Words for AABC

格格不纳、格格不不入、格格不吐、呱呱堕地、官官相护 官官相为、官官相卫、耿耿于懷心、耿耿于心、呱呱坠地 昏欲欲睡、恢恢有余、赫赫之功、赫赫之光、矫矯不群 久久忘忘、踽踽獨独行、戛戛独造、蹇匪躬、九九归一 Empty the air and empty the sky, nine to one, nine to one, catty-catty-catty-catty-catty-catty-catty-catty-catty-catty-catty-catty-catty-catty, and tucked into the ground, 曆历可见、了了可見 历历可考、历历历、历历在目 寥寥數、落落难合 恋恋不舍、朗朗乾坤、累累如珠、朗朗上口、朗朗上口 寥寥无几、碌碌无能、碌碌无奇、碌碌无為、碌碌无闻 历历在耳、历目在目,绵绵不断、绵绵不断,闷闷不乐 绵绵瓜瓜瓞、脉脉含情、面 面 面俱到、面面均到、面面全到、面面都全圆 翩翩风度, 翩翩公子, 仆仆亟拜 Fluttering young, 翩翩起舞, 翩翩少年, 飘飘欲仙, 切切此布 District, 莊此心, 拳拳服膺,戚戚具爾, 茕一人立,谦谦君子 Chewing privately, 窃窃私议, 窃窃私语, 拳拳盛意, 區区小事 Punching at the thought, 切切切在心, 幾地众, 拳拳之枕, 人人知 知 Rang full of family, everyone from the bottom of his or her heart, 生生不息, 生生不續, 善善從長 施施施而行, 色色全色, 姗姗来遲, 珊珊来遲, 丝丝入扣 滔, 滔滔不断, 滔滔尽, 滔尽, 滔尽, 滔尽尽, 頭頭是道 途途是道, 堂堂一表, 亭玉立, 亹亹, 娓不倦, 娓不倦, 惡恶從短, 娓动听, 娓而談,唯唯连声, querulous 小小不言, 悬悬而望, 栩栩如生, Xuan Xue得甚得,循循善诱息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息息 步步登高 衮衮公公, 高高在上, 惶惶不安, 忽忽不乐, more than enough 侃侃侃而谈, 夸夸其谈, 冥冥之中,蠢欲动, 頭頭是道 嗷嗷待哺, 彬彬有禮,步步登高, 比比比然, 比比皆皆是 班班可考, step by step, eminent, chu chu moved, zing ting 依依不舍, vivid, yang yang yan yi yi yan yi yan yi yan yan yan yang yan yan yang, Dying, falling, felicitous, sullen Steamy, step by step, abound, chummy, tasty Blah, felicitous, smug, step by step high Grouchy, foolish, sympathetic, bearish Brigade, aggressive, enjoyable, unforgettable Constant, belated, face-to-face, face-to-face Inextricably linked, chattering, Ting Ting, Clanking, Drifting, Boasting Tireless, Scholarly, Leaping, More Than Enough Complacent, Rising, Loud, Terrified Thriving, Following, Connected, Heart to Heart Amorphous, Curling Smoke, Breeze, Moon Sparkling, Ahead, Tireless, Tireless, Tireless, Leaping, 朗朗乾坤, 累累如珠,琅琅上口,朗朗上口 寥寥无几、碌碌无能,碌碌无为,碌碌无闻 历历在耳, 历历在目, 绵绵瓜瓜瓞, 脈脉含情, 面面俱到, 面面皆到 茫茫苦海, 茫茫苦海, 蔓蔓日茂, 暗默无闻默言无言, 面面相見, 面面相看, 面面面覧 目目目觑, 脈脉相通, 面 面面圆到, 靡靡之声 靡靡靡之音、念忘念、呶呶不休、诺诺连声 murmuring, reciting, curling up, muttering 仆仆道途、仆仆风尘、翩翩風度、翩翩翩风度、翩翩翩公度 Fluttering youth, fluttering dance, fluttering young man, fluttering immortal 区此心、拳拳服膺、戚戚具尔、谦谦君子 切私语、窃窃私议、窃窃白語、拳拳盛意 拳拳在念念,切切切在心, 欣欣向荣,sympathetic,心心印 Lively,休休有容,贤贤易色,欣欣自得 Sympathetic,幺幺小丑,源源,源源不断 Other types of idioms:

ABCC idioms: Joyful, proud, angry, elegant, elegant, rippling, divine, radiant, vitality, worried, raging, faithful, loyal, big-bellied, tiger eyeing, careful. White flowers, green, oil, dark, slow, gloomy, crumpled, bright, clanking, laughing, fragrant, messy, dark, light, wet, wet, red, bony, foggy, hazy, joyful, bright, yellow, lonely, fluffy, chubby, a ball, a cluster, green, oily, yellow, red, laughing, golden, bright, fragrant, watery, aquatic, smiling, laughing, ha-ha-ha, red, black, round, sneaky, laughing, black, blue, ringing, laughing, dirty. Grim and grim, chubby, wah-wah-wah, smiling, silly, laughing, naked, bloody

Giddy, snowy, full of talent

Smug, murmuring, beautiful, elegant

Loyal, steaming, steaming, graceful

Anxious, springy, refined

Smug, sworn, smoky, hot and steamy

Hot and steamy, with a big belly and a lot of caution. Steamy and pot-bellied and cautious

Shimmering and glittering, nailed down and snowy, not so much

C In full view

D Delighted and grandiose, pot-bellied and pot-bellied

F Dusty and windy, beautiful and windy

G Fruitful and anxious

H Sentimental, tiger-like

J Swording and halberd-like.

Worrying, bad behavior, great success, great achievements, great ambition, great escape

Dignified, doubtful, raging, hurried, loyal, murmuring

Snowy, good-looking, loyal, foggy, springy, well-mannered

Cool, cool, evening, autumn, proud, sworn, cook, smoky

The evening, the evening, the fall, proud.

The wind is blowing from the north, the heat is rising, the fame is great, the life is vibrant, the money comes from the bank

aabc words

Late, thriving, whispering, lingering, lingering, rousing, gusting, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling

To be honest, to be fair, and to be honest.

Stealthy, gulping, coy, bustling, thoughtful, colorful, humorous, shadowy, lush

Originally, with fear and trepidation, secure, high and happy, with pain and pain, earnest, and serious, with spots and dots

No way, our language teacher didn't say it, or how can I pronounce "金灿灿"?

Copy some AABB's, and leave out the ones above:

Working neatly, upright and square, flurrying, floating, floating, floating, gently and finely

Dodging, flashing, pulling, dragging, pulling, dragging, dragging, warming up, zeroing, red-hot

Quiet, quiet, lively, sevens and eights, beautiful, harmonious, clear and unruffled

Shaking, wobbling, wiggling. Every aspect, joyful, weeping, crying, laughing, jostling, crowded

Rambling, shy, coming and going, full circle, complete and whole, winding and bending

Hopping, hailing, hiding, day and night, shaking, wagging, intermittent, successive

Busy, busy, complete, hopping, happy, neat, tidy, dripping

Without a moment's hesitation, white, clean, and without a trace. Steady, steady, in and out, crooked, crooked, tall

Next time, I'll copy some of the ABB's. There are so many of them

And then there are the ones I copied back from yesterday. Big yes, big no, big fish, big meat, big noise, big red, big green

Self-made, self-talking, self-generated, self-sufficient, self-talking, self-aggrandizing, self-esteem, self-love

Adding a few more ababs to indicate colors Wah-blue Wah-blue Wah-blue Wah-black Wah-black, snow-white Snow-white Snow-white Lacquer-dark Dark

Word Classification

(incomplete, but take a look)

Words describing happy.

Words that describe satisfaction:

satisfaction, cozy, agreeable, commendable, well-deserved, likewise, springy, smug, beaming, hesitant, contented

Words that describe fondness:

love, like, enjoy, hobby, love

reconciliation, intimacy, as if one had been given a treasure, with great interest, full of zest, in love with, difficult to let go

To describe a nervousness, a nervousness, a nervousness, a nervousness, a nervousness, a nervousness, an affection, a nervousness, a nervousness, a nervousness, a nervousness.

Words that describe nervousness:

frequent and nervous

freaking out



terrified, terrified, terrified, scared, scared, fearful, timid, cringing, panicked, panicked, panicked, panicked

frightening, alarmed, alarmed, alarmed, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared


frightened, frightened


Fat head, big ears, square ears, bright ears, red ears

Beard, hair:

White hair, gray hair, loose hair, dark, oily, poufy, shiny, glossy

Head, neck:


Mind: dumb, nerdy, tigerish, stupid, oily, snakey, snakey. Charcoal black, glossy, black, oily, white, tender, bright, dirty, wrinkled, waxy, yellow, bright, white, white, red, red, bright


Skinny, thin, short, slim, plump, strong, clean, thin, frail, weak, dry, thin, svelte, imposing, iron-chested, outstanding


Sincere, sincere, earnest, soft, enthusiastic, cold, hard, praiseworthy, cynical, cynical, boastful


Sincerely, sincere, soft, passionate, cold, hard, praiseworthy, cynical, cynical <


Talking to myself, saying whatever I can, saying whatever I can, saying whatever I can, and saying whatever I can.