From the German song "Moskau".
Song: "Moskau"
Sung by Dschinghis Khan
Moskau, Fremd und geheimnisvoll
Moskau, strange and mysterious
Türme aus rotem Gold Kalt wie das Eis
The tower made of red gold, cold as ice
Moskau, Doch wer dich wirklich kennt
Moscow, the one who really knows you
Der wei?, ein Feuer brennt, In dir so hei?
Know that in your heart there burns a blazing fire
Kosaken hey hey hey hey hebt die Gl?ser
Cossacks, raise your glasses
Natascha ha ha ha ha ha du bist sch?n
Natasha, how beautiful
Tavarisch hey hey hey hey auf das Leben
Partners, to life
Auf Dein Wohl Bruder hey Bruder ho
To good health, brothers cheers
Moskau Moskau
Moskau, Moskau
Wirf die Gl?ser an die Wand
Throw the glass against the wall
Russland ist ein sch?nes Land
Russia is a beautiful country
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hey
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho Ho ho ho hey
Moskau Moskau
Moskau, Moskau
Deine Seele ist so gro?
Your soul is so great
Nachts da ist der Teufel los
Night is the time when the devil is out
üssen daThe girls are waiting for our kisses
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hey
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hey
Moskau Moskau
Moscow Moscow
Komm wir tanzen auf dem Tisch
Let Gateway to the Past
Spiegel der Zarenzeit, Rot wie das Blut
Mirror of the Tsarist era, bright red as blood
Moskau, Wer deine Seele kennt
Moskau, the one who knows your soul
Der wei? die Liebe brennt, Hei? wie die Glut
Love for you is as hot as the burning coals
Kosaken hey hey hey hey hebt die Gl?ser
Cossacks, raise your glasses
Natascha ha ha ha ha ha du bist sch?ser
Natascha ha ha ha du bist sch?n
Natascha, how beautiful you are
Tavarisch hey hey hey hey auf die Liebe
Partners, to love
Auf Dein Wohl M?dchen hey M?dchen ho
To health, girls, cheers
Moskau Moskau
Moscow Moscow
Wirf die Gl?ser an die Wand
Throw the glass against the wall
Russland ist ein sch?nes Land
Russia is a beautiful Land
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hey
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hey
Moskau Moskau
Moscow Moscow
Deine Seele ist so gro?
Your Soul ist so great
Nachts da ist sind
The streets and squares are empty
und der Kreml vor Raureif bedeckt
The Kremlin is flooded with white frost
und das Morgenrot friert
The morning sun is frozen by the cold
da scheint Moskau zu schlafen.
It looked as if Moscow had fallen into a deep sleep
Doch in der Nacht da klirren die Gl?ser
But at night, listening to the glasses clinking
da flie?t der Krimsekt in Str?men
Crimean champagne was flowing
da wird getanzt, gelacht und geliebt
People danced, laughed and made merry
Moskau lebt, Moskau Moskau
Moscow woke up, Moscow, Moscow. Moskau Moskau
Moskau Moskau
Moskau, Moskau
Vodka trinkt man pur und kalt
Vodka should be drunk cold and pure
Das macht hundert Jahre alt
This tradition has lasted for For hundreds of years
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hey
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hey
Moskau Moskau
Moscow Moscow
V?terchen dein Glas ist leer
Old fellows, your cups are already empty
Doch im Keller ist noch mehr
But there's still some in the basement
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Hahahahahahahahaha hehe
Moskau Moskau Moskau Moskau
Moscow, Moskau, Moskau
Alt und doch jung zugleich,
A city both old and young
In aller Ewigkeit, Stehst du noch da
Still standing there in eternity
Moskau, Dein Herz schl?gt stark und weit
Moscow, your heart is beating strong
Es schl?gt für reich und arm
Whether rich, or poor, you beat for it
In dieser Stadt.
In the city
Kosaken hey hey hey hey hebt die Gl?ser
Cossacks, raise your glasses
Natascha ha ha ha ha du bist sch?n
Natascha, how beautiful you are
Tavarisch hey hey hey hey auf die Liebe
Partners , for love
Auf Dein Wohl Bruder hey Bruder ho
To health, brothers, cheers
Moskau Moskau
Moskau, Moskau
Wirf die Gl?ser an die Wand
Throw the glass Throw the glass against the wall
Russland ist ein sch?nes Land
Russia is a beautiful country
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hey
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hey
Moskau Moskau
Moscow, Moscow
Moscow, Moscow
Liebe schmeckt wie Kaviar
Life is as tasty as caviar
M?dchen sind zum küssen da
Girls are waiting for us to kiss
Ho ho ho ho ho ho hey
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hey
Moskau Moskau
Moscow, Moskau
Komm wir tanzen auf dem Tisch
Let's dance on the table
Bis der Tisch zusammenbricht
"Moskau" by Dschinghis Khan, Koch Music Records' May 11, 2007 album 7 Leben'.
Dschinghis Khan is a German pop band that emerged from the 1979 Eurovision Song Contest. The band took its name from the song they performed at the contest, composed by Ralf Schiegel with lyrics by Bern Meinonger.
The band disbanded in the 1980s, but is still well known today because a video of one of their songs, Moskau, has been widely circulated on the Internet. The movie and its associated song became a popular topic of discussion on weblogs, and some people modified them to sound like empty-earth, hallucinatory lyrics, an example of the phenomenon of the Internet exploding in popularity.