Learning pole dance, form and basic skills training is very important.
Only after a long and hard training. Dance has the same posture requirements, which is the dancer's posture is stretching upright, dancing always keep your head up, chest out, stomach in, standing waist, shoulder relaxation, knee relaxation, thighs and arms to tighten up, the beginner's physical training should be ballet-based, especially the practice on the barre is very important, in the barre can be trained to train the students' center of gravity of the vertical as well as upward extension of the body's ability to lift the body's ability to control upward, the first contact on the ground can be used as the first contact. In the first contact on the ground, you can understand the relationship between the upper and lower limbs in the movement and repulsion, in order to achieve movement coordination, beautiful and stretch.
Training muscle toughness and joint flexibility to improve the quality of the completion of the dance and the level of action, strength training to be able to have good body control and physical strength. Open taut upright Latin dance basic skills training plays an important role. But beginners often lack the patience necessary to learn the basic steps. Because the lightness of the pattern hides the clumsiness of the basic skills. And professional dancers often focus on the steps, not willing to put more effort in the basic skills. It is very important to train in the open and upright position.