A 51-year-old aunt had been divorced from her husband for more than two years, and in those years before that she lived alone with her children.
At that time she felt very full and happy in her life, and did not feel lonely.
When her children went to college, suddenly the feeling of loneliness came to her, and it became more and more intense, and soon came the news that her aunt had found a partner for the rest of her life.
I asked my aunt if she was sure about this choice. She told me, "Silly child, he is willing to come to this strange city for me, willing to watch TV with me, eat with me, bring me enough warmth, is love!"
To put it mildly, the two of them met thanks to a cell phone, as the frequency of chatting between the two grew.
The aunt had a hard feelings for him, although in a different city, but in the end, that man for love to do the change, but also to give the two people's feelings a statement.
As the saying goes, thirty, forty and not confused, fifty and know the fate of God, at this age women seem to have no energy to fall in love, but true love still exists for them, because love does not distinguish between age, look at the heart of the person.
Fifty years old and after the age of the woman, have a family only seek their own life is plain and happy, never go to the luxury of so much, and they still hold their soul mate to their own is true, so they will insist on their own marriage.
However, those women who have experienced marital failure and want to find true love after divorce need to understand that the first thing is to learn to understand and trust a person.
After all, it is a divorced person, want to have true love, you have to worry about a lot of things, whether you want to find a suitable person, or want to find a sheltered harbor, you have to understand that the love is pure, can not be with distractions, otherwise it is very difficult to let other people believe that you are in the heart of the relationship to pay.
Even after this age, the true love is not so easy to have, the woman should not give up, as long as you are sincerely looking for true love, there will always be someone to understand your heart, and ultimately will find their soul mate.
In short, if you want to have true love in real life, first come up with your own courage and attitude, give each other a reason to trust you, true love will not be too far away from you.
A relationship, whether you are in love or marriage, or remarried state, the most important thing is that the two people sincerely treat each other. In fact, there is no marriage that is not the fruit of true love, only couples who do not run their marriage well.
Because before getting married two people are experiencing ups and downs, before the age of 50 these ups and downs are to verify whether the feelings between two people belong to the true love, and after the age of 50, the true love has become the fruit.
We tend to find that most of the older people downstairs in the neighborhood at night, as well as in the park, appear in pairs, and one person is willing to do something for their partner that they would not have done, such as square dancing together.
In fact, after fifty years old, true love is in a hidden state, and not so easy to be observed by outsiders, when you carefully taste the love, you will find yourself happier than anyone around you.
In short, true love is not divided into age, only after fifty years of true love is hidden, if you say that do not understand this truth, true love will be very easy to be their own missed.
Only if you put yourself in the heart, will you let everyone put you in the heart. In psychology this is the halo effect, and if this effect is used to explain true love, it means that true love still exists no matter what age you are.
Always have to hold the love is beautiful mindset, to feel each other's true heart, over time there will be a sense of happiness, two people get along, nothing more than have *** with the same topic, true love is nothing more than each other's understanding and trust.
Want to say to women after fifty, no matter whether your marriage has been broken, always believe that true love in their own hands.
Meeting the right person at the right time is true love, and meeting the right person at the wrong time can also be true love.
As long as they are dedicated to this marriage, they will eventually harvest a beautiful love, and finally, I wish all women can find their true love soon.