What is the word for "grass" plus "dai"?

The word for grass plus dai is: moss

Moss (polyphonic)

Spelling: ① tái ? ② tāi ?

Chinese characters: ① tái ?② tāi ?

Chinese characters: 艹

结头: 艹


笔 顺:横、竖、竖、撇折、点、竖、横折、横

组 词:苔藓、 舌苔、青苔、蒜苔、 苔菜、 苔錢、金苔、 苔zen、 苔晕


[tái ]

a group of Cryptogamaea plants in which the roots, stems, and leaves are not clearly distinguishable, often affixed to the plant. The difference between the roots, stems and leaves is not obvious, and they often grow affixed to shady and moist places: green ~. ~ moss. ~ara.

[ tāi ]

[tongue ~] The dirt on the tongue, formed by dead epithelial cells and mucus, etc. Observing its color can help determine the disease.