Dance Solo for Junior High School Students

Suitable Dance Solo for Junior High School Students: "Jinsei" Suitable Dance Solo for Junior High School Students: "Jinsei"

Dance is a performing art, which uses the body to accomplish a variety of elegant or difficult movements, usually accompanied by music, and rhythmic movements as the main means of expression of the art form. It is usually performed with the help of music, but also with the help of other props.

Dance itself has multiple social meanings and roles, including sports, socializing, courtship, rituals, and ceremonies. Before the origin of human civilization, dance was important in rituals, ceremonies, celebrations and entertainment. Dance appeared in China 5,000 years ago. It emerged in the slave society, and developed into a certain characteristic by the time of the Qin and Han dynasties.

The dance movements in a dance work should also have a certain degree of skill, and the dancers should have the ability to perform difficult skills such as jumping, spinning, tumbling, softness, and control, etc. However, the performance of difficult skills in a dance work is not an end in itself, but a means to express the thoughts and feelings of the characters, and to shape the characters' personalities and mental outlooks.

If in a dance work, the means as the end, the actor's skill is not to reflect the life, the expression of the character's thoughts and feelings as the prerequisite for its existence, or not to the dance content to select the appropriate dance movement skills, but to show the actor mastered the dance skills ability to start, it will make the dance work due to the disconnect between the content and the form or the lack of artistic integrity, and the dance work is doomed to failure. The dancer's skill itself is reduced to acrobatic skill performance, and the loss of the basic character of dance art.