Goodwill > 90 with the prince (as soon as he gives you the jeweled cheongsam that means goodwill is there)
Remember to go to the palace every month to meet people, first the jester, then the others, and possibly the prince. But don't go to meet the king and other kind of males, or you will be looked at. (It also increases reputation)
Here are the requirements and cheats:
Intelligence>450?, Charisma>500?, Self-Esteem>350?, Morality>300, Temperament>600, ? Affinity>330, Reputation>500, Relationship with Prince>90?, Magic<99?
Courses and part-time jobs: part-time jobs specialize in kindergarten. Learn dance after you have a course. (Some people also say study voice, voice to 300 and then learn dance, in fact, almost) the first year of the fall harvest festival competition, if you insist on non-stop learning can be to the top three, the same a little money. Wait until the temperament to meet the requirements, charisma, self-esteem and so on is almost the same, then study theology. Literature follows immediately after morality is satisfied. Around the third year it's time to go to the pageant starting with the Fall Harvest Festival.
Note and strategy:
Pay attention to the evaluation, the first person evaluation of your reputation, the second person evaluation of the body type, the third person evaluation of temperament charm and so on (wait for her to say that you seem to be heavenly fairies down to earth when you beauty contest will be invincible), the fourth and fifth on the king married is not important, you can not look at. Do not go out to adventure, gambling, do not go to those unclean working place (generally speaking just kindergartens, churches, governesses these professions on the line).It is recommended not to eat the magic egg, eat the magic egg will increase the magic. It's best to keep it for later when you can also add attributes through the Guardian Messenger.? It's pretty much the same after triggering 3 events: the prince takes you on a tour on a horse, the prince announces his identity to you (you don't know he's a prince at first), and invites you to the ball. The soothsayer that appears at 17, what you can't get out of him is almost useless you can ignore him. When you have full attributes, just take your time and wait.?
PS: Housework can add stamina, affinity and wrist strength
Kindergarten can add intelligence and affinity
Church can reduce rebellion and sin, and can add morality and faith
Dining room can add housework and cooking
Etiquette class can add temperament, manners and conversation
Literature class can add literature, feelings and self-esteem
Vocal lessons can add charisma and vocal music
Painting lessons can add painting
Cooking lessons can add cooking and chores
Combat lessons can add combat ability, combat skills, combat defense, and wrists
Magic lessons can add magical skills, magical ability, and magical defense
Dance lessons can add charisma, temperament, and Dance
Theology lessons add Morality and Faith
The Monastic Clothing, obtained by twenty successful church work sessions.
Dragon's Clothes, obtained by reaching eighty relationships with the Dragon Prince
Blue Veil Clothes, obtained by meeting your mother