Dark eyes
I feel like I've seen you somewhere before
The gerberas on the mountain are blooming so beautifully
I want to pick one and give it to you myself
Pure smiles
Foolish words
Branded on my heart I can't forget them
Colorful butterflies on my head fly so sweetly
I want to tell you that I'm in love with you.
I want to tell you that I am in love with you
Dear girl
I love you
Let me come into your world and be with you
Dear girl
I love you
I'll do anything for you for the rest of my life
Long hair
Dark eyes
I feel like somewhere else.
I think I've seen you somewhere before
The gerberas on the mountain are blooming so beautifully
I want to pick one and give it to you myself
Pure smile
Foolish words
Branded on my heart, I can't forget them
Colorful butterflies on my head are flying so sweetly
They want to say that I'm in love with you
Dear girl
I want to say I'm in love with you, I'm in love with you. Dear girl
I love you
Let me enter your world and be with you
Dear girl
I love you
I'd give anything for you in life
Dear girl
I love you
Let me enter your world and be with you
Dear girl
Dear girl
I love you
Let me enter your world and be with you
Dear girl
Love you
Love you. Girl
I love you
I'll do anything for you in life
I'll do anything for you in life
I'll do anything for you in life
I'll do anything for you in life Lyrics I can help you with! But I can't help you with the sheet music! I can't help you with the lyrics, but I can't help you with the sheet music!
The lyrics I can help you with, but the sheet music is hard to find.