What is Yoga Dance

Yoga Dance is a spiritual activity that combines the flirtatious enchantment of Indian dance and the softness and serenity of yoga. Yoga dance

In combination with the traditional yoga warm-up movements, fused with some regular dance movements (usually Indian dance), with easy skill movements, not only can exercise the body, but also can make people full of energy, relaxation and inspiration, so yoga dance in the popularization and promotion of the process, especially by the urban white-collar people, so yoga dance is also known as the fashion yoga. Yoga dance inherits the mysterious charm of Indian dance and the soothing serenity of yoga, and the Indian dance of looking back, dancing, twisting and swinging the hips are completely infiltrated into the yoga movement, the body language is colorful and colorful, the hand movements are unpredictable, and the dance posture is beautiful and wonderful. Yoga dance emphasizes the unity of the hands, eyes, heart and mind, both internally and externally, which can help to slim down the body, relieve stress and strengthen the overall balance and coordination of the body. In the process of yoga dance practice, it can enable people to enhance their temperament, shape their body and cultivate their feelings. The basic movements of yoga dance can be roughly divided into the following categories [1]? 1. Elegant class Turning waist, lark style, pigeon style, front stretching, backward leaning support style, tree style, Taj squatting, king of the dance style, jade fingers, moon goddess, balance style, shy girl, phantom chair, skyscraper, and so on. 2. Temperament class Meditation, Angel Wings, Fine Arm Pose, Camel Pose, Crescent Pose, Half Bow Pose, Locust Pose, Back Leg Lift Pose, Butterfly Dance, Triangle Stretch Pose, Sweeping Pose, Dreamy Geranium Pose, Backward Bend Pose, Snake King Pose and so on. 3. Feminine class White Swan, Maha style swing, one-legged leg lift, move the neck to pass the sui, eagle style, standing cross side-bending style, baby style, cat style, tiger style, shooter style, cow face style, shrimp style, the girl's prayer and so on.