A few days ago, Auntie Wang suddenly spoke not very clearly, as if the tongue is a little rolled out of the way. The Wang aunts pay attention to health care feel that this is the body's "feedback signal", so let the son to send himself to the hospital to check, did a CT, the doctor initially diagnosed as cerebral thrombosis, blood pressure to 172 above!
The doctor said, fortunately, in time, after the blood vessel dredging medication, the situation has improved a lot. However, it is necessary to observe a few more days, in particular, we must pay attention to some of the body's small "changes".
In fact, cerebral thrombosis is just a form of cerebral vascular occlusion, commonly known as a clot to the blood vessels blocked. This happens more often after the age of 50, and slightly more often in men than in women.
So what are the causes of cerebral thrombosis?
First, vascular lesions
The most important and common vascular lesions are atherosclerosis, followed by cerebral atherosclerosis associated with hypertension.
Second, hemodynamic changes
The change of blood pressure is an important factor affecting the local blood volume of the brain, due to the existence of vascular lesions, luminal narrowing, autoregulation failure, local blood supply to the brain tissue can be impaired.
Third, the change of blood composition
The endothelial roughness of the vascular lesions, so that the blood platelets are easy to attach, accumulation and release more pentazocine and other chemical substances. The increase in lipoprotein, cholesterol, and fibrinogen content in the blood can increase blood viscosity and slow down blood flow.
5 signals indicate that the cerebral blood vessels are clogged, is the precursor of cerebral thrombosis, early detection can save lives
Signs of a: poor speech or drooling.
Signs 2: sudden dizziness. Vertigo is a common symptom among the signs of cerebral thrombosis and can occur at any time, especially in patients with high blood pressure.
Signs 3: Unsteady hands, often falling to the ground.
Signs 4: sudden onset of severe headache.
Signs and symptoms: sudden and brief blindness or blurred vision.
The above symptoms should not be taken seriously, even if some of the symptoms will recover quickly. You should also seek medical attention as soon as possible to avoid delay in treatment.
How to prevent cerebral thrombosis in daily life?
1, pay attention to weather changes, quit smoking and drinking
The weather adaptation ability of the elderly is weakened, too cold and too hot can make the blood viscosity increase induced stroke, therefore, we must pay attention to changes in the weather, warm and cold, and add or subtract clothes at any time. Secondly, it is also important to quit smoking and drinking for the prevention of cerebral thrombosis.
2, position change should be slow
Cerebral thrombosis often occurs at night, especially when going to the toilet. Because of the slow blood flow at night itself, coupled with changes in body position when getting up, it is easy to cause insufficient blood supply to the heart and brain, so the nighttime toilet must be awake, slowly get up. In fact, usually do housework should also pay attention to position change not too fast, so as not to cause cerebral ischemia.
3, supplemental alpha-linolenic acid
Suma oil contains more than 66% of alpha-linolenic acid, alpha-linolenic acid belongs to the Omega-3 fatty acids. alpha-linolenic acid is a major component of the cell membrane, in the body to participate in the metabolism of fats, glucose metabolism, and so on, and often consume it also helps to clear the blood garbage, enhance the elasticity of the blood vessels, and prevent cardiovascular disease, but also reduce blood pressure. disease, but also to reduce blood lipids.
Increased intake of alpha-linolenic acid can significantly change the lipid profile, reduce blood waste in the blood and blood vessel wall residues, play a balanced fatty acid intake, the role of preventing chronic diseases.
In daily life, you can add some sumac oil, coleslaw, oil dripping vegetables, soup, stuffing, etc. can be mixed with yogurt for direct consumption.
4, to ensure sufficient water
Drinking insufficient water in the body of the blood viscosity will increase, the hoarding of waste is also difficult to discharge. Therefore, it is very important to drink enough water for the prevention of cerebral thrombosis. The normal daily water intake should be 2000~2500 milliliters. For the elderly to drink more water, because the elderly in varying degrees of its blood has the characteristics of thick viscous coagulation.
Friends who find plain water tasteless can also drink 1-2 cups of dandelion and mulberry leaf tea (dandelion + mulberry leaf) every day, which can effectively lower the three highs and resist thrombosis.
Modern medical research shows that mulberry leaves contain a variety of amino acids and various vitamins. There are blood fat, cholesterol, anti-thrombosis and anti-atherosclerosis effect, anti-aging, anti-fatigue effect, mulberry leaves also have a good skin cosmetic effect, especially on the face of acne, brown spots have a better therapeutic effect.
The mulberry leaf and dandelion with, make full use of dandelion heat detoxification, broad-spectrum anti-bacterial, liver clearing and brightening effect, the effect is greatly improved. That is, it can improve immunity, prevent colds and flu, but also can lower the three highs, in one fell swoop.
5, low-salt diet
Some patients with cerebral thrombosis combined with high blood pressure, so the amount of salt should be small, to use a low-salt diet, 3 grams of salt per day, can be added after cooking salt mix.
Teach you a 10-minute vascular massage
Dilates blood vessels, improves blood flow, and helps lower blood pressure
① head (2 minutes)
use the fingertips or palms of the circle to press the temples
② hand (left and right hand 1 minute)
use the fingertips to rub the back of the hand and the heart of the hand
③ wrist (left and right wrist each) 1 minute)
Squeeze the wrist with your hand, turn it from side to side, and then rub it up and down to make a sense of separation between the skin and the carpal bones
④ Legs (right and left legs, 1 minute each)
Rub the groin area at the base of the thigh with the fingers of both hands
⑤ Feet (right and left feet, 1 minute each)
Turn the wrists in a circle, and rub the dorsal part of the feet, the soles of the feet, with the fingers of your hands
These are the most important parts of the body.