Rising in the 1980s in Melbourne, Australia, some of the underground dance scene, its personalized dance steps and equipment (fluorescent pants, finger lights, masks) coupled with strong music, extremely appealing to the public, and therefore gradually become popular;
1992, in other parts of the dance in other parts of the overseas name confusion in this year Australians began to dance this dance called Shuffle. the name was The name was established. In December 2002, an Australian newspaper featured the Melbourne Shuffle on its front page, the first time the Shuffle appeared in the mainstream media. After that, it became popular in Malaysia and Brunei (where there are Shuffle competitions), and then spread to the UK, Germany, Thailand and other countries, and became popular around the world through the Internet, uTube, etc. In 2005, a DVD documentary was published to introduce the Melbourne Shuffle, and in 2006, the media that made it rapidly increase in reputation and popularity was YouTuBe, which was the first media to introduce the Melbourne Shuffle. In 2006, the YouTuBe video website was used to increase its popularity, and on September 6, 2008, the Australian media network10 featured Shuffle as a Hard Style Dance (HSD: Hard Style Dance). In November 2008, the "So You Think You Can Shuffle" dance show was launched on utube, and in 2009, the "So You Think You Can Shuffle" dance show's fan gatherings and competitions took place in Australia and Germany, and the Melbourne Shuffle originated from the underground dance scene in Melbourne, Australia in the 1980s. Melbourne Shuffle originated in the 1980s in the Melbourne, Australia underground dance scene. The basic movement of the dance is the constant switching of the heels and toes of the feet. In later years, rapid arm movements, 360-degree spins, and sliding steps were added to the mix.
<< Similar dances:
Shuffle, StompingFounder:
Underground dance troupe from Melbourne, Australia
Born in:
Melbourne, Australia
Who it was popularized by:
YouTube video site Originally the Melbourne Shuffle followed techno music, but as time progressed, the musical form of the Shuffle changed from techno to trance and house, and in the mid-to-late '90s, a documentary about the dance gained some attention. The dance gained some attention. It wasn't until 2006, when a foreign dancer posted a video of himself doing the Melbourne Shuffle on Youtube, that the dance began to gain popularity.
Because it originated in Melbourne, Melbourne locals call the dance "Shuffling", but foreign DJs, tourists and other people call it the Melbourne Shuffle.
In the 21st century, the dance became popular internationally
In the 2000s, the Melbourne Shuffle became popular in the United States, and in the United States, it became popular in the United States. Internationally popular
Shuffle began to spread to China around 2008, and in mid-2008 it was introduced into the country by the "Dontaku Singing" group, which established the first regular team, the "Ghost Shuffle", and in 2009 played China's first shuffle show in Shandong's Zhonghua Daren. In 2009, the first trailing dance program in China was broadcast in Shandong Zhonghua Darren, which was the first time trailing dance appeared in the mainstream media in China. In 2010, the BJS was organized by Beijing's Bad Boys, and in 2011, regional organizations and troupes appeared throughout the country, and all troupes were developing rapidly. Until 2013, the development mode of trailing dance is to use the network as a carrier, the dance group is mainly Youku video, QQ group to grow their own team, Baidu posting bar and other trailing dance learning and communication platforms have also contributed to the development of trailing dance and the growth of the dance group.