Upload square dance song "Butterfly Dancing" to share with you. The past is always hard to catch up with
The love of love has made people haggard Looking through a river of autumn water, I can't return Thirty thousand miles of weak water But I wish to take a cup of you I've traveled all over the world and the north and the south Just to meet your beauty It is so hard to love once Love is so drunken in the sky and the earth No question of what is wrong in the world and the world is right and wrong Butterfly fluttering p> The wind is blowing softly The mountain is connected with water and the water surrounds the mountain, and we will always be together I'll be with you in life I'll be with you in death I'll carry all the pain for you Wherever you want to go I'll go after you Butterflies are in love with flowers, flowers are in love with butterflies, and they're born to be a couple I'll cry and be heartbroken, I'll laugh and be drunk with love, I'll love you for life, I'll never go back