Immigration to the United States, want to apply for a green card should be how to handle it? The I and we talk about the U.S. immigrant life precautions and apply for a green card guide, quickly come together to see the specifics of the situation.
The way to get a U.S. green card with a Chinese passport is as follows:
One, investment immigration ----------EB-5
The U.S. government awards 10,000 quotas per year to Chinese investment immigrants.
1. Industrial investment immigration: in the investment immigration quota of 70% of the ratio, and in the United States in a place to invest 1 million U.S. dollars in business, at least to solve the number of 10 local employment, the right to operate in the hands of the investor. This investment is often due to regional restrictions, the investment amount is large, and let investors wait and see.
2. Venture Capital Immigration and Regional Center Immigration: 30% of the investment immigration quota, and investors will be 500,000 U.S. dollars as a risk investment, investment in a qualified regional project, the right to operate is not in the hands of their own, it is said that the price is still rising, and currently about 90% of the domestic investment in immigrants are to take this approach, and to achieve the immigrants. Some of the list of projects that have the ability to apply for investment immigration can be found on the official website.
Second, special contribution, outstanding talent, multinational executive immigration - EB-1
If the international and domestic award winners, such as Olympic medalists, in a certain field is an outstanding contribution and outstanding achievements of the experts, you can Special talents immigration. Or they have their own company, their own company trip multinational companies, their own company is strong enough, the cash flow of 5-6 million talents or characters. You can apply for an EB-1 visa and get a U.S. green card for your whole family.
Three, through the international marriage - K visa
Chinese citizens and Americans to get married, to form a family, is not lost for Chinese citizens to obtain a U.S. green card convenient channel, but if it is purely in order to get a green card and the Americans (Americans or ethnic Chinese) also There is a huge risk, the United States society is not much of a fool, in order to green card want to cheat each other, but by the other side of the "anti-deception" cases abound, investment immigration is still needing to capital and the way of operation, international marriage also need to be single, no criminal record and other basic conditions, more need to be "capacity". The international marriage also requires basic conditions such as being single and having no criminal record, and even more so, "ability". In fact, through a happy marriage, this type of immigration to get a green card, is the fastest, but also the most money-saving beneficiaries.
Four, relatives immigration
Parents applying for children, children applying for parents, or between siblings, the U.S. party must be citizenship. This is subject to scheduling restrictions, 10 years waiting for hair gray, and the program can not keep up with changes in immigration policy.
Other student visas, tourist visas, business visas, family visas, work visas, visitor visas, etc. are non-immigrant visas.
But the student visa if the study period expires, they need to find a suitable job for themselves, you can apply for status through work. This cost price, in addition to the total tuition for several years, but also need to study hard to obtain the favor of employers.
In short, life is a process of continuous effort, not the United States green card how good, but also depends on individual needs, according to news media reports, many families immigrate for the sake of their children's education, avoiding future competitiveness.
Cost of living for U.S. immigrants
01-Residence costs
After coming to the United States, the first thing that is involved is the issue of residence, whether it is to rent or buy a house is a lot of money. This cost varies greatly depending on where you live and your personal requirements. For example, a 4-bedroom house in an average middle-class neighborhood in California's Los Angeles neighborhood will cost roughly $500,000 to $1 million, but the same type of house in Houston could cost half that.
Of course you can also choose to buy with a mortgage, taking the $1 million example here. The typical mortgage term in the US is 30 years (it can be shorter), and current mortgage rates are between 4% and 5%. If you take a 30-year mortgage with a 4.5% interest rate and a 10% down payment, your annual mortgage payment would be about $55,000 per year.
But on top of that, you'll need to pay property taxes, insurance, and neighborhood management fees. Property tax rates vary quite a bit from state to state. These other additional taxes will be around $20,000 per year. All in all, you'll be spending $100k to begin with, and then about $75k per year. That's still a lot cheaper than many cities in the country.
In addition, the United States can not do without a car, two people each buy a car, a small-displacement sedan, an SUV, about 50,000 U.S. dollars.
02-Cost of Living
Business Insider once calculated an account: the cost of necessities varies by state. (Necessities of life include housing, food, child care, transportation, health care, and other necessities and taxes.)
The annual cost of living in megacities such as Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and Washington, D.C. is about $60,000 per year. At the same time, with reference to the experience of some clients living in the United States, food and drink for three people is almost $600 per month, other expenses are $2,000 per month, plus additional expenses such as airfare for a family of three to return to their home country once a year, generally speaking, $50,000 is basically enough.
Children's education costs are also a large part of the U.S. expenses. If your child attends a public school, tuition is completely free until college. But if it's a private school, tuition ranges from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars, typically between $20,000 and $40,000 per year. College expenses are very different.
According to survey data, the average private college tuition is $31,000 per year, public in-state tuition is more than $9,000, and out-of-state tuition is $22,000; if you add in the cost of room and board, books, transportation, and so on, the average cost of a private school can be up to $46,000 per year, and the average cost of a public in-state program is about $23,000, and out-of-state is about $35,000.
04-Medical Insurance
For a family of four, premiums will be around $1,000 per month. So a healthcare budget of $15,000 to $20,000 per year should be sufficient. So as long as you sell your insurance, it doesn't cost much to treat your illness, and even if you have major medical expenses, your personal expenses won't be much higher than $20k.
Things you can't do when you immigrate to the US
1. Make a lot of noise in public
Almost every friend who has submitted a survey response has mentioned this. Chinese people talking loudly on the phone in public, or talking loudly in restaurants seems to be the most frequently criticized issue, and has even caused Americans to develop a stereotype of Chinese people - talking loudly.
2. Dancing in the park
In New York City, it is almost impossible for Chinese seniors to find a wide-open space for their morning exercise, so they can only choose to do it in a small park adjacent to a residential neighborhood. In addition to the neighborhood Chinese also live a lot of Hispanic workers, many people are late at night before the end of work, want to sleep comfortably, but also by the 5:00 a.m. morning out of the morning exercise of the Chinese elderly people to disturb, is indeed also understandable.
3. Drying underwear on the balcony
The United States, as one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, is notorious for the laziness of its people, especially in New York City. Due to the extremely valuable living space in New York City, it's difficult to put down a washing machine at home, and people generally go to the neighborhood laundromat to do their laundry. Plus, most apartments don't have balconies, so people simply dry their clothes in the laundromat before bringing them home. Therefore, it is rare to see people drying their clothes on the balcony or outside the window. As for underwear, Americans think it's even more important to keep it private and not let others see it.
4. Wearing pajamas on the street
Don't think that wearing pajamas on the street is just a common phenomenon in the country, many middle-aged and old-aged immigrants living in the Chinese community also maintain this habit. However, the American community is polarized, with some feeling that it's unattractive and detrimental to the city's image.
5. Using Chinese to communicate at parties despite the presence of foreigners
When you go to a party with more than two Chinese friends, it is common for the Chinese to talk to each other in Chinese, while the foreigners who don't know Chinese are left out in the cold, feeling awkward and uncomfortable. Many Chinese, including international students, are not used to the American social scene and will often chat amongst themselves as long as there is a Chinese person next to them, not caring much about the pace of the party. At a party, try to use English to get everyone involved in the conversation.
6. Noise interferes with sporting events
A quick Google search for "Chinese spectators + interfering with matches" yields "Chinese spectators interfering with snooker", A quick Google search for "Chinese spectators interfering with snooker" yields "Chinese spectators interfering with tennis" and many other similar stories about Chinese spectators trying to cheer on their country's players by shouting or distracting rival players with noise and flashing lights while watching some relatively quiet international tournaments. The move was met with protests from foreign players, and such poor demonstrations at international events are no longer a matter of personal behavior, but also have a direct impact on the image of the nation as a whole.
7. Pushing and shoving on the subway
With an average population of 18 million people, the subway must be crowded during rush hour, and passengers who don't want to wait for the next class or want to sit in a seat only have to be ahead of the crowd, so anything is possible. However, in New York, which has a population of only 8.2 million but has 24 subway lines, it is not particularly difficult to squeeze onto the subway in the morning and evening rush hours, not to mention other hours. Many Chinese women "do not wait to get off the passengers completely out, just focus on their own forward rush" behavior so that many older Americans do not quite understand, the United States immigrant life in a lot of positions, please line up to enter.