The heart is one inch wide, the road is one zhang wide; the heart is as wide as the sea, the wind and the waves are calm. The heart is wide like the sea, the wind and waves are calm. Smile and watch the flowers blossom, serenity and joy; quietly enjoy the flowers fall, as the case may be. To live comfortably, live happily, live in style, we have to learn to be content, learn to take things as they come. Happy to know how to share in order to double happy
Life regardless of the length of time, always have to experience a lot, some people can not feather into the memory, some things can not be precipitated into memories. If you have to be concerned, there is not a single person or thing that can make you satisfied. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money to pay for the services you need, and then you have to pay for the services you need.
Life is a blessing, calm life, real and free. The first thing that you need to do is to get a good deal of money from the government. The first thing that you need to do is to get a good deal on your own, and then you'll be able to get a good deal on your own. The heart is one inch wide, the road is one foot wide. If you don't have a wide heart like the sea, how can you have a peaceful life?
The heart is good, charity is the spread of love; heart wide, broad-minded is resourceful serenity; heart positive, upright and bright is naive and straight to the fore; heart quiet, quiet as water is the realm of the profound; heart Yi, happy and comfortable is the enlightenment of the calm;?
The heart is wide is blessed. Some happiness is a butterfly among the flowers, you chased after, she will be afraid to dodge. You are tired of chasing, and she is tired of escaping. Put the heart flat, relaxed, quietly lingering in the flowers, flowers, the aroma of intoxicated you, she can not help but quietly close to you
Heart good, is the spread of love; heart wide, is resourceful quiet. The heart is right, is transparent open and honest; the heart is quiet, is laughing at the wind and clouds of the Shu Shu and wash the heart of the transcendence; the heart is happy, is always in the heart of a kind of optimism upward unique sentiments; the heart of the peace, is contented with the
Body safe, as good as the heart safe; house wide, as good as the heart wide. The way of nature, to raise the body of nature; to the body of joy, to raise the God of joy. To have fear is the most basic rule of conscience to be a human being. The so-called happiness is not more wealth but less desire.
Broaden your heart by an inch, and you will benefit three times. If you have a wide heart, the road will be wide; if you have a narrow heart, the road will be narrow. If you do not fight, you will naturally be honored; if you can tolerate, you will tolerate, and you will tolerate a hundred peace. Love your enemies, the noblest revenge is tolerance; learn to adapt to others, do not expect others to adapt to their own;
If it is not a heart wide like the sea, where is the calm of life?
It was once said that the wish of this life is to see a beautiful spring, a cup of tea, a woman who has washed away all the lead. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world, and then you'll be able to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services.
Go see the people you want to see. While the sunlight is just right, while the breeze is not noisy, while the flowers have not yet bloomed to confluence, while we are still young, we can still walk a long, long way, we can still talk about deep, deep thoughts, while the world is not so crowded, while the plane has not yet taken off, while our hands can still embrace each other, while we still have breath.
Only a brave man knows how to be tolerant; a coward will never be tolerant, it is not in his nature.
If we want to be successful in this world, we need to be generous and open-minded. I have always advocated being generous and reasonable.
Sometimes the moral vibration caused by forgiveness is stronger than punishment
A great man has two hearts: one heart for bloodshed and one heart for forgiveness.