"Follow Chairman Mao, follow the Party"?

Take the steps of revolution

We are excited

Following the leader, Chairman Mao

Following the Chinese ****ing Party

Self-reliance and vigor

Continuing the revolution with high morale

Chaos of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line

It is a guarantee of victory

Vow to build a more prosperous and powerful great country

We hold up the Ninth Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the CPC.

Long live Chairman Mao

Long live the Great Party

We hold high the nine glorious banners

Unite and fight

Running toward victory

Taking revolutionary steps

We are excited

Following the leader Chairman Mao

Following the China's ****-producing party

Self-reliance and vigor

Continuing the revolution with high morale

Chairman Mao's revolutionary line

is the guarantee of victory

Vow to make our great motherland

more prosperous and powerful

Long live Chairman Mao

Long live the great party

We Hold high the glorious banner of the Ninth Congress

Unite and fight

Run to the front of victory