting in displeasure): I know~~

Lady (pretending not to see): Kikumaru-senpai, do you like children?

Kikumaru (nodding briskly): Uh-huh! Quite like them, yo~~

Lady (relieved): Great, because I figured it would be all the younger kids who came to buy the marshmallows.

Kikumaru (patting his chest boldly): It's okay! I'll take care of everything~~

Lady (exclaiming): Kikumaru-senpai is really dependable, and so is Oishi-senpai. (Troubled pause) Except for ......

Kikumaru (understanding): oooh~~ You mean Tezuka!

Lady (sighing): yeah, he's really worrisome ......

Kikumaru (worriedly): yeah, it'd be bad if Tezuka's iceberg face made the kids cry!

Lady (grabbing Kikumaru's hand and begging bitterly): Kikumaru-senpai! I'll bet everything on your invincible bright smile haha!

Kikumaru (obliging righteously): Oh! Now that you've said that, I'll definitely be cheering!

Lady (relieved): Please~~

Topic 2-Homework

Lady (concerned): Have you finished Kikumaru-senpai's summer homework?

Kikumaru (shaking his head): No...

Lady (surprised): So you're just going to resign yourself to death?

Kikumaru (couldn't care less): It doesn't matter ~~ I have a very powerful helper ~~

Lady (puzzled): helper ......?

The next day.

Lady (worriedly): Kikumaru-senpai, why are you listless?

Kikumaru (crying): You must not know how to do third grade questions, do you?

Lady (strangely): Of course, second year me, if I could do third year questions, I would have already been bailed right into the high school by the school. Why is senpai asking this all of a sudden?

Kikumaru (bawling): I, I took my unfinished summer vacation homework to Oishi yesterday and asked him to do it for me, but he said "do your own homework"! Oooo...... don't you think he's gone too far~~~~

Lady (sweaty): Senpai...... didn't you ever think of writing it yourself......

Topic 3-Weather

Lady (looking at Kikumaru, who is breathlessly paralyzed in a ball, sweating): ...... Kikumaru-senpai, is it that hot?

Kikumaru (yelling in annoyance): ah~~~ it's hot hot hot hot hot hot-!

Lady (helplessly): You're not going to cool down by yelling that hard, you're just going to sweat excessively.

Kikumaru (simply rolling around on the floor pouting): I don't care~~ You have to find a way to cool me down anyway meow~~!

Heroine (black line): That's unreasonable, isn't it ......

Kikumaru (huffing and puffing and getting up): Hmph, I can't be relied on~~ I'm going to go to an air-conditioned room to enjoy the cold air

Topic 4 - Tennis

Heroine (curiously): Kikumaru-senpai, how do you feel about your experience with the most powerful players you have met in the tournament so far? strongest enemy you've encountered in your matches so far?

Kikumaru (wagging his finger): Well ...... Yamabuki's Simple Duo is very strong, but in the end the one who won big, was us Yo ~~ Hexagon's Sasaki&Tree combo is very tricky, but in the end the one who won big, was still us Yo ~~ Ice Emperor's Shinobu&Mukouji combo is very difficult, but in the end the one who won big, was still us Yo ~~ Ice Emperor's Shinobu&Mukouji combo is very difficult, but in the end the one who won big, was still us

The heroine (sweaty): Senpai, how come you guys always win?

Kikumaru (shaking his head): No, we lost to Rikai's Inoue & Yanagi, but we gained a lot of experience from it...

Kikumaru (shaking his fist): I'm not going to lose the nationals again!

Lady (encouraging): Go for it!

Topic 5-Books

Lady (indignantly): I just read a popular novel that's been trending lately.

Kikumaru (listening attentively): uh-uh-uh-uh-uh

Lady (grumbling): but after I finished it, I realized that it's not as interesting as everyone else said it was!

Kikumaru (nodding in sympathy): I know, I know, I know, I bought a bunch of so-called popular novels once, and when I got home I realized they were just a bunch of crap, and it was really depressing!

Lady (balanced): great, so I'm not the only one doing this stupid thing.

Kikumaru (laughing): haha~~~~

Lady (pulling out a book): say, senpai, take a look at this, I've found a very interesting magazine!

Kikumaru (elated): really? Let's see~~

Lady (expectantly): How about it?

Kikumaru (frowning and shrugging off the magazine): Yuck! How can you show this kind of adult book to a child! It's not nice!

Lady (black line): You've got to be kidding me. ...... It's just a normal cooking magazine. ......

Kikumaru (in mock surprise): Ah! Tezuka was spotted ahead! Hey~~ Tezuka~~! (Quickly escapes)

Lady (annoyed): Kikumaru-senpai!

Topic 6-Music

Lady (surprised): Kikumaru-senpai, you actually listen to music? That's so rare.

Kikumaru (frozen, looking at the CD in his hand): You mean this? I borrowed it from Dot~~~

Lady (with a wink): What do you think?

Kikumaru (shrugging his shoulders, grimacing, and criticizing in a disdainful tone): It's so-so. (Mischievously sticking out her tongue) Oops, I seem to have been infected by Dot~~

Lady (unable to stop herself from laughing): Oh, that's quite a good imitation of a tone of voice, senpai.

Kikumaru (cheerfully): Yeah! Then I'll do it in front of everyone next time~~

Lady (smiling): No problem~~ As long as you're not afraid of being strangled by Echizen-san.

Topic 7-Games

Lady (with admiration): Kikumaru-senpai is really light as a feather! I bet you never lost a game of grab the chair or catch the ghost when you were a kid, right?

Kikumaru (smugly): Of course! And by the way, I'm pretty good at guessing punches, too.

Lady (understandingly): Because you have excellent dynamic vision?

Kikumaru (proudly): Yes, I can react instantly to the slightest movement of the opponent's hand...

Lady (in awe): Wow, that's amazing...

Kikumaru (chest rising): Thanks to this skill, I got a lot of discounts when I was an elementary school student...

Lady (in curiosity): Such as...?

The heroine (curious): such as?

Kikumaru (counting his fingers): such as being able to get a good seat in the class rotation where the teacher wouldn't be able to catch him even if he dozed off, or being able to grab extra snacks from his wolfish classmates when it was time for dessert. ......

Lady (covering her mouth with a smile): Heh.

Topic 8-Dressing Up

Lady (praising): Kikumaru-senpai's hair is so cute when it's sticking up!

Kikumaru (blown away): wow~~ it's the first time someone praised my hair for being cute~~

Lady (nodding): it's really cute!

Kikumaru (smiling mischievously): mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Lady (unable to stop herself from laughing): Heh heh heh (curious) I heard that you have a big bear doll in your room?

Kikumaru (nodding happily): Yeah~~ Its name is Daigoro~~

Lady (eyes shining): Oh good~~ You have 5 big bear cubs in your house~~

Kikumaru (shaking his head baffledly): No wow.

Lady (puzzled): But isn't the bear cub in your room called Goro?

Kikumaru (sweating): my house may be big, but it can't hold five such huge bears ......

Lady (regretfully): what a shame ......

Kikumaru (laughing): haha ~~ even though I only have one bear, but you can still come and make friends with it ah!

Lady (smiling): OK~~

Topic 9-Love food

Lady (wiping sweat): When it's hot, I want to eat cold things.

Kikumaru (breathlessly): Yeah ...... I'm craving shaved ice right now ......

Lady (looking up at the sky): Say, at the school festival, it seems like one of the schools had a booth that sold shaved ice.

Kikumaru (immediately jumping up and down with excitement): wow~~ that's great!

Lady (distressed): But, eating shaved ice will give you a headache.

Kikumaru (approvingly): Yeah, especially if you eat it too fast and too hard. (Sighs) But you can't eat this stuff if you don't eat it fast.

Lady (sighing): Yeah, if you don't eat it quickly, the shaved ice will melt.

Kikumaru (pouting): So how can anyone eat a full portion of shaved ice in time and not get a headache~~ That's just pushing it~~~!

Lady (sweaty): That's true. So what's senpai's favorite food?

Kikumaru (immediately blurts out without hesitation): fluffy omelet rice ~~ fresh and bouncy fried shrimp ~~ cool and refreshing shaved ice ~~

Lady (snorting): Hehe, senpai said it so smoothly, I guess you really love these foods to the bone.

Kikumaru (exasperatedly glaring at the heroine): What's the matter, you can't?

Lady (smiling): No, senpai is really cute~~

Kikumaru (mumbling sullenly): oooh...... have mixed feelings...... actually being praised by a girl for being cute! ......

Topic 10-Relationships

Lady (smiling): Kikumaru-senpai, do you have a girlfriend? It's okay to say someone you like.

Kikumaru (smirking): Hey~~ You want to know so badly?

Lady (nodding vigorously): I want to!

Kikumaru (grinning): I'm not going to tell you then! I'm very sorry, I'll see you next week~~ (hums a little song and leaves)

Lady (furious): How dare you lie to me!

The next day.

The heroine (continuing to demonstrate to the world what is called "not stopping until the Yellow River"): seniors have a favorite girl?

Kikumaru (leisurely): I'm not interested in girls at the moment~~

Lady (reacting quickly): Oh, so does senpai have a favorite boy?

Kikumaru (black line): you think too much ......

Lady (disgruntled): can you blame me! Kikumaru-senpai refused to tell me all along!

Kikumaru (snickering): Ha! How could I possibly tell you the answer so easily~~ (once again, slowly and leisurely leaves)

Lady (gritting her teeth): damn it ......

Once again, the day is over.

Lady (discouraged): Kikumaru-senpai, what kind of girls do you like? ...... Alas, it's useless to ask, you won't tell ......

Kikumaru (with a wink): this then, I can tell you oh ~ ~ ~

Lady (lamenting): I'm right, right, you won't tell me to know! ...... (snapping out of it) hey? Really?

Kikumaru (nods curtly): Yes ~ ~ (thinking) Well ...... the girl I like must be a hard-working, funny, cheerful, cute smile, and fun to play tricks on ~ ~ (laughs meaningfully) I can only think of so many requirements for the time being. The heroine (muttering): this is not like generalizing a favorite type, it's so specific, it's like describing the person you want to be with ......

Kikumaru (sticking out his tongue): hahahaha~~ you can see that, can't you?

Lady (shrugs): Because senpai was smiling when she said that.

Kikumaru (scratches his head in embarrassment): hehehehe~~~

Lady (sighs): I really envy that girl who was able to be liked by senpai, because Kikumaru-senpai is a gentle person, so you will surely be very precious to the girl you love.

Kikumaru (nodding uncontrollably): Yeah, yeah~~ I'll surely love her very much~

Lady (enviously): I also want a boyfriend like senpai~~

Kikumaru (his smile stiffened): ......You, haven't you realized it yet?

Lady (dumbfounded): what?

Kikumaru (looking up to the sky and sighing): ugh .................. (not in a good mood) Then I'll add one more thing! The guy I like is a slow-witted bigot!

Lady (sympathetically): Then you're still really struggling yeah.

Kikumaru (smiling bitterly): Haha ...... that's to say ah ...... (can't help but sigh again) alas ......

Lady (hastily patting Kikumaru encouragingly on the shoulder): Senpai! ): Senpai, cheer up, I'm with you!

Special Appendix-;Name calling

Kikumaru (absentmindedly): nah~~ (naturally calling out the heroine's name) today is also very tired oh~~

Heroine (froze for a long time before reacting): eh ......? ...... ah, yes, yes ah ......

Kikumaru (blinking his big watery eyes in disappointment): oops? Do you hate it when I call you by your name?

Lady (shaking her head hurriedly): no, I was just a little startled.

Kikumaru (regaining his sunny smile): really? Yay! (remembering) Oh, by the way, you can call me by my name too~~

Lady (embarrassed): Huh? This ......

Kikumaru (sticking to his guns): You're welcome, I like to be called that~

Lady (having to comply): So, Eiji-senpai ......?

Kikumaru (cheerfully): hmmm~~

(Incident 1)

On the morning of August 22nd, the heroine found Kikumaru sneaking around the conference room.

The heroine (out of surprise): Kikumaru-senpai, what are you doing?

Kikumaru (almost scared to death): Wow! Don't just pop out of nowhere!

Lady (sharp-eyed): Hey, senpai, what are you hiding behind your back?

Kikumaru (whistling sheepishly): no, no ah ......

Lady (narrowing her eyes): so suspicious ...... (suddenly exclaimed in mock surprise) ah ah ah! Kikumaru-senpai! You got a ring of chocolate chips next to your mouth yeah!

Kikumaru (hastily lifting his wrist and wiping his mouth vigorously): No way?

Lady (squinting): I see ......

Kikumaru (then realizing): Ahh! You fooled me!

Lady (sighing): Senpai, don't eat so many snacks, you'll get fat.

Kikumaru (couldn't care less): It's okay~~ I'll burn off the calories by exercising~~ (What the hell~ Eiji is so skinny~)

(Incident 2)

On the morning of August 23rd, the heroine found Kikumaru in the conference room again, messing around with something.

Lead actress (frowning): Kikumaru-senpai?

Kikumaru (cheerfully): yo! You're just in time, I'll show you something fun~~

Lady (curiously): fun?

Kikumaru (proudly showing a handful of poker): Look, it's a set of poker without any mechanism~

Lady (enlightened): Oh, it's magic. (Appears! Kikumaru and Cecil's ****ing point of agreement!)

Lady (carefully drew one): then this one ......

Kikumaru (prompt): then, you can remember the suit and size of this card ~ ~ ~ the card does not need to show me ~ ~

Lady (do as she is told): good.

Kikumaru (snapping after a few seconds): remember?

Lady (nodding): Yes, 9 of diamonds.

Kikumaru (holding his head in annoyance): Ah! Don't say it~~

Lady (hurriedly covering her mouth): oh, sorry.

Kikumaru (sighing): Never mind, just draw another one, and this time don't say it.

Lady (tongue out): Yes yes ......

Kikumaru (repeating the program): ...... Okay, remember?

Lady (nodding her head extremely nicely): uh-huh.

Kikumaru (skillfully shuffling the cards): next, I mix this card you drew back into the pile ......

Lady (excitedly): and then what?

Kikumaru (disgruntled glare): don't interrupt ah, patiently watch ~~ then, I put all the cards into this empty box ...... (smiling and pulling a card out of the box) look, the card you chose is in ...... (looking at the cards with completely different suits and sizes. Dumbfounded) Ahhhh?

Lady (understandingly): failed?

Kikumaru (embarrassed): It's strange ...... it was perfect when I did it before ......

Lady (reassuring): That's a shame.

Kikumaru (immediately energized, clenching his fists): Damn it~~ I must work hard again meow! I'll do it even if I have to hang my head from a beam and stab my bones in order to achieve the ultimate magic, meow!

Lady (Khan): You don't have to be so desperate, it's not like you're trying to be David Copperfield ......

In the afternoon, the heroine met Kikumaru near the stage, and the two of them continued where they left off in the morning.

Lady (interestedly): Kikumaru-senpai likes to do magic tricks, huh?

Kikumaru (wagging his index finger): NONO~~ I don't so much like magic as I like the joy it brings to people~~

Lady (admiringly): Senpai is really a born entertainer!

Kikumaru (nodding): Hmm! My goal is to be a tennis player who can sing and dance while hitting a perfect return shot at the same time~~

Lady (black line): Dancing is fine, but you still sing ......

Kikumaru (smugly): Heh heh heh~~~Because I want to mesmerize everyone with my beautiful voice~~(Erji when did you change into Sobe~)

Kikumaru (proudly): Heh heh heh~~Because I want to mesmerize everyone with my beautiful voice~~(Erji when did you change into Sobe~) (Erji, when did you change into Sobe~)

Lady (laughing): Hehe, I'll have to listen to it then, if I get the chance.

Kikumaru (happily): no problem! You'll be surprised by my meow!

(Incident 3)

On the morning of August 24th, the heroine saw Kikumaru practicing his sprint in the square.

The heroine (rubbing her eyes): Huh? How come Kikumaru-senpai seems to have turned into 2 ......?

Kikumaru (noticing the heroine as he stops to rest): omg, it's you?

Lady (confused): Kikumaru-senpai ...... did you just ...... split?

Kikumaru (scratching his head): oh, you mean the little mini-steps I just used.

Lady (puzzled): little mini-steps?

Kikumaru (proudly): Yeah~~~ It allows me to move at amazing speeds~~~

Lady (excitedly): Can it be ...... that this is actually the legendary multiple shadow doppelganger?

Kikumaru (black line): You've watched too much Naruto, haven't you?...... (confused) But ordinary people's eyes shouldn't be able to see the doppelg?ngers.......

Lady (admiringly): Awesome, someone has practiced the shadow doppelg?nger technique in reality! The art of bilocation ...... Senior, I worship you!

Kikumaru (increasingly oblivious): It's okay~~~ but it's a pretty physical move~~

Lady (reverently): I guess so, but it's still awesome!

Kikumaru (beaming with praise): yahahahahaha~~ I'm so happy to be praised by you like that! (bends over and prepares to sprint) Then I'll give you one more special service!

Lady (hastily stopping it): no need, senpai will be tired!

Kikumaru (shaking his head): don't think so yeah.

Lady (changing her reason for stopping): you don't get tired, but my eyes get tired staring all the time too!

Kikumaru (regretfully): oooh ...... forget it then.

(Incident 4)

At noon on August 25th, the heroine saw Kikumaru snacking in the conference room again.

Lady (black line): Kikumaru-senpai, is that big bag you're holding ...... full of snacks?

Kikumaru (cheerfully): correct answer!

Lady (chilling): You're going to eat all those snacks by yourself, aren't you?

Kikumaru (laughing and patting the heroine's shoulder): What? If you want to eat, just say so~~Nah, let's eat together~~

Lady (wanting to refuse): But ......

Kikumaru (not being able to help himself): Well, well, don't be so old-fashioned~~Come on, let's go to the plaza to eat~~

We will eat it!


Kikumaru (looking around): Well, let's eat here!

Lady (still trying to decline): that, senpai ......

Kikumaru (breaks a piece of cake in half, and graciously shoves it to the heroine): come on, I'll give you half of it~~

Lady (in a difficult manner): this ......

Kikumaru (deliberately grimacing): No? Then I'll just eat it all!

Lady: I'll eat it ...... (takes a bite)

Kikumaru: Good, now you're a **** offender~~

Lady (surprised): Eh?

Kikumaru (grinning): If Tezuka catches us, we'll have to thank him together~

Lady (surprised): Your minister even cares about that?

Kikumaru (spreading his hands): No, he only cares if you eat snacks during club activities~~ I was just lying to you, don't worry about it~

Lady (relieved): Hey, I was scared to death ...... If it was Tezuka-senpai, I think he'd be really pissed off yeah.

Kikumaru (harrumphing): He's really tough on rule breakers, but he's not that rigid!

Lady (muttering): But it doesn't look that way from the outside ......

Kikumaru (grinning): Live and let live~~ Should I tell Tezuka about your wonderful comment just now~~

Lady (exasperated): Hey!

Kikumaru (laughing): It's a joke, why do you trust people so easily~~

Lady (exasperated): I told you to joke around!

Kikumaru (rightfully): because it's fun to tease you~~

Lady (bruised): fun?

Kikumaru (nodding): mmmmmmmm~~ It's all fun with you meow!

Lady (feeling powerless): ha......

Kikumaru (surprised): ah, you've got cream on your mouth oh!

Lady (frozen): where?

Kikumaru (seriously shaking his index finger): not to move oh ~ ~ ~ (with his index finger to help the heroine scrape off the cream, naturally into his own mouth) um ~ ~ ~ so sweet yo ~ ~

Lady (immediately shocked to the flowers): seniors, you ......!

Kikumaru (blinking with extreme innocence): what?

Lady (sweating): no ...... nothing ......

Kikumaru (confused): oh? (resuming his bright smile): That's it then, remember to brush your teeth well after eating~~Bye bye~~

Lady (finally realizing y what it means to be mute): ............... ...............

LZ, I can't post any more ...... There's only about a hundred words left to type! ......