Tomorrow, my servant will walk to you. Chinese lyrics and Romanization

Ki mi wo su ki da ke jya mo no ta ri na i

Jun を好きだけじゃ物足りない

Just liking you is not enough

a ko ga re da ke jya u me ki re na i

Longing for you だけじゃ埋めきれない

只是 longing for you can't fill the heart yet

bo ku wa ki mi wo su ki ni na t ta

Servant is good to you

I've fallen in love with you

yu u gu re no ka ze no nio i

Yumure no ki no ni ni

Breath of the wind of the evening

bo ku wa o mo i da shi te u re shi ku na ru

My servant is thinking out of the box

I feel happy when I think about this

ki mi no ko e so no wa ra i ka ta

Jun's voice その笑い方

Your voice Your smile

bo ku wa ki mi wo su ki ni na t ta

Servant is good to you

I've fallen in love with you

da re ni mo ma da i e te na i

Who's been talking about you

Haven't told anyone yet

hi to ri o mo i da shi te u re shi ku na ru

One person thinking out of the box

One person who thinks about this feels happy

so no ko e sya be ri ka ta

so no voice しゃべりfang

your voice your words

sa bi shi i ki mo chi

Silent Shii 気持ち


bo t su ri su ki na ki mo chi ki ra ri



hu ta tsu ku be tsu ga tsu ka na i bo ku wa

The difference between the two ga tsu ka na i minion wa

I who can't tell the difference between the two

yu u gu re ni ko ko ro tsu bu re te ku

Yuzuru ni ko ko ro tsu bu re te ku

Heart collapsed in Ku

Heart stolen by the setting sun

ki mi wo su ki da ke jya mo no ta ri na i

Jun を好きだけじゃ物足りない

Just liking you isn't enough

a ko ga re da ke jya u me ki re na i

Longing for you だけじゃ埋めきれない

Just longing for you isn't enough to fill up the heart

a sa no hi ka ri ga a hu re da shi ta ra

Morning light ga あふれ出したら


su ki to i u yu u ki mo t te



Expanded profile:

"Tomorrow, Servant or Jun will meet you". is the ending song of the World's First Love TV anime, written, composed, and sung by Wakaba (ワカバ), and is included in the 2011 album Tomorrow, Servant or Jun will walk. in the album "Tomorrow, Servant or Kune Oni no Raiku" released in 2011.

The worldview of "World's First Love" is similar to that of Nakamura Harukiku's manga "Romance of Pure Love," and adopts a different way of portraying it than "Romance of Pure Love," using a publishing house that is very close to the real thing as a stage and laying out its plot at the right pace with appropriate hilarity.

The title "World's First Love" (世界第一初恋) comes from the fact that the four stories depicted in the manga are all about various kinds of "first love".