Half-Life 1 full strategy (note that I bit the first part not the second part oh) heavy reward!

Full Strategy for Half-Life - Needle to Needle (Rebel Legion)

Feng Mingxuan Studio Chengdu ZiLong

First Level Welcome to Black Mountain Research Institute

Along with the sound of a huge explosion, I only saw blackness in front of my eyes, and I immediately lost consciousness. When I woke up, I realized that I was in a completely unfamiliar environment. In front of me, a doctor-like man in a white coat was there resuscitating one of my companions. I stepped forward and patiently listened to his droning E-text before I began my perilous journey.

Exiting the infirmary, I walked through an empty corridor, pushed open the door to the corridor and turned left, and in the innermost hall found two medical staff there observing the spider monster as it worked its magic on my companion's body. On a square table in the corner was the combat jacket we had worn when we arrived. I walked over to it and put on the jacket without hesitation, then left the hall and moved forward along the corridor passage opposite the main door. To the right of the other hall, a mutated creature was tearing at the bodies of the researchers in a frenzy, and upon seeing me, it jumped out of the broken window. Since I was unarmed, I decided to take the thirty-sixth option. A quick jog brought me to the other end of the hall. There was a broken door marked security clearance. I followed the stairs behind the door to the basement, found the guard, and after a few words of conversation, he opened the security door. With his blessing, I entered a room with laser beams and found a pipe wrench in its hallway. Carefully maneuvering around the wires, I picked up the pipe wrench, and after creeping through two laser beams, I made my way to the laser reflector, which I shattered with the pipe wrench I'd just arrived with, and all power disappeared. Continuing on down the stairs, the ceiling of the corridor suddenly shatters and two spider monsters fall from the sky; after taking care of them with the pipe wrench, I make my way to a small, venomous room, where I encounter spider monsters behind a couple of mechanical contraptions. The fight was over quickly, however. As I passed a stairway, I found some supplies. As I exited the aisle, my eyes lit up, and it turned out that, without realizing it, I had stepped out of the building and reached a craggy canyon between the four walls.

I make my way through a series of flips and jumps to a broken bridge with a corpse on it, whose opposite side is the entrance into the depths of the enemy. Get a dagger from the corpse, then, with a grit of your teeth, jump to the opposite side of the bridge. Inside a dark room, after eliminating the incoming creatures, turn on your night vision and go through a hole in the lower right corner of the room to a basin of open space. As you look up, the wreckage of our plane is scattered about, and on the periphery of the wreckage is an arc-ridden power grid. There was a gate in the cliff to the right, and I slipped through the doorway of the gate, taking out a couple of spider monsters before making my way to another basin. This is the enemy's Power Workshop (power generator), the doors to the plant are closed, luckily there is a vent at the bottom left of the gate. After finding a few items in a wooden crate, I crawl along the vent, avoiding the high voltage sparks inside the plant, and reach a cluster of transformers surrounded by power grids. Get a pistol at the body of our team member. Bypassing the transformers, I find the square-shaped Generator Control box on the opposite wall, and (using the key that uses the item) pull down the electric switch, and all the high-voltage electricity suddenly disappears. I then run the way I came towards the basin with the airplane wreckage. Inside the tunnels where the spider monster was eliminated, a lightning monster suddenly appeared behind me. However, my pistol is no toy. After taking care of the monster, come to the airplane wreckage where the high voltage grid has stopped working. Find some supplies and a radio inside the enclosure, turn it on and accept the next mission from HQ. Then, take the ventilation duct opening from the concrete platform on the left and follow the ladder all the way to a silent underground structure.

There are some rope-like things dangling around here, they are tentacles of the long-tongued monster, so carefully go around them and follow the walkway, over a canyon and into a building. You can get a rifle from the corpse of a soldier in the hallway. While descending the ladder, I encountered a couple of lightning monsters, while those hot vapors became an obstacle when I dodged. After dealing with these mishaps, pass through a winding corridor to a downward staircase. Two lightning monsters took the elevator down, and after dealing with them carefully, I jumped into the hall on the left. Entering the hall, I found myself with no way back, except for an iron ladder leading up to a beam on the right side of the hall. Approaching carefully (be sure to save your disk here), high-voltage electricity suddenly bursts out everywhere and the floor and upper beams break, so I see my moment and climb up the iron ladder the moment a section of the beams falls, reaching the top and moving quickly to the left. After resting quietly for a while in front of a small door with alarm lights flashing randomly, I pushed the door open and stepped inside once everything had calmed down.

Passing through the twisting corridors, I found a lift which was opposite an abandoned control room. Opening the elevator, I came into a hall of raging venom and electricity. I searched around for some supplies and took the time to destroy six spider monsters (there was an explosives crate at the top of the stairs going up the hall that could be utilized). At the end of the stairs was a control room with a device labeled Red Cross on the wall opposite the console, where I gained 50 life points. Then walked calmly over to the console and first detonated the explosive crate on the overhead crane at the beam in the middle of the hall, then pressed the button and wrenched the gate knife to move the crane to the left, in just the right position for me to jump onto the steel crate across the room. Then I climbed out of the window of the control room, jumped to the opposite side of the iron box using the overhead crane, stepped down from the iron box, pressed the button at the lower left corner of the iron door, and then the iron door of the passageway slowly rose up. Then I took a deep breath and jumped to the opposite side of the floor, at this time, I only felt a numbness in my body, it turned out that I was hit by the electric light, fortunately, my armor and life value are still relatively high. Once again, I went to the console, adjusted the skycrane to the center of my vision, and then passed through it to reach the small iron box with the spider monster on the opposite side. Do a flip and safely enter the passageway.

With no creatures, the entire passage seems empty and silent. At the end of the passage there are two barricades, which I crouch down and quietly burrow through to a silent hall. Finding a broken sewer pipe in the right corner of the hall, I jumped in without hesitation. I could only hear the murmur of water in my ears, and at this point I was unable to control my actions, allowing the flowing water to take me to an underground pool.

On the roof of the pool, covered with long-tongued monsters in all directions, I carefully swam through a gap in an anti-blocking fence on the left to the pool next door. Finding a ladder in the corner of the pool, I follow it upwards, cautiously bypassing the long-tongued monsters overhead, and crossing a couple of long corridors, I find a grenade on a table in the corridor opposite an iron bridge, and carefully stow it away before heading down the corridor, to the robot loading room. To the left of the iron bridge, a robot was busy at work, and to make it perform its job more smoothly, I detonated the obstacles around it. Then silently watched it leave. As the robot's back disappeared from my eyes, so did the crossbar in front of the ladder leading down, so I followed the ladder at the end of the bridge and descended into the venom-filled operations room. Using the iron box, walk to the iron door diagonally across from the console, flip the switch, take the elevator to the top, and eliminate the four fleshy electro-luminescent monsters. Then run up the ramp and push the cart containing the planks over to the tram, (crouch + jump button) jump onto the cart, then enter the tram and walk to the center of the tram, which starts up and takes me far away into the unknown.

Level 2 Retreat Retreat

I plopped down in the tram, dodging lightning monsters on the way. Eventually, the tram stops by a platform, and I'm just a few steps out of the tram when two lightning monsters appear behind me, and after destroying them, I pick up one of the pistols and ammo on the ground. Stepping into the room, I talk to the guard, who agrees to help me. We move forward together, ****ing together to take out the monsters in our path, when a closed door to the room blocks our way. Through the glass window, I saw the guard inside the room talking to the researcher, when suddenly, a dinosaur-like monster swiftly arrived and killed the guard and the researcher inside the room, and the moment it disappeared, a huge amount of energy shattered the glass in front of me. I jumped through the window and went to the door, waiting for the guard to open the door to the Security Room. I then went through the window into the room across the hall to get some supplies from the researchers. There is an elevator parked in the middle of the hall next to me, kill the spider monster next to it and ride the elevator up, when you get to the top, throw a grenade upwards, and with a lot of screaming, I collect some supplies. After adding armor, open the vent from the metal crate and drill in. This section ends in a soldier's dormitory, and loot is plentiful in this area. But by the time I reached the hall leading outside, the doors had slowly fallen. After a moment's wait, three lightning monsters appeared, and after destroying them, I entered the ventilation ducts through a break in the wall of the hall.

Third Level Lost

Following the passage, I come to a small room, kill the guarding lightning monsters, and drill into the ventilation ducts through the three levels of pipes in the house. There are two exits in the ducts, one leading to a supply room, and the one closer to the entrance leads to a section of corridor covered in red light. The floor of the corridor collapsed easily, and it was with great difficulty that I made it through this trap-ridden stretch to reach two huge fans. Carefully stepping over the cross bars on the fans I walked to the opposite window and made a mad dash to another room with four fans. Under the fan on the right side of the lower level, find the exit and safely descend into a room with flying fire dragons, pass through them one by one, and climb through the vent on the left into another room with flames. Use the lull in the flames to drill into the flame-receiving hole inside, jump out of the flame chute, destroy the charging mutant creatures, push the explosive crate labeled DANGER EXPLOSIVE into the flame test port next to it that says WARNING, and then go to the console and press the button. After a loud bang, a large hole appeared in the floor.

Go down the hole and take out a few spider monsters, then go through the opening in the wall to a platform with some supplies on the lower level. Jump off the platform and enter the gate where the car is parked, go left to reach storage room #2 and eliminate a couple of monsters around the corner on the right, then open the steel door on the left and use the grenade to end the lives of the monsters inside. Find a bazooka in the wooden crate on the steps. Turn the corridor, kill the two Stinging Dragon monsters, and jump through the gap in the wall to the platform on the opposite side. Go down the ladder to the ground level and enter the first floor via the destroyed elevator. Find the room with the warning sign (CAUTION) and slowly walk across the room, jumping to the top of the metal crate in turn before entering the corridor and turning off the power in the small room on the left, then jump out the other end of the corridor and return the same way you came back upstairs across the gap. Climb up the sagging rope and enter the corridor via the elevator. Find the vent in the corridor and push the crate in front of the door under the vent (be careful to leave a large space between the crate and the wall), then follow the pipe to the other side of the iron door. Open the door, push the crate in front of the cluttered door, jump over the obstacle with the crate, and use the gun to detonate the explosives in the house next to it. Push the iron box under the vent behind the obstacle. Drill into the ventilation duct and enter a small chamber, go down through the floor opening to the lower level and turn off the power, then follow the rope above the power source to reach a cluttered room, turn on the radio, press it twice, and the wall on the left blasts open. After talking to the reinforcements, walk over to the elevator and press the burst button, then the receiver opens the door to the room with a cutter gun and we walk side by side into the elevator to the next level.

Level 4 Reinforcements

Just as I stepped out of the elevator, several lightning monsters came at me head-on. After combining with my comrades to destroy the monsters, my teammates opened a steel door, and in the tin hut inside, I found a sensor bomb. Next, I continue up the stairs alone, and the rooms and corridors are filled with lightning monsters. After eliminating all the monsters one by one, I stopped in a room with a huge square table, and as I was just picking up a medical kit, a Lightning Monster suddenly jumped out of the opposite wall, and as soon as I ended its life, I immediately rushed in and eliminated the remnants of the forces inside. At the same time, I only heard a loud bang on the right side, which turned out to be the door being blown open. Walking in, I found that a big hole had also been blown open in one corner of the room. So I started my dangerous journey through the hole.

Carefully skirting around the long-tongued monsters along the way, I stop before a broken bridge filled with electricity. First, I use a grenade to clear the wandering electricity, then swing-like jump across to the other side. Following the path ahead, I make my way to a rooftop platform where my reinforcements have been waiting for some time. Conversation revealed that I had to find the wounded soldier, so I went back into the enemy armory through the pipe break in the roadside where the balcony came from. Use the time bomb to take out the two enemies behind the car, then find the wounded soldier with the cutlass behind the steel door on the right, and then move alone to the left side of the car. After eliminating the charging soldiers, use the grenade to blow up the iron door sealed by the horizontal plate, then use the gun to detonate the sensor bomb, use the grenade to blow down the automatic machine gun around the corner, and finally make it safely to the platform, then bring the medic to the wounded man. When the wounded man recovers, talk to him and take the two back to the platform. Stopped in front of the small door next to the barbed wire fence, had his comrades open the door and grenaded the automatic machine gun before his comrades could do so. At this point, the comrades stopped traveling with me.

I continued on alone and was joined by two friendlies in front of a hall. The three of them then rush into the hall at the same time, eliminating all the black-clad assassins, and after going upstairs and triggering the mechanism that opens the door at the tram access, the three of them run to the tram and start clearing out the enemies in the tram room. There are a lot of black-clad assassins here, and with the help of your teammates, you can successfully complete the siege (your teammates get a machine gun if they die). Then, at the end of the upstairs walkway, find the switch for the tram turnoff and open the turnoff gate. Next, alone, I ran forward along the turnoff and was ambushed by an assassin at the end of the turnoff. After killing the assassin, I jumped through the window into the next room and, using the iron crate and barrels, made my way up the sloping concrete columns to the upper level and came to the next level by the vents.

Level 5 Strange Encounters

Exit through the vent and replenish all values in the device that replenishes armor and life. Then turn down the corridor, press the door button, and return to the corner of the corridor, using the terrain to eliminate the six flying dragon monsters in the hall. As I made my way down the hall to the luminaries, a bolt of electricity snapped the beam above me. Jumping onto the tilted beam, I dove headfirst into the sphere of light in front of me, only to see blackness before my eyes ......

When I opened my eyes, a marvelous world appeared in front of me (was I in heaven?). . I first jumped from one stone cone to another, and used the updraft of the crater to leap to the top of a higher cone, picking up an electric light gun on the way, eliminating a few electric light monsters, and after a series of trapeze flights, I finally found the ball of light that was floating in the air. Letting the air-swimming meteorite carry my body to the ball of light, I was taken back to the world of the display.

Sixth Level Pink Body

When I can see what's in front of me, I find myself standing in a corridor. Going up and flipping the switch in the lower left corner, I stepped onto the elevator, and when it started, I could only see the scenery on either side of me flying down. Finally, the elevator stops in front of a door. Walk into the room, turn right, find the console, take out the two Stinging Dragon monsters, press the mechanism to release the researcher across the room, and after talking, take him to the research room to the left of the door, where he opens the first door. Kill the crocodile monster hiding inside. In front of the second iron door, the researcher was unfortunately killed by an electric light. I had to go up the ladder through the broken window at the aisle in front of the door. Various roars filled the air up there, and without thinking, I took a grenade in my hand and cleanly disposed of the spiny dragon monster on the floorboards. While I was checking out the floorboards, suddenly the wall in front of me cracked, and I rushed in to finish off the few Spiny Dragons in the room, and found the entrance to the ventilation duct in the corner of the room that led to the second iron door behind. Following the ducts, I arrive in an odd room, enter the elevator, and press the button, only to see arcs of light fly and sparks fly, while a strange force transports me to a room filled with seawater. After killing a bunch of mutated creatures in the corridors and houses, I find the vent in the lower left corner of the room, crawl forward along it and break a grate under my feet, then I fall as a pool of water.

Climb up from the pool onto the platform, and after teaching all the monsters a lesson with the grenade and machine gun, descend the ladder to the bottom floor, open the grate holding the shark monster, and then return to the pool the same way you came, take out your photoelectric gun, but then you see a flash of green light and the shark monster is vaporized. Then I quickly induced the water pipe next to the round valve, open the valve, empty the room of seawater, at this time, my loss of physical strength also began to slowly return to my body. When my body recovered, I walked into the room and turned the corridor, used a grenade to blow up the arc light in front of me, rushed into the hall, cleaned up the two spiny dragon monsters and two one-eyed monsters, got a biogun from the corpse of the one-eyed monsters, and after I finished equipping it, I entered the small chamber. Open the iron door to the passageway, walk to the light orb and jump into it, so I'm in Wonder World again. Find the light orb and pass through it to enter another chamber. Open the door on the opposite side, walk to the break in the floor, amble down and enter the tank through the gap at the bottom of the glass tank. Quickly coax the top vent down, smash the baffle, and jump into the waterlogged gallery.

Level 7 The Unreal

Turning the long corridor and following the sloping beams, I found myself at the Black Mountain Research Factory. Gathering up the spider monsters blocking my way and pushing open an iron door, I quickly ran toward the observation gallery on my right. The iron door at the end of the gallery could not be opened from the inside, so I had to return the way I came. After eliminating the two Spiny Dragon Monsters and a One-Eyed Monster that appeared in front of me, as well as the parasitic creatures on it, I blew open the observation window next to them and jumped into the open garden. While I was searching, suddenly, a huge scorpion monster appeared in the garden. Using the rocks as cover, I finally broke it into pieces after a fierce gunfight. Then, through the small, half-open door, enter the house, find the elevator, and ascend all the way to the top to the bio-storage room. Press the console button to the left of the door and get ten bio-bombs in the glass cabinet immediately next to the console. Enter Sample Room 1 (SPECIMEN CONTAINMENT ROOM) from behind the opposite wall.

After finding some supplies from the storage room, break the glass door at the end of the hallway and jump into the elevator. Then jump up to the top of the elevator through the opening at the top of the elevator. Climb the ladder to the end and turn around and walk to the surrounding ledge. Look for the glass door jutting out from underneath the ledge and leap into the hallway. Pass through a steel door and find a fork in the road ahead. I take the left path into the elevator and descend to the control room on the lower level, killing the three spiny dragon monsters in the chamber before shattering the glass of the observation window, and seeing that the monsters are outnumbered in the deep pit below, I throw a couple of grenades to give them a taste of their own medicine before running along the edge of the pit to the bottom.

The puddle at the bottom of the pit is a good pool of blood replenishment, but as for the other creatures, it's best not to mess with them. Enter Sample Room #2 through the small door at the bottom of the pit, pick up the Advanced Bio-Gun on the floor, turn down the corridor, and take care of one of the mutated creatures. The door on the right leads to sample room #1. I kept going and crossed a long observation corridor to reach a bio-storage room, extinguished the three electro-luminescent monsters in the room, entered the DATA CONTROL OPERATION, pressed the red button on the computer, waited for the virtual avatar of the Doctor to appear, and listened to his narration as I drew back to walk into the sample testing lab.

Get my third biological weapon, the Anemone Bio-Weapon, in front of the display case containing the anemone-shaped creature. Walk through the room holding the creatures to the broken bridge and destroy the spiny dragon monsters underneath and on either side of the bridge. Load up the Anemone Bio-Weapon and suck in the barnacle creatures on the ceiling across the broken bridge as I swing my way to the opposite side. Walked into the side room and killed a couple of spider monsters under the long-tongued monster-ridden roof. Pass through the elevator and corridor to the BDRC-101 test room, take out the two Stinging Dragon monsters and a one-eyed monster guarding there, walk into the elevator from the right path, go up to the corridor on the upper floor, kill the two Stinging Dragon monsters, push open the iron door in front of me, and a one-eyed monster looms in front of me. If you aim with the Advanced Bio Gun, you can kill it in one shot, then kill the parasitic creatures on it, then turn right through a stone-blocked passageway to reach the control room, and after finding some supplies, I realized that there was no way out of this place, so I returned to the test room the same way I came in. Enter through the small door where the one-eyed monster's body was, and follow the corridor to a clearing with two long-necked monsters. Carefully stepping around their demonic claws, I "flew" down the hallway inside the building with the help of a barnacle inside the gap in the high wall opposite. Follow the pipes to the maintenance room, find the radio, and receive your next operation order from HQ. After listening to the mission, turn off the power switch on the left side of the radio, then climb up the ladder and open the access grate on the left ledge, and follow the winding passageway to the lair of the pit worms.

Level 8 The Lair of the Worms

I crossed the pool and jumped across to the hollow opposite, where a few point-blank shots took care of the crocodile monster in the room. Enter the room, flip the switch on the iron door, and dash into the Black Mountain Institute's Waste Disposal Area #3. Climb the long, towering staircase across the room to reach the corridor and pick up some guns in the process, then turn left into Waste Station #1 in Sector 3. Open the small door across the way, only to see a massive one-eyed centipede monster (not quite a worm by any stretch of the imagination) in front of you. Bullets and explosives only tickled it, so I pressed the button in front of me and quickly jumped to the ledge, followed by running left into the maintenance tunnel, resulting in two Stingers in front of me, and arriving at a room with a broken staircase, where a burst of gunfire killed the defending Stingers. I then broke the wooden crate under the broken staircase, found the vent, and made my way to the wastewater console by the vent pipe. However, the entire console was a sham as the GEAR BOX and VALVE were not turned on. Waste Station Entrance #2 on the left leads to the GEAR BOX path, and Door #3 on the right opens the VALVE entrance.

Enter through iron door #2, quickly run over the ledge next to the centipede monster, enter the small door on the opposite side, flip the switch on the wall to the right, go through a couple of corners, K the few spiny dragon monsters along the way, go down the ladder, go through the holes in the wall and into the room piled with iron crates, flip over the crates, and enter a room with a wastewater leak. Fight off the long-tongued monsters on the ceiling, jump over the venom, and go up through the elevator to the console above, and after eliminating the spiny gargoyles guarding there, press the button. Look through the glass window in front of you, only to see the walls slowly closing in and iron crates shattering. Following the same path back to the narrow passageway formed by the closing of the walls, I looked down and noticed a vent window in the floor. Breaking the grate and jumping into the water, followed by climbing down a ladder to the floor and breaking the glass in front of me, I entered a passageway. Kill the oncoming crocodile monster, walk across the iron bridge, and flip the GEAR BOX switch. At this point, the water around me rushes over in a flash, I desperately run forward the way I came, jump into the pool, and when the water rushes to the top, I climb out of the vent I came from and return to the wastewater console. By now the GEAR BOX pushbuttons had power, and the remaining task was to find the VALVE switch.

I push open door #3, kill a spiny dragon monster, head up the ladder, turn a corner, walk to the steam console on the ledge, trigger the gate, and quickly retreat back down the corridor. Use the Anemone Bio-Weapon again to suck in the barnacles on the opposite wall, fly over the head of the Centipede monster, open the valves and switches on the platform, then quickly turn around and jump to the lower ledge behind you, and return to the Operations Room through the vents. By this time, the GEAR BOX and VALVE pushbuttons were ready. Pull down the main gate, only to see the centipede monster drowning in the rushing radioactive wastewater with a desperate scream. Once again, from Gate 3, I jumped through the ledge with the steam console to the lower ledge, climbed down the ladder to the bridge's console, pressed the button, and when the bridge was connected, I strutted forward.

Level 9 Masquerade

Opening the door, I enter a huge rectangular hall covered in toxic wastewater beneath the floor. After fighting off the long-tongued monster on the ceiling and the spider monster on the floor, jumping across the disconnected floorboards, I turn into a narrow room. Kill the crocodile monster and use the barnacles to go up one level to a steel platform, followed by a jump to a nearby iron bridge. Follow the ladder and climb to the flat ground on the hillside, when enemy reinforcements arrive by car. Quickly go to the container and grab the time bomb and machine gun, and rely on the cover of the container to eliminate four enemy soldiers armed with submachine guns. After searching the open space, enter through the slanted container next to the building. Easily take out the recalcitrant enemy soldiers with the Advanced Bio-Gun by virtue of the gap first, then burrow into the building through the gap under the wall to meet up with the reinforcements.

Exit through the door of the room with two soldiers and take out the two watchtowers and the enemies on the ground one by one, then go around the container and get the sniper rifle in the watchtower opposite the door (never aim to shoot at the explosives). Then go around the container under the tower and enter an alleyway leading to an open warehouse from behind the explosives crate on the other side of the watchtower. Kill the enemies in the open space and inside the house, and enter a hall through a doorway in one of the gates. I stuck close to the gap between the container and the wall to the center of the hall and turned left past a pile of iron crates. I heard only the sound of heavy gunfire coming from the hall. I waited for the gunfire to die down and walked in to start cleaning up the mess. Killed a one-eyed monster and its parasitic creatures on the ramp to the left and found an entrance on the floor between two container clusters. I grab my gear from the truck and head down the ladder, descending into the darkened tunnels.

There seems to be no sign of life here, only the sound of water dripping. Turning a corner, there was a sudden violent vibration in the earth, and I came hard and slow to a crossroads. Only to see a huge scorpion monster charging at me, I fight and retreat, painstakingly dispatching it back to its home, returning to the intersection, and after eliminating the remaining four scorpion monsters one by one, I burrow into the fence, walk to the other end, and sneak up on the scorpion monster next to the railing. Drill through the railing, run into the water corridor, climb forward up the iron ladder, quickly dash to the gate, trigger the gate to close it, and then eliminate the Stinging Dragon monster in the hall. Close the diagonally opposite gate in the same way. After bingeing on a tonic in one corner of the hall, I dive into the scorpion monster's lair through the semicircular cave on the opposite side. After repairing the six scorpion monsters and following the passageway to reach an upward iron staircase, climbing it and waiting for reinforcements to open the closed grate, I found myself back in the open-air warehouse.

Call your teammates and slowly make your way out of the house, using the terrain to circle the monsters outside (it's a good idea to protect your medic, there's a bug here that suggests storing a disk before the battle). After an intense gunfight, go through an alleyway from one of the containers, kill the monsters in your way, and engage in a fierce battle with the monsters in a compound piled high with red containers, and after eliminating the strange creatures, find the front of the crumbling gate labeled DANGER. I walked in and down the darkened passageway to a room, and after replenishing all my values, I stepped through the iron door and teamed up with my comrades on the opposite side of the bridge to kill the giant monsters on the bridge. Walked to the bridge, pressed the switch and blew the bridge, then drilled through the pipe at the bridge break, and almost climbed in front of the fence, suddenly my feet slipped, and I fell as in the fast-flowing lower pipe, and the powerful force of the water rushed me to an iron fence.

The Tenth Level Pocket

I turn around, take a few steps forward, and burrow through the mouth of the ragged fence on my right, finding my comrades at the turn of the canyon. Following them, I came to a river. The enemy was heavily armed on the opposite bank of the and. I quickly sprinted to the high ground, captured the enemy's heavy machine gun, and assisted my comrades in clearing the obstacle. Then, alone and against the current, I went ashore and passed through a section of the canyon to reach a patch of buildings. Using the terrain, I quickly ran under the building with the big gun on the left, then to the right into an iron door. Kill the guards inside and turn on the radio to receive new orders from HQ.

Get out of the door and K the two enemies that sneak up on you before sneaking up on the cannon man. Then go back to the concrete cover that opens on the cliff to the left of where you came from, drill inside, use the metal box to jump onto the pipe, then crawl all the way along the pipe into a small room, then pick your way up by the stairs. There's a branch opening in between that leads to a gear supply on the right. Go up to the top and find that I'm in front of the cannon. After turning around and killing the teleporting lightning monster, use the cannon to fire at the gate with the writing on the left. Blasting through the gate and shattering the monsters inside, and seeing few enemies, I leap down and push through the newly seen small door, carefully turning into the passageway, using the door as cover, and after eliminating the three one-eyed and scorpion monsters outside the door, I quickly rush inside the small door on the right side of the field. Take down the one-eyed monster in the dark corner on the left and go up to the roof through the back door. Dodge the helicopter attack and use the truck as cover to shoot down the enemy plane. Next, I go up to the platform and use the iron column to jump to the opposite elevated platform via the crate, then follow the ladder to a steel door. I leaned down into the iron door and walked to the far end to turn off the power, then returned to the raised platform and walked across the roof to the opposite side of the room from the wires that had been set up horizontally in mid-air. Find the vent and enter the room.

First take care of the Stinging Dragon monster in the hall, then slowly make your way down the slope, taking out the Scorpion and Stinging Dragon monsters on the way. At the entrance to the hall, two soldiers suddenly fall from the sky and I fire a burst of shots, turning them into a beehive. I then walk into the hall and kill the monsters by the car and up from the car to the upper floor. After listening to the guard's admonitions, I began searching the entire place. Shooting off the charging soldiers at point-blank range, then slipping through the half-covered steel door to the back of the truck, where a remote-controlled bomb sent two of the enemies to their deaths, then climbing into the truck and turning off the warhead's detonator. When I returned to the guardhouse, the guard wheedled open the door to the room. I found the elevator and pressed the button to go up into an unknown environment.

Level 11: Astonishing Bump

The rooms here are littered with crates, and assassins move in and out of them. I first seized the moment to take out a few of the running assassins. Then, choosing a suitable spot, I released all the bio-bombs, supplemented by machine gun bullets, and quickly cleared the area. Next, I used the cover of the steel crates to finish off the heavy machine gunners on the opposite side of the conveyor belt with grenades. Follow the conveyor belt forward, turn left to the iron crate, jump onto the platform, run to the other end, kill the soldier below, jump off the platform, look at the spacing of the conveyor belt and use the indentations in the two walls to turn forward into the room on the right. After eliminating the enemies above you here, take the elevator in the darkness up to the platform. Advance carefully. After eliminating the enemies, start with the crate in the corner of the room and jump step by step into a section of the separated corridor. Use your gun to eliminate a couple of scorpion monsters below, then jump over the two swinging crates, followed by jumping onto the red container next to it. Getting down and resting for a while, after the sound of the enemy firefight dies down, I drop down to the ground from the swinging crates next to me and start clearing the ground of the remaining elements. After completing the cleanup, and passing through the entrance surrounded by the containers, I came to a steel door, which the guards opened for me. After a short rest inside, I boarded the elevator and descended into a huge air duct. The strong wind blew me straight backward, and I scrambled as hard as I could, ran under the stairs of the duct, and through a steel door with a switch into an empty room, and following a rope in the center of the room, I climbed up to the upper floor, and in ? /ca>