Peking Opera insiders say Guo Degang is a bad performer, why are there outsiders who love Peking Opera because of Guo Degang?

Eat a mouthful of monk's meat and live a long life, curse Guo Degang and become a big hit. They have a lot of lesser people who don't get the traffic or no commercial opportunities at all will definitely curse Guo Degang.

The so-called experts and masters in the Beijing Opera industry are even more fond of scolding Guo Degang

I think, they see a silver lining. They are mentally rejoicing, hey! Guo Degang, this kid actually came to sing Peking Opera! Great opportunity! If I don't scold him a few times, I'll miss this opportunity!

The first thing to do is to scold him. First of all, I scolded Guo Degang no teacher, obviously a comic, not just a child with a small troupe sang some small scene theater? Or mainly commentary theater, and now come to mix with Beijing opera. What gives you the right?

But who knows, Guo Degang worshipped the master , officially worshipped under the unicorn child. This is the beginning of the time to scold something else, what the genre is not right, what the body can not, what the tone of the door is too high. It's almost like saying, "The tickets are too expensive for this son of a bitch! This is obviously not eat grapes say grape sour.

But what about the audience

I think you need to remember that the audience is not an expert, and they don't know what genre, what legacy, etc.

Many of the people who watch the show have no idea what to expect. A lot of us watch the show, it's all about people's first impressions, first we like the guy, then we like his stuff.

This has been true since the beginning of time. So why do people get scolded when Guo Degang can sing Peking Opera very seriously? I would like to say that these people who scolded Guo Degang, is a mule is a marathon to come out to sneak around. If you sell tickets, you can do better than him.

People rich people spend more than a thousand dollars to see a Kirin Society Peking opera, you say not too professional

obviously not to say that the rich have no taste? Would a rich person spend so much money to see a less professional theater? I'm not asking to be scolded! In ancient and modern times, the rich and powerful can only be held in high regard, but not on top! Kuo Degang sings Peking Opera, although a little less professional, but others are even more unprofessional!

Guo Degang singing Peking Opera is a cross-border

not a professional Peking Opera performance artist, singing Peking Opera is just a ticket, only an amateur hobby, that is, to sing as well as Peking Opera tickets, and again, Guo Degang said that the comic so good, if his Peking Opera sung into the level of professionalism, equivalent to a professional Peking Opera performance artist's bowl, can not be accounted for both ends. So, Guo Degang singing Peking Opera is just self-indulgence, Bo audience a happy.

People like Peking Opera to entertain themselves, and then a bunch of ticket holders come to play together

I don't understand, what is there to say about professional groups? It's like a square uncle with a group of people dancing, and I don't see any professional groups jumping out to say anything. The professional groups are anxious, proving that Lao Guo is not just the level of the ticket friends ah! Straight pressure professional it!

And then again, the amateurs did not intend to rob the professional rice bowl, this professional is the first anxious ? works are not much, the demon is a lot of fancy, can patience.